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Spring is sprung - butterflies are out

Phil Bullock

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Can anyone help with an identification please?
What I saw was a largish butterfly, perhaps a bit bigger than a peacock. The forewings were spotted orange-red/black similar to a tortoiseshell, but the hindwings were a bright, clear, orange-yellow without and darker marking and which seemed to become paler towards the trailing edge.

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Sounds like a painted lady to me.




Paler trailing edges might well be the result of wear and tear. Painted ladies migrate to Britain from further south and some of them look very worn when they arrive.

Edited by chaz
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A few snaps taken over the last few days whilst I was doing my bit for the Butterfly Count (I hope you are all taking part?).


Essex skipper




red admiral - not a rarity but I have been waiting a while for a really good full-on shot of a perfect one. This one was very obliging.




silver-washed fritillary




silver Y




dark green fritillary




speckled wood








Not a brilliant photo - subject too far away, and the insect looks very worn and battered - but it's a white admiral





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Sounds like a painted lady to me.

Paler trailing edges might well be the result of wear and tear. Painted ladies migrate to Britain from further south and some of them look very worn when they arrive.


Not sure, the hind-wings were a distinctly different colour to the fore-wings.

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Not sure, the hind-wings were a distinctly different colour to the fore-wings.


OK, have a look at the link...




You should be able to find your insect here. However if it was "a bit bigger than a peacock" then there aren't that many things it could be. One of the larger fritillaries is possible (silver washed or dark green) but doesn't really match your description. My money is still on a painted lady.


Hope that's helpful.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Butterfly weather has been in short supply lately but yesterday was warm and sunny so in the afternoon we went down to Pennington Marsh looking for walls. No luck with them but we did find a pair of 2nd brood holly blues, one of which obligingly perched on some ivy.





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Nice. Saw my 1st second brood one today. What happened to the "Painted Lady year" that was promised or are we just not having it down here ?!


I guess it's on hold - the weather has hardly been encouraging to immigrants. I haven't seen any clouded yellows yet.

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Another warm and sunny day - that's two in a row - gosh!


This afternoon I drove to Broughton Down hoping for silver-spotted skippers. There were quite a few in evidence - they are very small and very quick but I got a few snaps.







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Only seen one here in my part of Cornwall too. Very poor.


Yes, we were spoilt last year when we had lots of butterfly weather and the insects were numerous. I understand numbers of many species are down and, although it's too late for some, we could get a late flourish if the weather turns warm and sunny again.

I'm still hoping for some walls and with some warm sunny days I am contemplating a day or two on Portland where I know there are colonies.



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  • 3 weeks later...

A warm, sunny afternoon on Monday (a dry interlude) and a walk along the Itchen found a few butterflies.








Both sexes of speckled wood showing their underwings nicely - male on the left.



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We had a day flying moth in the garden the other day - I have identified it as a Jersey Tiger from its resting closed wings. What the picture (closed wing) on the butterfly conservation site doesn't show are its beautiful  open wings which are very beautifully patterned as well

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  • 6 months later...
  • RMweb Gold

Ok Spring nearly here (?). Seems a long way off, but a prize to the first RMwebber that posts this year's first sighting of an orange tip.

Here's one from 18 April 2014 in the balmy South Hams, not really that long to wait.



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Despite my volunteer work on the Butterfly Conservancy reserve at Magdalen Hill near Winchester I have yet to see a butterfly this year. I am told Brimstones have been seen. Still a bit early for orange tips - end of the month more likely, if it warms up!



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Looking at my diary; last year I saw both a Brimstone and a Peacock on March 7th; and a Small Tortoishell on March 8th 2014 so all we need is for the weather to warm up a bit.

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  • RMweb Premium

Despite my volunteer work on the Butterfly Conservancy reserve at Magdalen Hill near Winchester I have yet to see a butterfly this year. I am told Brimstones have been seen. Still a bit early for orange tips - end of the month more likely, if it warms up!



There were a few species out and about up here in February when we had some warm weather. It got up to high teen temps over several days. I suspect they may have perished shortly after when the temps dropped by about 15* over two days!  Small Tortoiseshell and Painted Lady I think they were and I'm sure I saw a Brimstone whilst walking at Potteric Carr YWTNR but I could be wrong. There have been moths but I have no idea what they were/are. 


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  • 3 weeks later...

Spring has sprung? Well maybe. The chiffchaffs that have been overwintering by the Itchen certainly think so. They are singing (if you can call it that!). A warm sunny day today and I walked south along the river and was rewarded with several brimstones, none of which obliged me by perching long enough for a photograph. This comma, which has presumably just woken from hibernation, was much more helpful.




It's nice to be able to start on some butterfly photo's for 2016. Please post yours!



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  • RMweb Gold

Hurrah! Well done chaps had just come to this thread to see if anyone had reported a sighting yet


It was a lovely day here today too - was out in the garden this afternoon, but no Lepidoptera were prepared to oblige with an appearance



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Brimstones in Norfolk .First baby birds ,two doves born ,and both eaten by  birds of prey  as the remains on our lawn tonight show .They were a bit  dozy and Jean was going to take them in but they were flying OK .Oh well such is nature .Jean is not happy .Its OK to eat other peoples birds but not ours .

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