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  • RMweb Premium

Thanks Mark :D

I'm going to make it tomorrows mission to find a template for the downstairs windows - if it was just the one I'd just wing it, but I need four identical (or two mirrored pairs of) arches - and thats just for the ground floor! Today I got the upper story windows up to the same stage, although these have a flatter arch on the top, which I should be alright with.

This afternoon while I was leaving the upstairs windows to set I got slightly side-tracked by the frieze under the upstairs windows. Some side track, it took most of the afternoon, but its mostly glued down now :D

The first test fit. The smooth bit under the window is for a small false balcony, which having studied the real thing a bit more yesterday might not be any easier than spending another few hours on the extra length of frieze...

The bit that goes round the corner is stuck down and ready for the relief pillars and big corner blocks to be made. Maybe a job for tomorrow if I chicken out of the arches!

This building would be a whole lot plainer if it wasn't right on the front edge of the baseboard...

Lots to do!


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always a treat to catch up with this thread


it never fails to amaze me how bold you are with doing all types of scratchbuilt builds, no feature no matter how complex seems to put you off and you find a way of getting it done.


in the end you'll have something quite unique and far from 'out the box' and for me that's a great thing to see.

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  • RMweb Premium

Hehe thank you Millerhillboy, although I'm sure foolhardy is a better word than bold! Its been four days now and I'm still put off from doing the tops of the windows...

But I have been busy on the rest of the front. I've stuck the front on (except the stone sections of window) and added the frieze, the corner stones, the pillar things and the stick-out gable thing to the roof. Its all go :D

After this I might go back and rebuild the pub...

Lots to do!


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  • RMweb Premium

Hello Everybody!

After I finished tiling the sticky out bit of roof this evening I gave everything another test fit. It was the first time since sticking the front bit down, so the recessed bit of front needed a bit of adjustment. It'll be trimmed to fit when its ready to stick down, but thats a way off yet (windows... meh)

Anyway, here's a pic I took of the finished roof and the other bits fitting on:

There'll be a lead effect corner-flashing-thing where the roof goes round the corners, but I need to get the rest of it fitted first. I'm not sure about having a roof level window in the recessed bit of roof, but I don't need to make it just yet.

Lots to do!


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  • RMweb Premium

Hello Everybody!

I've actually done some windows! The less difficult pair, but its a pair done none the less :D

I'm not sure how much cleaning up I'd done before taking this one, but I'm sure I'd done some...

While I was on the roll I put the frames in. I chose square frames rather than following the shape of the window. The roofs being flashed on the corners so it should look better than this when its done. When the cement's fully hardenned I'll prime it and start painting round the windows - I can't build the last bit of back until this bit of fronts finished!

Lots to do!


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I take my hat off to you Mr Simon: There's plenty of really fiddly work in there I know, and matching up the various textures and shapes in N gauge is no easy task - but nevertheless you've managed to capture the essential architectural aspects of this building really well.


As usual I have a question, and this time it is to ask how you did the louvres in the in the narrow garret window at the top?





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  • RMweb Premium

Thanks Mark! :D I'm always happy to answer questions where I can, so fire away haha!

The louvres are just little strips of 0.75 x 0.25mm evergreen strip (pack 101 I think) that are cemented at an angle over the bottom ledge, and then sandwiched on top of eachother up to the top. if that makes sense?

Talking of textures, in the time honoured tradition of avoiding finishing the arched windows I started working on the goods lift at the back. I thought I'd have to build it in situ, which is why I didn't start building it any sooner, but I don't - its a separate piece

Here's where it goes on the building. The dark bit is a weathered-wooden undercoat, with will show through where the top coat will have flaked away, the foil will go a sort of rusty colour and the bricks will match the other walls.

The gap around the loading door is ready for the door, which I'm making separately.

Tin foil corrugated iron/asbestos and wooden cladding. The window frames are also to look wooden.

Lots to do!


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"The louvres are just little strips of 0.75 x 0.25mm evergreen strip ... "


I just knew you were going to say that you fiendish devil you - but I just had to check all the same. Neat work :)


The tin-foil header to the lift shaft is another nice piece of work. Can't wait to see it painted up.


Out of curiosity do you use enamel or acrylic paints?

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  • RMweb Premium

Hehe Thanks Guys :D

When I'm working I normally do 1 or 2 hours a day modelling, but I've just finished a contract so I've got a bit more free time...

Ha yeah its always the Evergreen Strip Mark - I get the cold sweats when anythings a size I don't have and have to cut something level... or even worse; circular! Everything is painted with either thinned-down Humbrol or Precision enamels - other than the concrete hardstanding and the soil hillside which are Games Workshop acrylics, which I didn't get on with :(

I would have liked to experiment with building in card, but everythings all packed together pretty closely I wanted to keep it all looking consistent - which meant plasticard and tinfoil all round. Maybe I'll give it a go on the next layout though?

This evening I clad and painted the last of the corrugated bit of tower and got on with some of the less sane details I've added to this building:

The bottom of the lift. I'm pretty sure its visible...

...if I have the lift door jammed open... or missing... hmmm... its right at the front of the layout though so its bound to be visible... with some debris in the bottom

Lots to do!


