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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all,


As today is the four months since kick-off mark I thought a post was in order, even at the risk of boring you all with only minor progress!




Since the last pics were taken the cliff face has gained a coat of filler which was stippled with a brush and lightly sanded once dry, and then this evening before dinner given a coat of matt white paint.




I know what your thinking, where are the bluebirds and is that Dame Vera I can hear!


Since I took these earlier the white was weathered down with an earthy brown wash and then a coat of hanging basket liner stuck to the top surface of the embankment. It's too dark for a reasonable pic now but I'll take a couple tomorrow so you can see where I am. The lower part of the 'cliffs' will get a coat of earth and chalk rockfall plus some greening up as I go along but I need to get the road bridge built and fitted to finish off that end.

Edited by Temeraire
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  • RMweb Premium

Hello again fellas


Spent the afternoon in the company of pitbull (Scott) just playing trains again with the layout and took a few more pics this evening while the layout is still set up with the traverser.




View of the embankment after it was weathered down a bit and some grass added to the top. Still a lot to do here but you get the idea.




Overall shot of the layout and you can see the ply added to the front edge to protect the front of the layout, just a bit to cut around the contours at the bridge end before painting.




Large Logo 47 and Mk2 NSE coaches stand in again for the Thumper.




33101 draws a short parcels train out of the sidings where it has laid over until early evening and will set back into the platform for loading.





Eastleigh leaves the sidings with a warflat recently arrived from Campbell Rd.

Edited by Temeraire
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  • RMweb Premium

can i ask ian. i notice youve left the platform surface not finished yet. i was wondering what you were going to use to create the surface?


Hi fella, didn't see your post until about 12am when I came up from the conservatory having finished the cardboard platform surface!


As I did with the platform on Exford it is three layers of scrap card from work soaked in watered down PVA first and then more neat PVA between each layer until it is flush with the platform edge, and finally brushed over with more PVA to seal it for painting, that way the paint doesn't soak in. I will use a bit of filler today to hide the joints and smear a bit over the whole surface to give it some texture, and I might even take a pic or two. ;)

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon all


Got the place to myself today and tonight so been tinkering a bit more.




As mentioned above the platform now has it's top surface of cardboard with filler on top, which has now been sanded and awaits paint.




Also I've progressed the overbridge a little by cutting down to size a couple of Hornby wing walls to fit and shaping the Celofoam to suit. It also involved shortening the fuel road by around 1 and a half inches so it isn't as close to the bridge. That's it until I get hold of some Wills Vari-girders and some brick plasticard.


Right cup of tea and see if the football is any good and/or back out in the conservatory!

Edited by Temeraire
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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon all


Got the place to myself today and tonight so been tinkering a bit more.




As mentioned above the platform now has it's top surface of cardboard with filler on top, which has now been sanded and awaits paint.




Also I've progressed the overbridge a little by cutting down to size a couple of Hornby wing walls to fit and shaping the Celofoam to suit. It also involved shortening the fuel road by around 1 and a half inches so it isn't as close to the bridge. That's it until I get hold of some Wills Vari-girders and some brick plasticard.


Right cup of tea and see if the football is any good and/or back out in the conservatory!

For me no matter how good the football it would be straight back into the conservatory

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all,


I had some unexpected modelling time this afternoon so cracked on with the platform surface etc.




Platform has now gained a painted surface and now awaits a white line.




Concrete bases created for the minimal fuel facilities which obviously still need lots of painting  and detailing etc.




Most of the afternoon session was spent doodling and cutting card mockups to decide on the size and shape of the warehouse at the other end. Here you can see the cardboard cut out against the backscene and the first two walls cut from 3mm MDF propped with a paintbrush.

Edited by Temeraire
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  • RMweb Premium

 That's it until I get hold of some Wills Vari-girders and some brick plasticard.


Had time to visit Hattons on Tuesday whilst away working and picked up the varigirders plus a second pack of concrete fencing I required, and tonight placed an order with Slaters for various plasticard sheets, so should be good to go with the next phase soon.

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  • RMweb Premium

Had time to visit Hattons on Tuesday whilst away working and picked up the varigirders plus a second pack of concrete fencing I required, and tonight placed an order with Slaters for various plasticard sheets, so should be good to go with the next phase soon.

Always wanted to go to Hattons. Never got round to it yet.

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all,


Well another week has passed so a small update on what's been happening.




The warehouse loading platform has been constructed and the shell of the building to surround it. The outside will be clad with plasticard to look like a metal sheeted affair with brickwork lower down and along the front of the platform.




Lower level shot into the loading area where you can see the cladding to the inside as well as H beams to hold up roof supports. At the lefthand end you can see apertures for the roller door and fire door access to the main shed. The H beams will be replicated along the front as support for the overhanging roof (one in place for effect). With the lights on in the conservatory you can see the effect of light coming through the roof windows too.


The whole building is not completely stuck together as I need to think carefully on how to put it all together permanently with glue, whilst still being able to paint and detail it all easily. Thursday night's order from Slaters arrived today so I now have all the plasticard required to finish this as well as the other structures on the layout. Must try hard not to knock over this bottle of Mek-Pak!!

Edited by Temeraire
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