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Do let us know how you get on with those tiles Simon (and pictures maybe?) ... I've never been happy with what I've found on the market so far (but don't feel inclined to make my own either, so can't complain).


Right, I'm off to revisit the York Modelmaking website to see what else they have to offer :)

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Hello everybody!

Not much done this week - its hard getting motivated to wire - but I've only got half of the point studs left to fit and the plugs etc so I can have anotherp lay (and find all the faults)



Most of the week has been spent waiting for coats of paint to dry on the terrace, but its nearly time to give the tiles a try :D I reckon I've got a week or so where I can put the station end board up and finish the platform and viaduct front, so I'd best get cracking...

Lots to do - with 1 month to go!


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Hello Everybody!


All wires have been put into the panel, unfortunately I'm finding that I put some of them in the wrong order and can get the fiddle yard to work... hmmm... the other bits work though :D


Lots to do :(



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Hello Everybody!


Lots done today :D The pesky faults were found and the fiddle yard is now working smoothly - just have the station board to finish wiring and then I can kick back and play trains...


Pictures of wires are quite dull, so I shot these instead:


Testing out the exit switches on the outer fiddle yard


When I've fitted the plugs to the last board I'm going to have a big track scrubbing session - but its all looking rather exciting :D


Lots to do!



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Hehe thanks Mark - it was what I had to hand out in the shed! Bit of a crazy line up but will all be running on Gresby at the AGM... and they will be running because I finished all the wiring today! I'll have a running session at the weekend, but the next 25 days will be mainly spent making scenery.


Lots to do!



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Simon, I too have recently sat and read this little lot from the beginning. Impressive stuff.


Just out of interest, do you always make a sub-structure for your buildings, and then clad it? What thickness plasticard do you use for the inner? Looks quite thick?

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Hi Tom,


Thanks for your comment :D I do always make a sub structure for my buildings - I found on previous buildings that when I've only used a single layer of brick-sheet they've warped slightly, and the top layer is never strong enough to support roofs or withstand the odd knock - also I find thicker materials tricky to work with for detail work so two or three layers gives me the best of both worlds. For the inner layer I use either 2mm mounting board or 2mm plasticard (or both) and then Slaters English bond brick-styrene for the outer layers.


Hope this helps!



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Hello everybody!


The second hand-held controller came today, so after I made a few minor corrections to the wiring I was able to run trains past each other for the first time :D


I didn't think they were going at such high speed, must be because the camera was so close! 


Saturday and Monday I shall mainly be playing trains :D


Lots to do!



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Yep... playing trains!

One or two bits I needed to sort out today - I think some locaing dowells/bolts on the scenic boards will improve running... the main problem I'm finding is: NOT ENOUGH TRAINS!

Lots to do!


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Thanks Gloucester Road! Its taken a few years to build up but its been worth it :D

I've had another morning of test running today - theres been a few more faults found and fixed, and my first go with Bullfrog Snot, which was remarkable, I took a few videos (which is a bit tricky on Gresby, there being no real fore-ground to rest the camera on - can't wait to get my tripod out of storage!)

First up: The Northern Rail club train goes through on its way somewhere far more important

A pair of freights pass... nearly... the 56 had the Snot and was able to pull its train smoothly for the first time, unfortunately a slight kink in the track put pay to a seemless video...

Just missed everyone!

The Sheffield - Lincoln local departs



The pipe train (needs buffers!)

Time for a spot of work on the scenery I think...

Lots to do!


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They were called out, and shovelled what was left of the coal into their cars and went again!


Just a few more clips from this evening before taking the end boards down. :(


Firstly, proof that the coal containers will actually go through the station without endangering the people of Gresby


This was supposed to be one video, but its not.


I'm no sure if the seacows will be run at the AGM, I made them a long time ago and didn't make them very well... but the fiddleyard does need filling!


Lots to do!



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Thanks for your comments everybody!

Its been four days and it doesn't seem like I've done much... but I've not stopped!

This morning I finally forced myself to make the stairs up to the platform:

I'm just waiting for them to set before filing the other side level and painting them and putting the second side on... but with two weeks to go I thought it was time I got started with them!

Work has continued on apace with the terrace, just some sort of curtains and I'll be ready to put the roof on (unless there's any other prevarocation I can fit in between now and then)

This afternoon I'm going to build a warehouse and finish putting transfers on the bits of stock I've been tinkering with this week...

Lots to do!


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I hate Chimneys.

Hello Everybody!

I've had my first proper go with the York Model Making laser cut roof slate things. I have to say I'm impressed, they're maybe a little on the large size for old properties, but I like how they've turned out:

I thought I'd give them a go on a small bit of roof, just to see... they were ok (although a little big, as mentionned above) so I moved on to the rest of the roof



When the cement has fully dried I'll go round and touch up the brickwork, paint the chimneys, add the ground floor doors, the last bit of roof and then some details before fixing it to the layout.

Lots to do!


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Hi Simon,

As always the quality of your work is mindblowing. I was wondering if you could tell me what thickness plasticard you used to make the steps? I have a similar task of producing 5 or 6 flights of steps at some point and I think yours looks pretty good.


Keep up the good work.



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Thanks Stephen :D


The stairs are made from 1mm plasticard strip - which is strictly too thick for stairs but was all I had and they're pretty invisible from above on the layout - I used Evergreen item 149, which gave plenty of spare behind the tread for the glue and strength and wotnot.


I've got to make handrails later :O





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