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Lance's latest Blog entry (Mar18)... food for thought?

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In a former life, yea these many long years ago, there used to be a saying - "Those who can - do the job; Those who can't - teach; Those who can do neither - examine!"

Translating that to railway modelling it turns into " Those who can - do, (and offer advice); Those who can't - criticize the work of others; Those who are capable of neither - sit on their duffs in their armchairs, count rivets, and make disparaging remarks!"

Wouldn't it be nice if we could all TRY to get on?  :no:

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I tried to make it clear early in this thread that it was about the information in Lance's Blog post - which was info passed to him anyway.

It was NOT started so that we can have another Character Assasination of - I might remind everyone - A FELLOW RMweb MEMBER.


Now if ones who don't care to discuss the OP but would rather just deride an individual would kindly GO FORTH, the rest of us can carry on.


Sorry if this post has excessive use of capital letters but I am really **** (insert expletive of choice) off with this.

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not realy, i just happen to think Lance doesnt tell anything that isnt pretty obvious   - discuss the post not the poster ;)

Shame you can't apply that yourself, to the OP of this Thread - the information - not who posted it.

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I tried to make it clear early in this thread that it was about the information in Lance's Blog post - which was info passed to him anyway.

It was NOT started so that we can have another Character Assasination of - I might remind everyone - A FELLOW RMweb MEMBER.


Now if ones who don't care to discuss the OP but would rather just deride an individual would kindly GO FORTH, the rest of us can carry on.


Sorry if this post has excessive use of capital letters but I am really **** (insert expletive of choice) off with this.


Somehow, Jordan, I thnk you missed a couple of ** from your post!

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What is wrong with some people? Reading some of the negative crap that is polluting this thread makes me wonder why anyone like Lance wants to put their head over the parapet at all. There is nothing wrong with having a different opinion to Lance Mindheim, but the caustic and toxic way in which some people on this forum react whenever his name is mentioned makes me wish they'd take their toys and play elsewhere as they are adding nothing positive to what is supposed to be a modelling forum. Why do some small minded individuals find it irresistible to denigrate a subject that many on here find to be of interest, which has been shared by Lance Mindheim in good faith and bought to our attention by the OP? I disagree with some of the stuff that people post here and elsewhere, but what right does that give me to hijack and degrade this thread based on my own personal prejudice? The answer is simple, I have no such right.


I don't know Lance, but I personally hope that he and others continue to post their work and share their knowledge and that others like the OP will continue to bring such to our attention.

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I find it odd - and more than a little disturbing - how much some folks have it in for someone they've never met. Kind of makes me wonder what some say about me behind my back...

I know Lance - he's one of the most quiet and unassuming people you'll ever meet, and he won't offer an opinion unless he's asked.

More than I can say for some.  

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I couldn't agree more

Some people get a perverted sense of satisfaction in undermining the positive actions of others, fortunately their stature and value are insignificant, just like their value is to this and other forums.


Edit: forgot to say that obviously does not apply to you Chris - your work and attitude are both inspiring and a very positive aspect of this forum.

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The thing is, this happens in every walk of life. My other 2 passions, music and classic cars, are rife with back biting and negativity. When I bought my first classic car, a 1979 Morris Marina, I knew exactly the sort of abuse I would receive. Some of it was very funny and said in jest. Some of it was not. But I knew it would happen. I bought that car for ME. I enjoyed the car. I took it to shows and waited for the jibes to start. And the amount of times I said "where's your car?" and the response was always "Oh no, I couldn't live with a classic car everyday". You can't please all the people all the time, so just concentrate on making yourself happy. It's your passion after all. It is what you make of it, and you take what you want from it. But the one thing that should be at the fore when observing other people's work is "Does it make them happy? Yes? Then great for them. I'm happy for them". They are the people who are spearheading this hobby, not the rivet counters.

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The thing is, this happens in every walk of life. My other 2 passions, music and classic cars, are rife with back biting and negativity. When I bought my first classic car, a 1979 Morris Marina, I knew exactly the sort of abuse I would receive. Some of it was very funny and said in jest. Some of it was not. But I knew it would happen. I bought that car for ME. I enjoyed the car. I took it to shows and waited for the jibes to start. And the amount of times I said "where's your car?" and the response was always "Oh no, I couldn't live with a classic car everyday". You can't please all the people all the time, so just concentrate on making yourself happy. It's your passion after all. It is what you make of it, and you take what you want from it. But the one thing that should be at the fore when observing other people's work is "Does it make them happy? Yes? Then great for them. I'm happy for them". They are the people who are spearheading this hobby, not the rivet counters.

Nothing wrong with a Morris Marina, I had one back in 1975 although it wasn't called a classic car in those days. :no:


Here it is, and somehow it made it on to my layout!







Thought I would just add that if it wasn't for LM I would still be modelling UK railways in the 1970s/1980s!



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The thing is, this happens in every walk of life. My other 2 passions, music and classic cars, are rife with back biting and negativity. When I bought my first classic car, a 1979 Morris Marina, I knew exactly the sort of abuse I would receive. Some of it was very funny and said in jest. Some of it was not. But I knew it would happen. I bought that car for ME. I enjoyed the car. I took it to shows and waited for the jibes to start. And the amount of times I said "where's your car?" and the response was always "Oh no, I couldn't live with a classic car everyday". You can't please all the people all the time, so just concentrate on making yourself happy. It's your passion after all. It is what you make of it, and you take what you want from it. But the one thing that should be at the fore when observing other people's work is "Does it make them happy? Yes? Then great for them. I'm happy for them". They are the people who are spearheading this hobby, not the rivet counters.

My Dad had an Ital (Marina re-name).  A Classic car, certainly was, never seen a car rot so quickly and with what a musician would call 'Gusto'

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The thing is, this happens in every walk of life. My other 2 passions, music and classic cars, are rife with back biting and negativity. When I bought my first classic car, a 1979 Morris Marina, I knew exactly the sort of abuse I would receive. Some of it was very funny and said in jest. Some of it was not. But I knew it would happen. I bought that car for ME. I enjoyed the car. I took it to shows and waited for the jibes to start. And the amount of times I said "where's your car?" and the response was always "Oh no, I couldn't live with a classic car everyday". You can't please all the people all the time, so just concentrate on making yourself happy. It's your passion after all. It is what you make of it, and you take what you want from it. But the one thing that should be at the fore when observing other people's work is "Does it make them happy? Yes? Then great for them. I'm happy for them". They are the people who are spearheading this hobby, not the rivet counters.

My dad owned a succession of Marinas, many happy memories of journeys to Cornwall and Scotland come to mind  :imsohappy:

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I would like a Mk3 Cortina :) ... it's SWMBO who wouldn't be able to live with it :O :( ....


Anyway... *polite cough* .... back to the Topic at hand..... :scratchhead: ;)


 2 litre GT with 97,000 miles on the clock when I sold her, and she still ran as smoothly as a sewing machine. I still miss her.


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Is it a full Moon?

Don't knock fellow members 'cos you don't want to make me mad....


Read Marty's post on Lance then let's get back to what passes for normal.


We have some great people on here willing to share their experiences to aid the modelmaking of others; let's keep it that way.


Amen to that and carry on...

Best, Pete.

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