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Shock, horror! No old peculier at the Black Bull!

I know the weather can be grim oop north, but I always regard Old Peculiar as a winter ale, bordering on Porter, I drink plenty in winter, but not this time of year - phew, or I'm getting soft in my dotage.

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  • RMweb Premium

I know the weather can be grim oop north, but I always regard Old Peculiar as a winter ale, bordering on Porter, I drink plenty in winter, but not this time of year - phew, or I'm getting soft in my dotage.

I got a bottle of Old P in a 4 for a fiver deal at Asda recently, and was mega disappointed to see that it was only a shadow of its former self.  Weaker and much less sweet and fruity - it used to have an OG of about 1.061 (equates to about 6% ABV depending on attenuation) when I first supped in in a pub in South London, but this bottled stuff was "only" 5.6% ABV.

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I got a bottle of Old P in a 4 for a fiver deal at Asda recently, and was mega disappointed to see that it was only a shadow of its former self.  Weaker and much less sweet and fruity - it used to have an OG of about 1.061 (equates to about 6% ABV depending on attenuation) when I first supped in in a pub in South London, but this bottled stuff was "only" 5.6% ABV.


Quite a few ales have a variation in ABV between the bottled and on tap. I believe it is something to do with the different brewing processes.

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  • RMweb Premium

Quite a few ales have a variation in ABV between the bottled and on tap. I believe it is something to do with the different brewing processes.

Agreed, but in the case of ESB and London Pride, the bottled version has the higher ABV.  I can't find anything online that indicates that the draught and bottled versions of old P have different ABVs.

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Agreed, but in the case of ESB and London Pride, the bottled version has the higher ABV.  I can't find anything online that indicates that the draught and bottled versions of old P have different ABVs.

Ah, now yer talking good ale, Fuller's, London's (Fulham) best brewery, just give me the hoppy/malty tastes, can't stand this trendy craft citrusy, sickly stuff. :sungum:

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Quite a few ales have a variation in ABV between the bottled and on tap. I believe it is something to do with the different brewing processes.


The ABV could theoretically vary between individual brews. It could depend on the efficiency of the yeast during the brewing process and the purity of the sugars that are being fermented.


When you are dealing with 'live' ingredients, you cannot always (thankfully) predict the precise outcome, otherwise there would be no fun in brewing. 

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Ah, now yer talking good ale, Fuller's, London's (Fulham) best brewery, just give me the hoppy/malty tastes, can't stand this trendy craft citrusy, sickly stuff. :sungum:

Fuller's isn't even the best brewery in west London anymore. Have you ever tried  beers from Wimbledon, Sambrooks, Kew, or Ram? All have solid traditional styles in their range. From the other side of the metrollops, there is Bexley brewing and Hop Stuff. Both again very traditional and make great beers.

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Here's one for folk forced to shop and needing a quick refreshment.  In Westfield Stratford at the Stratford International end (John Lewis end) is Tap East.  It's a micro-brewery that has it's own branded beers and a good selection of guests.  I was in there last week- good to call post swimming (Olympic Pool nearby) or shopping if you need a rest/have had enough.


International is next door so you can slip out to see the odd Eurostar or Javelin speed through on HS1

if you like too.......

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S&DWatty, on 20 Jul 2016 - 13:26, said:

Here's one for folk forced to shop and needing a quick refreshment.  In Westfield Stratford at the Stratford International end (John Lewis end) is Tap East.  It's a micro-brewery that has it's own branded beers and a good selection of guests.  I was in there last week- good to call post swimming (Olympic Pool nearby) or shopping if you need a rest/have had enough.


International is next door so you can slip out to see the odd Eurostar or Javelin speed through on HS1

if you like too.......

Yep, well known to several of us. Johnny brews some good beers. Owned by the same people as the Rake and beer cage in Borough Market.

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  • RMweb Gold

A current favourite of mine, readily available in the South West is St Austell, Proper Black, coupled with Proper job two of my current favourites that I certainly will be imbibing a number over the summer BBQs.

Proper black is described as a "dark pale ale" a bit of an oxymoron but it's almost like a light porter and very flavoursome.

St Austell have just purchased one of our local (Bristol) breweries, Bath ales, which despite the name have always been based around the outskirts of Bristol. I'm sure the quality of their products will be unaffected and look forward to seeing more St Austell beers being available in Bristol.


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It's nearly that time again. Yes the Great British Beer Fest is only 2 and a bit weeks away. 600+ beers.


Anyone else attending? I will be starting with the trade session on the Tuesday.

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It's nearly that time again. Yes the Great British Beer Fest is only 2 and a bit weeks away. 600+ beers.


Anyone else attending? I will be starting with the trade session on the Tuesday.

Oh yes...5 of us are going, albeit on the final Saturday as per last year.

So easy to get to, and what a day out...Imperial stout aged in Islay whisky casks weighing in at 12% ABV and a texture like engine oil being the highlight, you'd be mad not to go!

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Had forgotten just how good this one was until I picked up a bottle today as Morrisons had no Wold Top Scarborough Fair, so I decided on something a bit more traditionally British and with no fruit to it.



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  • 4 weeks later...

Those of us disappointed by the cancellation of this years Minehead beer festival may be interested to see that Somerset CAMRA will now be holding the festival at Quantock Brewery just outside Bishops Lydeard station: http://www.somerset.camra.org.uk/viewnode.php?id=35461


The WSR are apparently offering discounted rover fares to CAMRA members, which is pretty rich of them all things considered...I think many will find accommodation nearer BL and give the railway a miss?

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  • RMweb Gold

Sidestepping favourites & the whole real/non real argument for a moment, but....


Has anyone else been in Morrison's & been miffed by their supposed 'Real Ales' section? ANY & ALL bottled beer is lumped in there, you'll be hard pressed to find more than two that are actually real.


I've spoken to a couple of Managers about this blatant deception (passing something off that it isn't), also contacted HQ, so I can only assume they're either blithely ignorant about what they sell, or they're happy to lie to their punters. If so, you might want to consider what other stunts they're pulling in the rest of the shop...

Suggest that you pass on copies of your correspondence to Trading Standards.

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