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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks Phil, never enough time in the day!!


How is D200 now? It was a bit temperamentle last time out. Looking forward to some pics of your hoppers :)


Cheers, Paul

Still not sorted! If it carries on like this will be having serious thoughts about giving up on her - or perhaps acquiring an original chassis to put the body on



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  • RMweb Gold

Still not sorted! If it carries on like this will be having serious thoughts about giving up on her - or perhaps acquiring an original chassis to put the body onPhil

Sorry to hear that Phil, I'm undecided whether to just stick with the old one rather than the new when I get my next 40 :(



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  • RMweb Gold

D200 now has additional pick ups on 12 wheels plus stay alive but the truth will be discovered next time we have the layout up! Apparently the next batch are no better - hope they havent done the same to the new Warship!


Theres a blue 25/2 going spare here - of any interest to you?



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  • RMweb Gold

D200 now has additional pick ups on 12 wheels plus stay alive but the truth will be discovered next time we have the layout up! Apparently the next batch are no better - hope they havent done the same to the new Warship!Theres a blue 25/2 going spare here - of any interest to you?Phil

Morning Phil, the older one is sounding more appealing by the minute!


Thanks for the offer with the 25/2, but I've just done a deal with Jinty with a 25 sorry Phil, although if it's still around in a few weeks I might be tempted ;) think I'll need a few 25's!!


Thanks again, Paul

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all, a couple of pics from last nights work on the box, I've added some wooden cladding above the windows using thin balsa and I've cut the windows out in the brickwork, these will be bricked up again but I'll be doing that once the original base is painted and weathered, as to give that newly bricked up look.


I've used a ten pence as a guide to mark the arches above the windows, I've then cut it free hand.



I've also added some plasticard behind the slaters brick sheet to strengthen it, ad so I can brick the windows back up.


And finally I've started making the arch this morning with individual bricks.


Cheers, Paul

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  • RMweb Gold

A bit more done tonight, once the windows were finished I masked the top of the box off and using wet das clay I've applied the mortar.


I've then cut the excess off and added the base of the box.


I've then added the mortar.


This took about ten minutes to dry.



Once dry I weathered the bricks using powders, sealing after each coat, then I used a fibre pen to remove various bits and repeating the process. Once I was happy with how it looked I bricked up the windows and filled the area with das, this was then given a light dusting of powder and then the whole thing was sealed.



I'm quite pleased how it's turning out and how much I've managed to get done tonight.



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A really interesting read Paul, there is some fantastic modelling here, I do find it very interesting what other people can do and a great source for ideas :)


I didn't know about the Heljan chasie issue .... I do have a few Heljan locos that are older as well as some newer ones is there a way of knowing if you have an expanding loco before the body explodes ??

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Hi mate it's not looking bad nice colour on the brickwork



Agree with Brian, the colouring looks excellent, nice and sooty, as they all did after the steam days!!!!

I was up your neck of the woods today, dropping the in-laws off at Speke


I didn't know about the Heljan chasie issue .... I do have a few Heljan locos that are older as well as some newer ones is there a way of knowing if you have an expanding loco before the body explodes ??

Well they should've started to grow by now I would of thought!!!!!

If your unsure, you could always pop the bodies off your Heljan ones whilst they're not being used, just to be safe!!!


Jinty ;-)

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  • RMweb Gold

A really interesting read Paul, there is some fantastic modelling here, I do find it very interesting what other people can do and a great source for ideas :)


I didn't know about the Heljan chasie issue .... I do have a few Heljan locos that are older as well as some newer ones is there a way of knowing if you have an expanding loco before the body explodes ??

Hi Anthony, thank very much for your kind words regarding the modelling, much appreciated :)


As for the Heljan chassis, I don't really know, but there are threads on this forum regarding the dodgy chassis, also as far as I know there are a couple of Hornby class 31's with the same problem unfortunatly. I think if you google it I'm sure you'll find a list of the running numbers etc. Hope that helps mate.


Thanks again, Paul

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  • RMweb Gold

Checked on Flickr before to find I'd been sent a message of Chris 'Edgehillsignalman' with some pictures of the box, it's an absolute great help indeed.





So a big thank you to Chris and an interesting colour of the wood work, a greeney brown by the looks of it.


Cheers, Paul

Edited by PjKing1
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  • RMweb Gold
Agree with Brian, the colouring looks excellent, nice and sooty, as they all did after the steam days!!!!I was up your neck of the woods today, dropping the in-laws off at Speke


Thanks Jinty, brickwork is not my strongpoint so I am really made up with it :D you could of said hello to the Mrs whilst you were there she works in Speke!! ;)


Thanks again and looking forward to meeting up soon.



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  • RMweb Gold

I've made a start on one of the sides tonight, using the same methods as previously mentioned.



I haven't glued these together but just wanted to take a photo giving a feel of how it will look.


Cheers, Paul

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You've done a good job with those window arches. After you've finished them, perhaps you could work out the quantum theory of relativity and then get 200 needles to stand vertical on their points, before sailing the Atlantic in a carrier bag.... they all sound easier than doing those arches.

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  • RMweb Gold

You've done a good job with those window arches. After you've finished them, perhaps you could work out the quantum theory of relativity and then get 200 needles to stand vertical on their points, before sailing the Atlantic in a carrier bag.... they all sound easier than doing those arches.



Ha ha thanks Derek, they where a bit er teadius to say the least!! There should be one above the door but it's a bit hidden out of the way so shhhhhhh don't tell anyone ;)


Right I'm off to try out all those things you suggested as they do sound a lot easier!!!!


Cheers, Paul

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  • RMweb Gold

Before I went to bed last night I thought I'd go one step further with the class 37 and narrown the bogie frames as their slightly to wide. This morning I will be phoning Bachmann spares up to purchase two new fabricated bogie sides. To say I £@(& up is an understatement!!


:( Paul

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  • RMweb Gold

Is it a bird - is it a plane?Noooo - Its Bogey man to the rescue!Hee heePhil

Ha ha your a life saver thanks Phil!! I've done the final touches to D6921 so just waiting on the bogies then finally finished!!


Thanks again Bogey Man



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  • RMweb Gold

No more progress on the box or the layout but I have managed to get this beast 99% finished, thanks to the bogie man paying a visit yesterday (you know who you are!! ;) )


I'll try an get some better photos tonight and hopefully a decent video.



Cheers, Paul

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