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BR Trestrol AD diagram 2/680

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  • RMweb Premium

When I had finished the diagram 682 Trestrol EO (link below) I decided to have a go at the diagram 680 version, these were originally coded MO but were reclassified AD in the early 1960's. This wagon is very similar to the 682 so much of the work had been done. The main differences are that the AD has Diamond bogies with Simplex brake and 31.5” diameter wheels whereas the EO has BR 5’6” plate bogies with 37” diameter wheels. The other obvious difference is that the section above the bogie on the EO is 9’6” long with a steel sheet covering the whole of the top where the AD has a 10’ long section above the bogie and the framing is visible over much of the area. The diagram 680 was unfitted. The overall length and height of both wagons was the same and they both used the same design of trestle to carry the load. 


Here is a pic of one of my diagram 682 wagons in Bauxite and the first test build of the diagram 680 in grey livery.




I need to fit a new vac pipe to the 682 as I managed to break it off when we were exhibiting at Bradford show recently.


The second test build is well advanced but I have made a few more minor changes to the drawing to improve the fit on some of the parts.


Here is a pic of the framing, I managed to get the tab in the wrong place on the angled web piece, so that is one of the things I have modified.




The first test build used Ratio side frames for the bogies as I wasn't happy with the fit of the ones I had done as an etch however the second etch is much better although I have still changed a couple of things on the drawing for this too. 


Here is a pic showing the etched bogies. The centre of the bolster is one I have cast in resin from a master I made but I'll probably make some improvements to that as well then cast some more. The axle box is a 51L offering.




I need to fit the shackles on this wagon and build the trestles but these are the same as the 682 so no problems there. I had hoped to get it finished earlier this week, but 'good weather stopped play'. The forecast is poor for the next couple of days so I might get it done by the weekend.

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I got the shackles mounted yesterday. I tried both using an RSU and an ordinary soldering iron to mount the shackle bases as  a couple of people who built the 682 version said it was difficult to fit them. The photo below shows two of the bases in position, the left one was mounted with the RSU and the right hand one was fitted with an ordinary soldering iron. The RSU mounted one is naturally much cleaner but it was easy enough to mount the other one, it just needs some of the surplus solder removing with a scalpel.




The following photo shows the shackles in position, a tiny dab of solder at the top of the ring is all that is needed to hold it together.




As this is just a test build I don't think I'll bother making the trestles for it, they are the same as the 682 version anyway. I'll probably give this wagon to my grandson and build another from the revised etch. 


I'll have to get an order off to PPD. I've been working on a Flatrol MVV as well, as I managed to get permission to crawl all over one at a preserved railway a couple of years ago so I have lots of photos to work from. I'll order a test etch for that at the same time.

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  • 1 month later...
  • RMweb Premium

Patience Monsieur... :yes:


I'm working on the final test build now, so I should be able to make them available to anybody who wants one in about a month or so, providing the weather isn't too good, otherwise SWMBO will have other plans !!! no doubt involving a lot of gardening.



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  • 3 weeks later...
  • RMweb Premium

I finally managed to get time off for good behavior after doing the gardening from SWMBO and got the body of the latest test build assembled.


Here are a few pics from the build so far.




This is the 'Well end' showing some of the overlays




This one shows the overlays for the ends of the side frames representing the riveted reinforcing plates




This is the webbed ribbing. I'm still not 100% happy with the fit of some of the parts in this area so I'm going to modify the drawing again and get another test etch made before I supply those members who have asked for kits for this model.




The buffer beam, with Dave Franks (LMS Models) superb buffers fitted.




The bogie pivot assembly. Now the body is complete the next job is assembling the bogies themselves. These are a separate etch in 15 thou nickel silver. With a bit of luck I should be able to get some work done on those tomorrow. I'll post a few more pics when I have them assembled.








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I made a start on the bogies yesterday evening, here is the progress so far.


The etch before I started attacking it.




This is the bogie stretcher folded up with the strengthening piece in place ready to solder.




The stretcher with the arm bent so that it clears the axle and puts the NEM box at the correct height.




The side frame with the components for the lower and diagonal webs. I drew a slot at the bottom of the frame below the axle box position to take a tab on the webbing but for some inexplicable reason forgot to draw the tab on the webbing. Must be going senile!!!! It doesn't affect the build, but it would have been easier if it was there.




