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Good to see some progress......


Are you going to clad over the existing roof?

If not then beware of condensation from single skin steel sheeting....

You'd probably thought of that but risking teaching granny to suck eggs....


Cheers Bill

Putting on top of the existing felt. It's stuck down too heavily after the last patching.

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Roof arriving Wednesday.


New loco arrived yesterday.


Those that follow Gurney Slade will know that I run alternative histories, ie, what ifs. One of these is What if the Western Region actually invested in the S&D, instead of running it down. This gives me the chance to run my favourite diesels, hydraulics, and a few xGWR steam locos. Which brings me to the 'new' loco, a 'Night Owl'. Brought in to take summer excursion trains over the Mendips without the need for double heading.



Edit to add. Just put 33 wagons on and it successfully started them on the 1in46 between to bottom (Bath) end and top(Evercreech) with no slipping. That'll be good for those fast Poole-Avonmouth perishables. :sungum:

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  • 1 month later...
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Away on holiday at the moment, but as there was an exhibition in the area, I though, why not. Sydney Model Railway Exhibition at the Whitlam Leisure Centre, Liverpool, NSW.

A few photo's, all Australian railways. There was a few US, but no UK layouts.















And finally, my model railway souvenir. Goods brake van, yes, that's correct, used between Sydney and Melbourne, rebuilt in 1962. Accommodation is for drovers, as these were mainly used on sheep and cattle train. That's what the website says.


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So, what am I up to in Australia? A few days in Sydney to get myself accustomed to the time difference. Did that pretty well by staying awake during the first leg to Singapore and getting a couple of hours kip on the leg to Sydney. Hotel let me have my room early, so after 4 hours wandering around near the bridge, I was able to shower and have a rest from about 11:30am. Back out in the evening to Circular Quay. Two more nights here, then I pick up a camper for 15 nights. So heading up to the Blue Mountains Wednesday and Thursday, hang around there for a couple of days, then next Sunday is Bathurst. Then going to head down south towards Canberra, hit the coast and work my way back to Sydney for two nights before heading home.





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  • 2 months later...
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Hardly been out in the shed since my return from down under and only done very limited modelling. One little job I did do though was to fit oval buffers to 70045 Lord Rowallen. It carried them after a collision in about 1962(?), though I saw a photo the other day, supposedly taken in 1967, which shows round ones. Was it refitted later, or is this date incorrect? The ones I used are Markits, but they are far too long, so will be fitting some Comet ones in the near future. Also another job planned is mods to my Clan. I have already renumbered and renamed it to 72012 Canute and with their supposed steaming problems, was considering fitting a double chimney, or *cough* a rebuilt WC/BB one, or even a Giesl Ejector, along with oval buffers. As it was never built, no one can say I'm wrong.

 Other projects in the pipeline include a CRT Models Scenery van, a pair on Ian MacDonald Palbricks and a Cooper Craft S&DJR 3rd(secured by offering not to publicly embarrass Mr Dunn at a busy Railway Exhibition about the money he owed me for two kits).

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Mods to 'Clan' (would the Southern loco's be called Clans?) done. Double chimney and oval buffers. If anyone can provide me with photographic evidence that this loco never had these, I will most certainly change them back.





Also, this beauty arrived a few days before I went to Australia. I understand they visited Bournemouth in their final years and we know how good the S&D were at 'borrowing' loco's.


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  • 1 month later...
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Still not much done, but with warmer weather on the way, I hope to indulge in a little horticulture, courtesy of Busch, Noch and Woodland Scenics.


In the meantime I have been on holiday again, third trip on Hurtigruten. The Stationmaster has a lot to answer for. Saw the photo's of his trip in 2015 and now I'm addicted. Saw lows of -20°C in the far north, but fortunately with little wind. But one day we had 45mph winds with air temp of -16° and that felt bloody cold out on deck'


Also I would like to congratulate my work colleague Ian Morgan on his layout Meanach appearing in Model Rail this month.

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  • 1 month later...
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Hate to say it, but I think I'm becoming bored of this layout. Maybe I need something to get the mojo again, or perhaps going off in a different direction altogether. The planned US N-gauge layout has been abandoned, with the rolling stock shortly going on eBay.


Watch this space(or maybe not)

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I can sympathise with you.......


Sometimes a new project can get one going again & rekindle the enthusiasm.....

Doesn't have to be a big one but just something to start you going again....


Will watch with interest


Cheers Bill

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  • 3 months later...
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Almost exactly 5 years from the start of this layout and three from it being pretty much completed, it's time for something new. A change in scale and gauge is now now on the cards. I won't be leaving the S&D completely, there are plans to use the loft to model between Combe Down tunnel and the short tunnel at Midford. This will utilise the viaduct for Tucking Mill, but the rest of the buildings will find their way on to eBay. The loco roster will also be much reduced and many wagons and a few coaches will be looking for new homes.



Well I think I get much more pleasure out of building a layout than actually running it. Is anyone else like that? Anyway, the new layout will be H0n3, H0 scale with 10.5mm track, representing 3' gauge. Part of the appeal is modelling somewhere that has been visited and is not just outside my window. H0n3 is quite well supported in the US, but a little more difficult to get hold of over here and maybe that's part of the challenge. Fortunately Peco produce track, so that solves the biggest problem. Further info on the as yet un-named layout here:- Colorado NG. 


Anyway a few more running sessions to have while I wait for a structures expected early August. After that, Dr Beeching arrives.

Edited by JZ
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I've enjoyed following your progress so will miss Gurney Slade  when it's gone.......

Some excellent modelling producing a very nice layout......


I'm much like you....

Really enjoy the building of layouts & hardly operate them when satisfied all works as it should....

Just have fun adding bits & pieces to it.....


Good luck with your new project....

Shall look in & see how you're getting on....


Cheers Bill

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2 hours ago, treggyman said:



I'm much like you....

Really enjoy the building of layouts & hardly operate them when satisfied all works as it should....

Just have fun adding bits & pieces to it.....


Good luck with your new project....

Shall look in & see how you're getting on....


Cheers Bill

This plan is quite ambitious, so the build time will probably be longer than GS. Hopefully base and track work can be done in a few months so I can get things running, but the scenery will take much longer.

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Hi Jules, Good to see your Holiday pics, (YES I know, I'm late to the party yet again).


As for Mojo and different Layouts, since Christmas, (well New Years Eve to be precise) I have built a small O Gauge Layout, (Bala Town), and two 4mm Layouts, Kingsmill (Midland Road) TMD and Mason Street (Goods), all these were quickly sold on E-Bay and have funded some more O Gauge Locos for Seven Mills Sidings, my long term project.

And last week I started on another 4mm 17ft x 16 inch project, New Mills, so, ''A'' I never get bored, and ''B'' there is always a different challenge if for example I get fed up with wiring, I can switch to the other side of TOPS, (The Old Potting Shed) and do something completely different.


Since I had the Kadee Magnets from you, I have also built and sold, Pencarne, West Shed, Porth Merryn, Pen Y Bont and Kings Moreton, so loads of planning constantly going on in the Brain box.


Good luck with your next great project mate.

Edited by Andrew P
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