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Hi Simon,


Those tunnel walls look very good. Do you heat/ warm the plastic before you form the curves? I have to do something similar myself and not looking foward to that job at all.


Gresby is really coming on leaps and bounds now, keep up the good work and especially the posts - really enjoy seeing the developments.




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  • RMweb Premium

Hi Lee,


Thanks for your comment :D I didn't boil the plasticard this time, I just rolled it up really tightly after I'd cut it to length, it didn't seem to un-culr over night, but when its painted I'll glue heavy card bracing onto the back, just to make sure.





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Looking great Simon!


Reminds me of doing my tunnel lining. It was HELL!!!!!! Although mine didn't curve, it met the portal wall at a skewed angle, so getting things level etc was horrible.


In the end I built a square box shape tunnel surround the width and height of the lining. I boxed off the end minus a portal big enough for the trains to pass through. After painting everything black, it was much easier to get the lining in and looking right, as I could just turn it upside down and fiddle with it , while using bulldog clips to hold it in place.


Bit late to be of any use to you now I'm afraid mind.



Cable run looks a neat little detail there :D





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  • RMweb Premium

Hehe thanks Lee! If the tunnel had been straight I would have done it like that, but I needed to make the curve in situ :( I can see why I've been putting it off for two months... but the end is in sight!

After leaving it yesterday to fully set yesterday I got cracking with the cabelling tonight:


Good old staples! I would have painted it tonight, but I needed to use quite a bit of superglue to hold the cables down:

I'll paint it tomorrow...

Lots to do!


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That tunnel looks the business and the cable detail is just great. How did you make the cable holders, did you say they are staples?


Oh dear, I really must crack on and get mine done now...




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  • RMweb Premium

Hi - thanks for your comments guys!

The cable holders are made from staples, cut just after the bend with the long side pushed through a hole in the wall - they're mounted on a 0.25mm thick plate (although I was a bit sloppy with the drill so they mostly missed the plate) - they stick out about a mm. I wasn't going to bother but the tunnel mouth is really big and I saw some pictures taken inside Cadeby Tunnel and the cables seemed quite prominent - so up they went.

Here they are after the first coat of blue:

I'll pick the holders etc out in a rusty metal colour and the cables in black before weathering the whole lot dirty black - it should show up!

Also tonight the (almost) final paint on the bridges:

Just some rust to go underneath and on the front and I can finish the viaduct.

Lots to do!


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Hello everybody!

Busy day hiding in the shed today - the wiring wasn't touched but I did get the last bit of viaduct glued in place:

There's a few bits and bobs to finish off, the coping stones, bridge-holder-things for the front bridge, the front of the viaduct (which I need to match up to the front on the other board) and a bit of errant vegetation.

Borrowed van on the raised up road (tomorrow's job) I didn't want all three bridges to be the same height, so they aren't.

The new bridges from the top... pretty much the same as the other ones, but shorter

I did a bit of painting in the tunnel today, it needs dirtying up some more and it'll be ready for sticking down :) then it'll be time for wiring, landscaping and buildings...

Lots to do!


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Cheers for your comments guys! I've not done any more work on the tunnel today, instead I had a lie in and then worked on the road bridge I put in place yesterday... its turned out OK:

I really aught to sort out some sort of background.

As always, the time was mostly spent on masking out the road markings:

The dotted line just sort of stops because there'll be the other side of the access road and some houses, so I'll finish off the markings when they're built.

I think this chaps looking across the road, or just ambelling along but he seemed right for the pavement (and I have no idea where I got him from other than being in my tin)

The mess in the old doorway. I didn't realise it wasn't quite light-tight, but I'll see about closing it up from behind and maybe adding some bits of wood or something.

The man from the platform.

Another picture of today's finished work. I just need to do the bits mentionned above and build the 4 buildings that go around the bridge.

Lots to do!


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Hello Everybody!

Just one picture tonight - the tunnel's stuck down :D

I weathered the inside, and stuck it down and ballasted, I need to get the top of the hill finished and I'll be able to weather and detail the tunnel mouth...

Lots to do!


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Excellent work Mr Simon - I love the view under the bridges and solitary man - it all adds to the atmosphere you are creating.


I'm following every update, although only commenting from time-to-time :)

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Thanks for your comments guys, I must admit I'm quite pleased at how the new road has turned out - a nice contrast with the busier station street :D

I've been quite a busy boy tonight - I had planned actual carpentry tonight but the battery went flat on the drill, so I'll have to finish it off tomorrow; but here's the control panel progress so far:

Proper impressive haha. These holes correspond with holes in the underside of the panel and pass the wires up from the plugs underneath the layout. They'll all be boxed in when everything's wired up.

For a bit of added darkness I made a box to extend the tunnel round the corner:

It'll have a removable lid and I'll paint the ballast inside the tunnel dirty black after the first few inches.

Today was a quiet day at work, so I drew the house that will go in front of the tunnel:

While the drill charged I transferred the plan to the plasticard, and then cut it out:

Its not as big as I'd originally envisaged, but thats OK... there'd originally been an extension out the back, but when I double checked the drawing against the plot the extension had to go

Lots to do!


P.S. Daz I've been watching your conversion to O and am dangerously close to starting the long threatenned O Gauge Trams layout when Gresby's finished :D

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Hello everybody!

After two nights of carpentry I have managed to finish the socket plate to go under the baseboard and sort out the mountings for the control panel :D

This goes under the baseboard to plug all the cables in, and passes the wires up to the panel.

The panel. I thought it might be slightly lower than this, but nevermind - the good thing is that its high enough to work from the front when I'm at home.

Days doing heavy work never feel like time well spent - but they have been... wiring next :(

I need to get a transformer (2 running lines - hand held controllers, points and signals) does anyone know which would suit my needs best?



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Hello Everybody!

Another evening spent wiring :( but progress has been made :)

Under the board (I forgot to buy little screws today, hence the tape)

On top of the board. I'm going to get the other plugs on tomorrow and then feed all the wires up in to the control panel...

Lots to do!


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Cheers Dave! I added another 91 wires to that mess today - all labelled and on a big list - so it might even work when I come to add some switches :D

This afternoon I got the last of the wires from sockets to the panel, and then into the actual control panel itself:



I forgot to buy little screws again but they sockets aren't going anywhere. It still looks pretty crazy inside the panel box, but at track level it looks fine:

The wires will be boxed in, and I'm toying with the idea of painting in the isolating sections but aside from a few droppers on the other board - and the point motors - the fiddle yard is finished!

I'll try and do some exciting/interesting/less dull than wiring updates this week...

Lots to do!


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ermmm yeah, good luck with your sanity!!


most modellers nightmare is the wiring, at least it is mines.

I've got a second sub-panel on my workbench awaiting wiring. I just can't get round to it, so far I've built a pair of grampus wagons, started adding headcodes to a Farish peak, started scratch building a signal box. All to avoid doing the panel wiring.


Keep up the good progress though, I admire your commitment to the cause. I wish I had 10% of what you've got.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • RMweb Premium

Thanks Millerhillboy! Unfortunately I ran a bit low on what I've got so had a week off from it... but fear not; tonight I ventured out into the shed and got cracking with the layout! There's only 10 weeks to go :(

First job of the night - finishing the last of the plastering which should have dried enough to go brown by the end of the week :D

Next up, a historic moment:

The first wire connected to the terminal thing, by the end of tonights session I'd attached all the wires for Board 1:

... Just five more boards to go!

At Nottingham show I bought a transformer and power supply thing, so we'll definitely have trains moving at the AGM :D

Lots to do!


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