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Hi Simon,


I'm just catching up on Gresby after my hiatus. You've sure been busy!!! The buildings are just amazing!


Your thread remains on my emergency 'scale wobble' list......every time I get drawn to bigger scales I come here and remember why I love n gauge!


Looking forward to being a regular visitor to your thread again .




Lee :D

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Aww thanks Lee! 


I'm glad I'm not the only person who gets 'scale wobble' - about once a year I get out the Bristol Board and try to build an O gauge tram... then it goes wrong and I'm straight back to exclusively N again!  Welcome back from hiatus, hope to see Rhyl progressing 





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Hello Everybody!


If you'll excuse the slightly blurry pictures, I've almost finished building the scrap van:





It still needs loads of work doing to it, I've not started the tail gate area at all and I'm not sure what I did with the fuel tank but its not far off... nothing a trip through the paint shop wont cure :)


Lots to do!




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Thanks Millerhillboy!  I would have rather been able to customise and weather an off the shelf flatbed transit but they're just not available - like all the other modern image British vehicles that I would want on Gresby - but its been fun to convert and I know I'll have something reasonably unique :D (and I've got a truck that I want to convert too so this was a good practice)


It won't be filled with cables - I want to keep the trains running - but the scrap men have stopped to pick this up off the roadside:



It just needs a bit of a clean up then I'll have to find my chocolate brown humbrol...



I finished the remaining bits of chassis and gave it all a base coat of black last night - not for a grimy detailed coat and pick out the other details and I think it'll be good to go


Lots to do!



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Almost done!  Impossible to photograph (but I'll have another crack at it if the sun ever comes out again)  There's a few bits of railings to put into the back, and I need to fit a tailgate, but its done :D Although, I may still fit a cab interior :(



I'm not sure where the hire van's going to go, but its been a fun little conversion - now its time to get that office block finished


Lots to do!



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would the cooker really be stood up?

From having seen a couple of scrapie transits around the place, they just seem to chuck it in and hope for the best :)

I'm not sure about the cooker yet - its not stuck down and theres more bits to add in the van - in my mind the metal thieves will be stripping out the disused warehouse/factory so it might be pushed at the back to make more room (if I can work out how to make radiators) but I'm not sure yet :-)


That scrap van is superb! A nice little original touch :)

Looking forward to seeing that office :D


Cheers Lee - you and me both!  I was sizing up filing cabinets to go in front of the upstairs windows after failing at horizontal blinds... must keep going!



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Hello everybody!

Not lots and lots done this week - but plenty of work, and bits that have needed redoing etc.

Firstly, I decided to extend the visible floor-space of the top storey, just so it looked better through the windows - while the structural bit was setting I glazed the top floor (which took two goes after I was too generous with the liquid glazing the first time round)

I need to work out how to correct the bend in the window frame - unfortunately the glazing is much stronger than the plasticard :(


I also made and painted and fitted internal walls:

I managed to get quite a lot of Krystal Clear on the glazing which took quite a lot cleaning up

Now to fill the space!

Next time I make this style of building I'm going to look at getting the frames etched.

Lots to do!


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Looking good as always Mr Simon - sorry to hear you have frustrations with glazing ...


I'm not sure what 'Liquid Glazing' you are using - but may I suggest a good glue I've used on windows and other things with success which is RCA Modellers glue.


It dries clear, is flexible for some-time after application - and the bond grows stronger over time. Similarly, it is nice and runny out of the bottle, but if you want to leave it a few minutes it goes like cheese on a pizza and you can use a cocktail stick to pull a strand of it along the edge of a fine surface.


On the down-side - The only thing with your current build is the architecture reminds me of my old secondary school - I keep expecting to hear a bell ring and the need to run to my next lesson!

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Thanks Graham & Lee! I keep finding other things to do rather than actually finishing it off :( but its getting there :D


Simon, your latest pictures seem to have disappeared! :O


Yeah there was a problem with photobucket, they're now uploaded directly on RM so should be showing. 


Looking good as always Mr Simon - sorry to hear you have frustrations with glazing ...

I'm not sure what 'Liquid Glazing' you are using - but may I suggest a good glue I've used on windows and other things with success which is RCA Modellers glue.

It dries clear, is flexible for some-time after application - and the bond grows stronger over time. Similarly, it is nice and runny out of the bottle, but if you want to leave it a few minutes it goes like cheese on a pizza and you can use a cocktail stick to pull a strand of it along the edge of a fine surface.

On the down-side - The only thing with your current build is the architecture reminds me of my old secondary school - I keep expecting to hear a bell ring and the need to run to my next lesson!

I've been using Micro Kristal Klear - but only to stick on the polystyrene glazing from an old Dapol box - its dried clear but there's still some marks from when I fitted it.  I wanted to avoid superglue misting and I worried that the evostick would melt the windows - I must investigate more types of glue - I'll look out for the RCA glue, it sounds just the ticket :D


It looks like my old school too - except mine was made with concrete pebble-dashed panels instead of brickwork


The top floor's crying out for some bored office workers sitting in front of a flip chart (or powerpoint presentation, according to taste). There's a challenge.

I've got some filing cabinets half built, and planned out the desks - it might be not be full of people though, just empty desks


Thanks again everyone - Lots to do!



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Ooo Gresby's 700th post! :D


Maybe have all the office workers stood out in the street after a fire drill? It would solve the issue of populating the inside of the building. :D

Hehe I could do Daniel - I need a think about what to do up there; luckily I've got plenty of things to do on the outside before I have to fix the roof on!


I forgot to say, the other reason I use RCA glue is because if you get it on glazing, you can roll it off with the end of your finger, an eraser or similar for half-an-hour or so after you applied it.

That's a handy feature - I find when I roll off evostick it pulls the whole 'bit' of glue out including the bit thats in the join - the kristal klear rubs off with a sawn-off cocktail stick but I've not been too vigorous with it on the delicate window wall.  What materials are the RCA glue best on?





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Hello Everybody!


I've been busy making office furniture:



Including of course, a photocopier:



I'm only going to detail the desks right in front of the windows, the others won't be as much.  Maybe these are something else I should have etched... or shapeway'd... if the next layout has a visible office interior at track level, they'll have moved out!


Today I took a trip over to Tonbridge - my first ever Model Show in the South.  It was a good show, great to see Smithdown Road, Banbury and Batty Moor, as well as some excellent OO(ish) layouts - and great to meet Gordon D and Shanks522! 


Also, I found that southern rummage boxes contain northern goodies:





These'll definitely come in handy :D


Lots to do!



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Hi Gordon,


Good to meet you too!  I did indeed get hold of a set of 158 bodies - they had 2 sets but I decided to restrain myself; I've already got two 3 car units and a 2 car in TPE livery :D





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