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Mam breaking wrist in a fall and the ever looming Wakefield and Warley Shows is going to put big dents into possible Vime Street modelling time but with wife away in Germany for a few days might even get some kitchen table time!

Edited by enginelane
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Mam doing OK as the break is on her hand that did not work after the stroke but the weight of the pot and sling makes her unbalanced. Fracture clinic on Wednesday.


Took advantage that the cats unaware of the clocks going back and applied some ground cover to some sections of Vime Street.




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Did manage to add some more scenic stuff to the cold store end of the layout. Looking to develop cinder paths as where lots of foot traffic would occur. Need to tone down the ballast which is still very light grey. Vegetation colours are designed to suggest end od summer when grass more bleached than verdant greens which I find unless carefully applied can become garish especially on a small model.


Edited by enginelane
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Fencing pack contains a variety of styles but picket fencing always left unused which strikes at my Yorkshire - bought it so using it chip.


Made into a tall palisade type of fencing which I think will go well down by the packing unit.




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Fencing erected and packing warehouse mocked up in position. Idea to have a second hand trailer unit being packed/ unpacked to create a reason for the loading dock plus provide a bit of visual block when looking through the layout from the front if being exhibited.


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Builder has waited until it's due to rain for the next few days before starting to repair the roof so scaffold still in place and small matter of Wakefield Show and then Warley with Troutons means I think Vimes Street will be sadly gathering dust until December! However small package of goodies from Model Junction has arrived to add to the growing ranks of fruit reefers and a barge!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Long time since last posting but work at full tilt and exhibition preparation for the Wakefield Show plus scaffold still up outside garage meaning no entry has resulted in no progress being made.


However in a remnants box at the Wakefield Show this evening then packet of rats and pigeons ( flying rats after all) made their way into the bag ready for use on Vimes Street


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  • 2 weeks later...

Busy 2 weeks with Wakefield and Warley Shows and with work review and the Ofsted visit over last week it's just the relative calm of the Christmas run up to deal with. Looking around shows is always worthwhile in marking where you are with your own work and seeing how others use space. I think I have missed a trick with having an dead end spur by the cold store as by watching 59 th and Rust another off crested more interest and greater operating opportunities. It would not add to the overall footprint as inside the end fiddleyard and could even be a clamped on extension. bought some different scenics at Warley and looking to apply them this Saturday

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Ended up not doing a lot of modelling but clearing up and assessing progress so far.

Attaching a piece onto the end of the cold store spur would serve no real purpose and given there is a filing cabinet hard up against the end which would be difficult to move is a no go. Adding an extension onto the MOW storage spur next to the cold store is a possibility but could not be too long as would make it difficult to get to the end fiddleyard. Will investigate a simple clamp as on Lance Minediem layouts. Other than that then no other changes needed and need to crack on and get more finished!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Work finally over and a hard term but great performances of Hairspray with very positive comments from the audience makes all the hard work the kids and staff put in. Mild weather means garage is warm enough to work in so knocked up the small extension to the MOW - storage spur. Is too heavy for a simple clamp so will drill through and bolt on once the glue to the cork tile has dried.


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