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You'll probably get some light coming down from the windows above too - which could cast some small interesting pools of light on those beams and the bottom of the shaft :)


In my office there's still one of those old-fashioned sliding-gate lifts, and for years it's often been the case that people don't close the gates after them because they assume they close automatically ... so the gates are left open for long periods of time (much to the annoyance of those on the top floor because the lift won't then operate).


Maybe yours is the same? All you'd need is a little Microstrip painted a metallic grey stuck to one side of the entrance (perhaps with a brass handle on it) to represent the retracted gate that's been left open :)

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  • RMweb Premium

That sounds a good plan - I've got the door frame to finish and maybe the door left half open (its an exterior door so it would be panelled but zig-zaggy but still hand-sliding, if that makes sense)


I've also got a scrap van to park outside :D





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  • RMweb Premium

Hello Everybody

I've had a lazy couple of days here, but I did get some painting done. I'm not sure about the results though

I painted it dark green, and then I decided it was too dark and went for a more faded green, but it didn't come out faded, just lighter and dentist-ish... so I'm not sure what to do now!

The corrugated bit came out aright, but it needs rust adding, and patches of the colour I eventually choose for the woodwork

The inside of the lift is slightly more visible than the photo suggests, but I think I'll dirty it up a bit and call it finished (then get started on the doors)

I'm going to set the windows as my afternoon challenge!

Lots to do


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  • RMweb Premium

Hello Everybody!

Whisper it... the downstairs windows aren't looking too bad, after a false start or two:

post-6199-0-99630100-1500064873.jpg post-6199-0-49666700-1500064874.jpg
Step 1, stick rough shapes of thin plasticard around the window on top of aborted attempt in making arches (see right). Make a semicircular guide and draw round it. Draw outside of arch.

Step 2, cut and file round the pencil lines of arch. They're slightly wonky, in a right-handed kind of way, and they need a bit of detailing adding to carry some moulding round the top of the arches from the horizontal bit (it'll make more sense when I've done it than describing it) but I think they'll do just fine...

Fitted in the front. Looks OK. Must finish them...

Lots to do!


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  • RMweb Premium

Hello Everybody!

They just need a bit of tidying up at the top of the arch where I bent some plasticard round to give a sort of ridge and then changed my mind... but I can get on finishing this 'ere building now :D

Lots to do!


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  • RMweb Premium

Thanks Bernard and Mark! I'm pretty sure that other than the cornice, the lift doors and sticking the glazing in, the building is pretty much built - just the painting to do now!

I had to paint the windows before I could stick the bits of wall up (the window surrounds on the right aren't stuck in yet, they need glazing before they're stuck in and the glazing is still drying) The interior needs dulling down and I need to board up the cellar windows (I can't finish the roof until I've finished the interior and done all the glazing... I'm glad i didn't write out a project plan for this building!)

I want to get it finished this week...

Lots to do!


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  • RMweb Premium

Hello Everybody!

Lots done this week, including a quick housemove...

I painted the interiors and varnished the glazing for the building:

post-6199-0-50586500-1500064498.jpg post-6199-0-60339000-1500064497.jpg
Interior: pre-painted (painted it was just shades of brown, which wasn't very interesting and can't be seen through the dirty windows) Glazing: I painted it with thinned down matt varnish to give the weathering something to key on to, but it dried really grubby, which I quite like

I glazed all the windows, fitted the interiors, stuck the baseboard-edge-wall on and fitted and tiled the last bit of roof.

post-6199-0-62984300-1500064499.jpg post-6199-0-41454600-1500064500.jpg


post-6199-0-11036800-1500064501.jpg post-6199-0-38160000-1500064502.jpg


post-6199-0-09900800-1500064503.jpg post-6199-0-16831400-1500064504.jpg

The roof needs flashing, and finishing off - and the cornice, pediment and goods lift fitting - and all the walls need painting - but its pretty much done. I'm not sure whether to add a roof window to the big plain front bit of roof, because it doesn't look ornate enough compared to the rest of the front, but I'll think a bit harder before cutting any tiles away

Lots to do!


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  • 1 month later...
  • RMweb Premium

Hello Everybody!


Not much work on Gresby for the last few months - I've been concentrating on stock instead (which is on my workbench thread) - but today I took the oportunity to take some measurements so I can start on the next building:



I think its either going to be a CLASP building based on the one on Cow Lane in Newark, or a 60s/70s style BT exchange based on the one in Ashford, Kent.  You'll be the first to know when I decide :D


I was putting a video on the workbench thread and found this I hadn't posted before, so from the vaults - here is a diverted freightliner running through Gresby:


I'll have to dig the wagons out to see if I've finished them yet.


Thats all from Gresby for this year, lots of things to do next year - buildings to finish, a sky to create, points to wire and details details details.  Thank you for all your advice and encouragement through the year.


Merry Christmas Everybody  :D



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • RMweb Premium

Happy New Year Everybody!


I've been busy since boxing day, I've been detailing some stock (including the wagon I got for Christmas) but yesterday, in honour of being ill on New Year's Eve I got the office building out to work on the cornice I had been putting off.



The first row of cornice took most of the Sound of Music, and then the top bit took me most of the way to Midnight.



I finished it off this afternoon after it all set solid over night - better for filing and cutting



The finished front, it just needs painting and the pediment building (I've worked out how I'm going to build that now)


I've also been working on planning the building in the back corner, which will look either like this:



Or like this:




Lots to do!



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