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Spring is sprung - butterflies are out

Phil Bullock

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Did I forget to say there would be a test later?


Found a small colony of these rarities......any ideas?






The sun was in and out - every time the sun came out these popped up - when the clouds covered the sun they vanished.



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  • RMweb Gold

That'll be a Duke of Burgundy


We have a colony in this vicinity too - allegedly, have never seen one myself


Many thanks for sharing more wonderful pics



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That'll be a Duke of Burgundy


We have a colony in this vicinity too - allegedly, have never seen one myself


Many thanks for sharing more wonderful pics




Correct!   :locomotive:


Yes, a first for me. Less than a mile from the M3, just SE of Winchester. A sheltered dell at the bottom of a very steep north-facing slope.


In the same small area I saw a blue, a very worn peacock, red admiral, comma, several brimstones, loads of male orange tips (all on a mission and not alighting) and a couple more grizzled skippers.....




...this last one looking more like a skipper...





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  • RMweb Gold

Beautiful photos Chaz. Hope to capture (edit: on camera)!) some of the South Devon beauties in the forthcoming weeks.


Edited by Downendian
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Beautiful photos Chaz. Hope to capture (edit: on camera)!) some of the South Devon beauties in the forthcoming weeks.



Thanks for the comment, Neil. Should you get some good photos do please post them here.

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  • RMweb Gold

Just for tasters from last July

A Ringlet 14 July 2014




And an absolutely pristine example of a Red Admiral, probably hatched within the last day or so.






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Did I forget to say there would be a test later?


Found a small colony of these rarities......any ideas?






The sun was in and out - every time the sun came out these popped up - when the clouds covered the sun they vanished.





Wow. I have never seen a Duke Of Burgundy either, although it looks like a Fritillary it is not one technically.


I saw a Marsh Fritillary in West Somerset once, about 20 years ago but it was a brief glimpse and that was that.

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Wow. I have never seen a Duke Of Burgundy either, although it looks like a Fritillary it is not one technically.


I saw a Marsh Fritillary in West Somerset once, about 20 years ago but it was a brief glimpse and that was that.


The Duke Of Burgundy is a small insect, very much smaller than most fritillaries especially the well-known silver-washed or dark green frits. But I do envy you your Marsh Fritillary - a most attractive butterfly.

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In good summers I do get an occasional Silver Washed Fritillary in the garden, but I am not quite sure where the colony may be. They are spectacular creatures, but rarely remain still enough for a photo to be taken, although somewhere I do have a video of one taken many years ago.

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Such a nice day, clear blue sky for most of the morning and no wind so I whizzed over to the far west (of Hampshire) to Martin Down.


First butterfly I saw (and they proved to be numerous) is this dull little chap - a dingy skipper




saw a few grizzled skippers too, but star of the show were several of these beauties...




Marsh fritillaries - so gorgeous I must post another snap




and finally loads of green hairstreak were said to be about, but this is the only one I saw...





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  • RMweb Gold

Lovely shots Chaz


You were lucky to have a day with nice weather - have booked tomorrow off work for trout tickling but forecast says 9 degrees and continual rain....



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Lovely shots Chaz


You were lucky to have a day with nice weather - have booked tomorrow off work for trout tickling but forecast says 9 degrees and continual rain....




Yes I saw that forecast - it spurred me to go today.

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Saw a blue butterfly in the garden at the weekend - it was very bright blue but pretty small. I'm guessing it was a common blue (although photos on the web seem duller than this was). It flew around without really settling or visiting any plants and then it was gone....

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Saw a blue butterfly in the garden at the weekend - it was very bright blue but pretty small. I'm guessing it was a common blue (although photos on the web seem duller than this was). It flew around without really settling or visiting any plants and then it was gone....


Could have been either a common blue or a holly blue (possibly more likely in a garden) - probably not an adonis yet - they will start to appear in another two weeks. They really are bright....



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • RMweb Gold

We had a weekend away over the Bank Holiday - Hever Castle, Chartwell and Hampton Court were in our sights and did not disappoint.

Hever in particular was special - certainly the best gardens, and an Edwardian themed week was in progress. Part of this was an Edwardian Lepidopterist giving half hour tours and talks - Cliff by name.



His easy going style really engaged the kids - something for us to learn at exhibitions perhaps?


Great fun!



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We had a weekend away over the Bank Holiday - Hever Castle, Chartwell and Hampton Court were in our sights and did not disappoint.


Hever in particular was special - certainly the best gardens, and an Edwardian themed week was in progress. Part of this was an Edwardian Lepidopterist giving half hour tours and talks - Cliff by name.


attachicon.gifEdwardian Lepidopterist.jpg


His easy going style really engaged the kids - something for us to learn at exhibitions perhaps?


Great fun!





Not if I have to dress like that  :jester:

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  • RMweb Gold

Hee hee


It certainly added to the ambience - butterfly waistcoat rather spectacular



Edited by Phil Bullock
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A trip up to Magdalen Hill reserve this morning to try and get some snaps of green hairstreaks. I saw three but they were uncooperative!


Did get some photos of other species




Male small blue, showing off his "scattering of blue scales".


My first orange tip photo opportunity this year....




....I've seen loads of others but they have all flown passed and not landed - this one obviously couldn't pass the garlic smell of "Jack by the Hedge".


And two common blues...


a very nice female....




and a male...





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  • RMweb Gold

Smashing Neil


The insect world is amazing and certainly not confined to Lepidoptera - have a nice photo from yesterday will share when I have more time tonight



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  • RMweb Gold

And here it is


Ok not Lepidoptera at all! Emphemera Danica - the mayfly. This one is from the Usk above Brecon - not noted as a mayfly stream but there were a few around yesterday





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