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Hornby's Best Ever Models


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  • RMweb Gold

Funnily enough I have actually worked on a WW2 Bomber - I helped rebuild the rudder for the 'Loch Ness' Wellington while being apprenticed in the dark arts of Tinsmithery at British Aerospace Kingston... one of several examples of my work sitting in Museum's or actually flying:


  • Vickers Wellington (Loch Ness) N2980 - Brooklands (Weybridge)
  • Hawker P1127 (6th Prototype) XP894 - Brooklands
  • De Havilland Sea Vixen FAW2 XJ571 - Brooklands
  • BAE Sea Harrier FRS1 (actually several aircraft) - Yeovil
  • Hawker Sea Hawk WV908 - RNHF Yeovil (at one point - the Royal Navy's only flying jet)

There are other's, but these are 'Top 5'  :sungum:  :sungum:  :sungum:



Yeovilton....perlease :O Used to watch flying displays there with my dad.

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  • RMweb Gold

Yeovilton....perlease :O Used to watch flying displays there with my dad.


Back in mid-2000 (just before I got made redundant from BAE) I had access to the RNHS hanger and got to sit in their Sea Fury & one of their Stringbags and then got free entry into the Museum ;)


I also worked on their Fairey Firefly which sadly crashed - nothing to do with me, honest

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  • RMweb Premium

Going by the way he messed with The Lord of the Rings, which could have been very good, I don’t hold out much hope. I’ll stick with Richard Todd and Eric Coates.

The Lord of the Rings trilogy was fantastic. What was wrong with it?

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  • RMweb Gold

Well if you need a hand setting the props on the Lanc, my uncle Eric has got the tool.



I'm a master of the Dark Arts of Aviation (Tinsmithery) and have a hammer for everything ;)



In my current job, British Airways fear me... as I can tell a proper engineer from a fake one :D

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The Lord of the Rings trilogy was fantastic. What was wrong with it?

Two examples. Faramir’s character was ruined. He was despised by his father who favoured Boromir. Yet Boromir succumbed to the power of the One Ring whilst Faramir’s strength of character was such that he resisted it. The depised son turned out to have the stronger, more noble character. In the film, Faramir was made to fall under the Ring’s power.


At the end, I have never seen a more undignified king coming into his own. Nothing in the least regal about him.


Much of the trilogy was very well done. It’s a shame they thought that they could improve on Tolkien and struck a false note at the end.

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Here are a couple of Andy Y's superb photos with a vignette and nothing much else, ok, I added the brake hose to the front of Sir William...


and it restores my faith in Hornby, not that it ever wavered..   will remove if requested.






and I wasn't going to buy an Atholl...   now I'll HAVE to!


aren't they SUPERB? !!!!






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  • RMweb Gold

Bude finished (and now with a very happy customer)






The Lancaster prior to it's first visit to the paintshop and lot's of white - when the airbrush cooperates that is (currently in soak)






And a very useful 'Top-shelf*' book arrived, not for those who like loco's pristine and with straight running plates...






* Top-shelf of the bookcase that is  :jester:  :jester:

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You'll have curb the unnatural interest in GWR tank engines, toboldlygo. It's far too, too,   ....something....


If I ever recover from the depression brought on by even for a moment thinking I could fix US model DCC-sound engines with logic and maybe a chip re-set, I will embark on a picture of the Duchess of Atholl with appropriate steam effects and LMS Stanier carriages.






What do you do with two engines as good as this which won't go. One has firebox flicker, the other an occasional headlamp, and did have sound until I bypassed the chip with an 8-pin blanking plug..  the chip is 21-pin. Both are Precision Craft Models from c2006-7.

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Moving quickly along to the sujet de jour, to wit, the beautiful Duchess of Atholl which will we hope arrive soon, to get in the mood, the lovely days of LMS Crimson Lake....




and then another recent Hornby model, wartime Black 5 5156 'Ayrshire Yeomanry' at work.





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  • RMweb Premium

Going by the way he messed with The Lord of the Rings, which could have been very good, I don’t hold out much hope. I’ll stick with Richard Todd and Eric Coates.

Given the truly appalling misrepresentation and fabrication evident in films like "The Imitation Game" and that "Churchill" movie often think it might be better if the movie industry avoided trying to make films of actual people and events. That said, sometimes they do it pretty well.

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further variation on Andy Y's lovely picture,  will remove if required.




Isn't Hornby doing well !!!!


Among the changes done to the above, darkened silver bits to more nearly represent burnished metal, engine in forward gear, cylinders moved up a tad, front driver brakes added, a bit of darkening of wheel-rims, not much else. 




Certainly a fine way to soothe the soul of those afflicted with US DCC-sound...   <g>


edit  pics edited

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  • RMweb Gold

Moving quickly along to the sujet de jour, to wit, the beautiful Duchess of Atholl which will we hope arrive soon, to get in the mood, the lovely days of LMS Crimson Lake....




and then another recent Hornby model, wartime Black 5 5156 'Ayrshire Yeomanry' at work.