The side frames with the upper layer of web. The little bracket at the left side on the top layer is for the brake shaft




I won't get much done today on the bogies, nice weather again :sungum: and it's club night tonight so I'll try to finish them tomorrow






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I like these very much. Much the best rendition of the diamond frame bogie I've seen in etched metal which compliments the wagon beautifully.Most impressive all round.



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A bit more progress after a couple of hours work the bogies are almost complete.


I put Maskol onto the wheel treads to make it easier to paint and also to protect them from the flux. Once the bogie is fully assembled it is virtually impossible to remove the wheels as the structure is quite rigid once it is soldered up.




The brake shoes




Cosmetic bolster end castings




And the fiddly bit, the Simplex brake gear lever parts






Just got to fit the axle boxes and the 0.45mm wire down either side to represent the fixing bolts now and the bogies will be completed.

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Thanks for the compliments gents, I managed to get the bogies finished yesterday evening and I've just given them a coat of Acid etch #8.


Here is a pic just before they went into the paint shop.




Apart from my slight concerns with the fit of some of the ribbing on the well ends this build has gone well. I'll order another test etch from the etchers next week along with one for the Flatrol MVV and some of the diagram 682 wagons as a few members have requested these, I'll add another post to the 682 thread to see if anybody else wants one before I send the order off.


I will complete this wagon and then paint the two test builds.  Once they are done I'll post another pic or two.

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Well Ian, you make these available and people will want to acquire them methinks.

Dia 2/680 AND bogies...

The FLATROL MVV sounds interesting mind

Hi Iain

I will make both the wagon as a complete kit or, if anybody wants them separately, just the bogies available once I've made the next test build. 


The only problem I have with the Flatrol at the moment is finding a suitable spring with hangers. They were almost identical to a Lowmac spring but I havn't found anybody that produces one yet. The axle box itself varies depending upon whether you want a diagram 512 or a 904, the former had oil boxes, the latter had roller bearings and were mainly used by the Engineers departments. The two diagrams were otherwise identical as far as I can tell.



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I have been following all three builds with interest.  Are the etches available for purchase, please?



Hi jrg1

As you can see from the posts above, I've just ordered another test etch, once I'm 100% happy that everything fits properly I will make the kit available to those who want them.




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Hi jrg1

As you can see from the posts above, I've just ordered another test etch, once I'm 100% happy that everything fits properly I will make the kit available to those who want them.




Terrific-please reserve any kits you market.  I look forward to building them

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I've sprayed and weathered the three test builds now, results below. I decided to make them look as if they have had a few hard years in service. I suppose I should really build some trestles for them too but time is the enemy at the moment.










I've used the Cambridge Custom Transfers decals for this wagon, the reference number is BL135. John originally produced this for the diagram 2/682, but it also covers this diagram and also the trestrol EC which is the Tri-ang offering.


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Thanks for the information regarding transfers.  Talking of the Tri-ang Trestrol EC, can anyone recommend replacement sprung buffers and axlebox/spring castings?  I am preparing scratch bogie frames and P4 suspension for a stretched body. 

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  • 3 weeks later...
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I've now finished the final test build and I'm happy with the fit of the bits around the buffer beam which concerned me earlier.


Here is a pic of the parts in question.




I also decided I would after all build some trestles for these wagons. It takes about an hour and a quarter to build each one in total, including pressing out the rivets.






The pieces of wood are coffee stirrers cut down to represent the plank which goes on the front of the frame for the load to rest against.




This is a view of the top of the wagon over the bogies




This is the four test builds with trestles just placed in position for the photo. I need to paint them now then fit the planks and weather them down.

We are exhibiting at Blackburn in a couple of weeks, so I will try to get them finished for then.




I will contact those members who have expressed an interest in having one of these wagons, but if anybody else wants one, pm me for details before next weekend, which is when I intend to order the next lot of etches.





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I've sprayed and weathered the three test builds now, results below. I decided to make them look as if they have had a few hard years in service. I suppose I should really build some trestles for them too but time is the enemy at the moment.










I've used the Cambridge Custom Transfers decals for this wagon, the reference number is BL135. John originally produced this for the diagram 2/682, but it also covers this diagram and also the trestrol EC which is the Tri-ang offering.


Just a small point, but surely the lettering should be on black patches - or are these fitted / piped wagons?



John Isherwood.

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