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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all


A good day was had by all on Saturday (myself, pitbull1845, beresford Jct, Arnington & Paul Rhb) at the Stafford show with most spending money and some more than others! I only purchased a few bits and pieces to add detail to the layout before Wimborne but met lots of RMwebbers and picked up a second invite for Tidworth, cheers Richard.


After some domestic tasks today I have tonight fashioned the bracket/gantry affair for the platform starting signal out of various bits of plastic, once its painted I'll fit the signal head and get it fixed in place and tick another job off the list.

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all


As I mentioned on Monday night, what spare time I have had since Saturday has been spent building the gantry to support the platform starter signal. Last night was spent swearing at the ladder assembly! It is now at the stage of needing to be primed and painted before I attach the signal head to it and connect it all up. I'm also working on a few other bits and pieces of detail that I intend to prime all at the same time if it ever gets warm enough to paint!




Looking at the front as the driver would see it.




Rear view showing ladder etc. I think it needs to be moved a little further in from the track though.

Edited by Temeraire
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all


Its been a week so I thought I'd just check in!


This week I have been mainly painting and now there are lots of bits and pieces in NSE Red ready for the platform and the signal gantry is ready to receive the signal head and wires. I've also just finished wrapping previously painted pallet loads of sacks in clingfilm and gluing them to pallets and these are now ready to be glued in place on the loading platform along with some pallet trucks and a forklift. Away for the weekend and then off to Scotland Tuesday for a couple of days work so progress will slow again until next weekend when hopefully the signal will be fitted and working.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all


So whilst away in Scotland I fashioned some dummy pallet load tops from Das clay to hide in the corner behind the ones made earlier to give the impression of a larger load on the warehouse platform. Tonight I spent some time planning the station building, and I think I know where I am going with that now, and lastly added some ballast around the ground signals to hide the holes and silicon sealant as well as around the troughing that I disturbed fitting the signals. Small steps I know but I'm getting closer!


On my own Sunday and looking at the weather forecast I see modelling as the way forward for the day so maybe I'll take a pic or two as we're close to the one year landmark now.

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening chaps


Arrived home a bit earlier tonight so took the opportunity of taking a couple of pics of recent work in the daylight. As I said previously Sunday was spent at the modelling(dining) table and I cracked on with the station building. I always envisaged Tidworth having a modern 80s built station building a la Hedge End etc so my starting point was the Scalescenes kit. However, I have built it the other way around by swapping the road and platform sides round so that the ticket office/entrance is at the end I wanted, plus I also added an extra 40mm to the overall length of the building.




Birds eye view of the current state of play with the internals done and painting of the door frames well under way. Once I have painted them again the glazing will be added and then glued in position. The external walls will then have a brick plasticard overlay before the roof is added to complete.




Platform side view showing the (to be) covered area with a couple of seats positioned for effect.


It feels good to have at least made a start on the last building for the layout and I can now see the finishing line at Wimborne!

Edited by Temeraire
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Hi Ian, just catching up on your progress. You certainly have been a busy boy, it really is coming alive now.


Signal gantry looks good, I am looking forward to seeing it finished.


Superb work on the station building, it has definitely captured the look and feeling of a modern station. A nice Large Logo Hoover idling away by it will look cracking!

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon all,


This week I have passed the one year mark for the build of Tidworth!


From this....




To this........so far!






and in 7 weeks time Tidworth will make it's first (and I hope not only) appearance at an exhibition in Wimborne.


I'll be back later with what I've been up to most recently.

Edited by Temeraire
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  • RMweb Premium

Evening chaps I'm back


So what have I been doing most recently then I hear you ask?


The station building now has been assembled, brick and wood paneling added overlaying the cardboard shell and once painted the posters etc have been attached. All it needs now is a roof but I still have to source the roof tile plasticard, and I may place a couple of figures inside before closing it up and sticking in place on the platform. Lamposts, seats and bins are all now NSE red and ready for placing and all the station namboards are also done. I have now primed a couple of packs of concrete fencing and will get this made up and fitted next. However, earlier today it was all placed on the platform to get the view of how it will look...




Looking down the platform with all the bits in view.




Station entrance still needs work.




View back down the platform from the traverser end.




Sorry Alex not a large logo one, they are still up in the loft but you get the idea!


As well as the platform details I have been working on stuff for the warehouse platform too. I acquired enough pallet loads at Stafford and these have been painted white, wrapped in clingfilm and mounted on pallets. As you will see they have been arranged to hide the mock loads I fashioned from Das clay to make it look as though a large shipment has arrived. Also at Stafford I bought some pallet trucks and these have been painted too.




View of the platform without the warehouse in place.




Warehouse placed and view into the 'hidden' space.




Another view of the details.


There you go then that's what I've been doing and things are still progressing towards Wimborne, although I'm starting to get nervous about how 'finished' the layout will be by then as there's a lot going on here at the moment taking up valuable time.

Edited by Temeraire
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