Funnily enough, there's a Fowler 4P on my Workbench...



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  • RMweb Gold




And a very useful 'Top-shelf*' book arrived, not for those who like loco's pristine and with straight running plates...




* Top-shelf of the bookcase that is  :jester:  :jester:

Is that book a good buy for postwar GWR modellers or is it all BR.

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The Q1 is about a decade old and holds up amazingly.  Their is an odd beauty to it.  I can't stop staring at them for some reason.  At any rate, I owned one when they first came out and sold it shortly thereafter as I was going through a tough time.  A decade later and life is good. Just ordered C1. 

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Shame on you Rob, for discouraging my Heavy Tank renumbering and re-homing project  :jester:  :jester:


Besides I have a "very" long way to go before I eclipse the Bulleids!


A sneak peak of one of my re-homing projects..





If you want to move large rakes of loaded coal wagons in Welsh valleys or to London, there may be a place for such engines, but I'm in denial about it all. 


As I understand it there is a town called Swindon somewhere beyond the real world, where strange alchemy goes on, and I'm not sure if folk from there can be trusted.


On a more civilised note, Rails have charged by card for something which must be a Stanier, so the LMS will rule forevermore. 

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  • RMweb Gold

If you want to move large rakes of loaded coal wagons in Welsh valleys or to London, there may be a place for such engines, but I'm in denial about it all. 


As I understand it there is a town called Swindon somewhere beyond the real world, where strange alchemy goes on, and I'm not sure if folk from there can be trusted.


On a more civilised note, Rails have charged by card for something which must be a Stanier, so the LMS will rule forevermore.


May the MiM chain you indefinitely to the Air-Smoother for that blasphemous comment ;) :P

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May the MiM chain you indefinitely to the Air-Smoother for that blasphemous comment ;) :P


I don't know why I put a like on that, perhaps I need help!


More likely it is 'Stanier Madness' which is upon us all.


I have started two pics which are of the 'old' green late-BR 'City of Chester', which while being irrational in the extreme, given that there are two red Staniers winging their way to me as I write, is actually an attempt to overcome the US 'Wild West' syndrome, where magnificent wartime-built engines helped in the war-effort and post-war economic expansion . 


Thus an AT&SF 2-10-4 '5011'-class a work in the wilds of New Mexico or somewhere equally remote...   not bad for a $US160 DCC/DC model... cheaper than a Stanier,  the prototype nearly as fast, and nearly twice as powerful too.




With 6'2" drivers, cast driving wheels, 310lb boilers, they remind me of the Merchant Navy class, but in this case they were all replaced by EMD F7s and the like by 1957.



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  • RMweb Gold

I don't know why I put a like on that, perhaps I need help!


More likely it is 'Stanier Madness' which is upon us all.


I have started two pics which are of the 'old' green late-BR 'City of Chester', which while being irrational in the extreme, given that there are two red Staniers winging their way to me as I write, is actually an attempt to overcome the US 'Wild West' syndrome, where magnificent wartime-built engines helped in the war-effort and post-war economic expansion . 


Thus an AT&SF 2-10-4 '5011'-class a work in the wilds of New Mexico or somewhere equally remote...   not bad for a $US160 DCC/DC model... cheaper than a Stanier,  the prototype nearly as fast, and nearly twice as powerful too.




With 6'2" drivers, cast driving wheels, 310lb boilers, they remind me of the Merchant Navy class, but in this case they were all replaced by EMD F7s and the like by 1957.



Terrific stuff, but it SHOULD be twice as powerful - put a Princess Coronation next to it and the Princess would look like a RH&D loco would against the Princess!


Nice pic, though!

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  • RMweb Gold

I don't know why I put a like on that, perhaps I need help!


More likely it is 'Stanier Madness' which is upon us all.


I have started two pics which are of the 'old' green late-BR 'City of Chester', which while being irrational in the extreme, given that there are two red Staniers winging their way to me as I write, is actually an attempt to overcome the US 'Wild West' syndrome, where magnificent wartime-built engines helped in the war-effort and post-war economic expansion . 


Thus an AT&SF 2-10-4 '5011'-class a work in the wilds of New Mexico or somewhere equally remote...   not bad for a $US160 DCC/DC model... cheaper than a Stanier,  the prototype nearly as fast, and nearly twice as powerful too.




With 6'2" drivers, cast driving wheels, 310lb boilers, they remind me of the Merchant Navy class, but in this case they were all replaced by EMD F7s and the like by 1957.




Is it just me or do those cast driving wheels look vaguely Bulleid like?


In the meantime I'm recovering from a minor bout of Fowleritis...  :jester:  :jester:






Or it could be snow-blindness from the all the white paint I've been spraying on the Lancaster!!




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