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That's some nice work there dude.


It really doesn't take long to get something great looking put together when scratchbuilding.


I'm going to get some basewood after payday and get cracking with some scratchbuilds of my own - you have inspired me, good sir! :D

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Today on a course learning how to use a laser cutter. I am sure it's not as easy as draw something, program and press zap but will be interesting to see the process. Found time to first coat the garage equipment and add the dirt to the back yard of the garage. Using sand dirt mix from Menasha layout.

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Laser course interesting and of course the laser is the tool that produces the end result. How the work is drawn up using the computer package is the key. Just need to find someone who has CorelDraw!


A day at Meadowhall beckons and no Modelzone any more to visit. Just a little time this morning to stsrt mocking up the garage scene


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Well I did wish this morning and indeed it turned out to be an epic bus duty which should only last 10 mins being 30 mins in the pouring driving rain, soaked kids without coats and a bus driver who took his time getting them on board! Final total of 3 umbrellas blown inside out and binned with another 3 being coaxed back into life!

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Busy time at work as work being scruntised so under the microscope so limited time for projects but found time this morning to start to construct some mow handcars to go with the huts. Add a few planks, oil and grease barrels with random rail lengths and could end up as some sort of mow storage/ repair no longer sure what function huts used to have scene.


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If the rest of the build goes as well- not! As with these examples the scene will be more about abandoned and un repaired items than whole! Plastic is very brittle and does not care to snipped or cut through off the sprue without some vital part remaining attached. Holes are minute but even if carefully reamed out with finest reamer plastic disappears! Perhaps best to try something else today


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