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Peafore Yard - 4mm BR Blue layout shunting layout - Sold


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Great to meet so many RMweb members yesterday at Yate. It was my first time as either an exhibitor or punter at the show and I was impressed how well organised the show was, with a nice friendly atmosphere. We had a few niggling problems in the morning and the 3 link god was obviously displeased as I was struggling with them but it calmed down by the afternoon. 


Alan and I agreed in the car on the way home that as there are 2 independant tracks and 2 controllers, that the wiring should be modified to let 2 of us operate the layout at the same time (at the moment only one controller can work either level). I will probably look to do this sooner rather than later as Trainwest is only 8 weeks away.


Being a glutton for punishment I also agreed with Mike Walker that I will have my next layout ready for Cheltenham April 2019... Oh and it will be in a scale I have never dabbled in before so it's going to be an interesting 3 years.

Hi Rob


I'm pleased you enjoyed the show.


I'm just sorry that I (+mybrother) couldn't make it as I had taken to my sickbed, and try as I might couldnt have taken on the 30 minute drive yesterday. (Let alone the standing around an exhibition).


Seems like I'll have to get Thornbury on the callendar, just keep it going 'til I get to see it!


Allthe best


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Hi Rob


I'm pleased you enjoyed the show.


I'm just sorry that I (+mybrother) couldn't make it as I had taken to my sickbed, and try as I might couldnt have taken on the 30 minute drive yesterday. (Let alone the standing around an exhibition).


Seems like I'll have to get Thornbury on the callendar, just keep it going 'til I get to see it!


Allthe best


No probs Tony, hope you are feeling better soon.

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Thanks for the response Rob, I am much better now, just 24hrs to late tomake the Show.


Have had an e-mail from my Brother today (re the New 66s I saw in Gloucester yesterday). From which I learn't that he did actually make it to the show, and did really like your layout, stating it was the best there.


May I say to Geoff, I know Corshams not a million miles away from Dursley, but it might take some negotiation to get there, if you know what I mean. Thornbury is more of a banker.


All the best


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  • RMweb Gold

It was great to meet you Rob on Saturday, and to see Peaford yard in the flesh. A perfect little window on the past, and so esoteric of the sidings North of Temple Meads in 1977. Just three years earlier than that I fondly remember the Hymeks in their last summer growling away whilst shunting various wagons in the same location.

Sorry I couldn't chat longer, my grandson's first model railway exhibition (and won't be his last), and my darling wife had important shopping errands.


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Thanks for the response Rob, I am much better now, just 24hrs to late tomake the Show.


Have had an e-mail from my Brother today (re the New 66s I saw in Gloucester yesterday). From which I learn't that he did actually make it to the show, and did really like your layout, stating it was the best there.


May I say to Geoff, I know Corshams not a million miles away from Dursley, but it might take some negotiation to get there, if you know what I mean. Thornbury is more of a banker.


All the best


Thanks Tony, glad you brother enjoyed it!

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It was great to meet you Rob on Saturday, and to see Peaford yard in the flesh. A perfect little window on the past, and so esoteric of the sidings North of Temple Meads in 1977. Just three years earlier than that I fondly remember the Hymeks in their last summer growling away whilst shunting various wagons in the same location.

Sorry I couldn't chat longer, my grandson's first model railway exhibition (and won't be his last), and my darling wife had important shopping errands.


No probs Neil, I am well versed in dealing with young Children at shows, my 2 lasted about 2 hours before they get bored and that's with a cake break. I generally leave my wife at the shops when I go to the shows otherwise our purchasing gets "restricted" a little....

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  • 1 month later...

Looking at my diary I realised it is less than 2 weeks until Trainwest, it looks like the BMRG team have got a good show lined up. The date has crept up on me a little as the layout is currently buried under a big pile of Land Rover bits so I apologise in advance if the hall stinks of old engine oil.... Do say hi if you pop past, it is always good to catch up with some fellow RMwebbers.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The layout has been rescued from the depths of the garage and road tested by the kids in readiness for the weekends show, hopefully it will be a good turnout as BMRG have really stepped up to the plate with the venue this year.


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You were certainly the youngster there, Rob, caught playing with 3-links!


BTW - I won't be surprised if we get a few tomorrow thinking it is a 'sound' layout, with the 'growl' given by that 37 as it approached the Presflos.  :)   Great bit of promo material, anyway.


As part of the Trainwest Points West filming Peafore Yard was used in the advertising Video for their Twitter and facebook pages.





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Trainwest proved to be a great weekend, the layout behaved well all weekend with even the 3 link couplings proving easier than normal. Thanks to Alan doing a sterling job on the controller I had some time to browse the show on Saturday and catch up with some familiar faces and make new acquaintances. The layout received many comments over the weekend which were really appreciated with many people recognising the Avon Street connection before reading the blurb at the bottom of the layout. What was great at this show more than ever was the level of audience interaction with many people sharing pictures and thoughts of their own projects and asking questions on the layout.


The next show is November at The Chantry in Thornbury, a great little show in a very characterful venue.

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  • RMweb Gold

Great to see you and the layout on Saturday Rob


Particularly like that BSO....


Its always a great feeling to come home after a show and think "Yup, that went well" isn't it?





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Great to see you and the layout on Saturday Rob


Particularly like that BSO....


Its always a great feeling to come home after a show and think "Yup, that went well" isn't it?





Thanks Phil. I was home by 16:45 and the last train came off the layout at 16:31!

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Hi Rob


Really good to catch up with you, and Peafore Yard, at long last, at Corsham yesterday.


You have really captured the flavour of the area well, although I seem to recall it as even more run down. But you don't want

an exhibition layout that is too depressing!


You inspired my wife to spend all my cash on scenic materials, (so still no bargain small prarie), and set off on a persistant why can't yours be that size question.


I hope we get the chance to re-visit before you move on to your next project.


I'm off to try and drag my standards towards your level,


Regards TONY

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Hi Rob


Really good to catch up with you, and Peafore Yard, at long last, at Corsham yesterday.


You have really captured the flavour of the area well, although I seem to recall it as even more run down. But you don't want

an exhibition layout that is too depressing!


You inspired my wife to spend all my cash on scenic materials, (so still no bargain small prarie), and set off on a persistant why can't yours be that size question.


I hope we get the chance to re-visit before you move on to your next project.


I'm off to try and drag my standards towards your level,


Regards TONY

Thanks Tony, great to meet you too. There are a few more exhibition appearances locally over the next few years, hope to see you at Thornburg in November perhaps. Good luck with your layout, look forward to seeing it when it is finished.

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  • 3 months later...

4 months have elapsed since Trainwest and my last update as there has been nothing to update on due to all my spare time being focused on Land Rover rebuild which is progressing much slower than planned, and costing quite a bit more than planned. To provide a little alternative entertainment I decided to crack on with the conversion of an Airfix Lowmac to one of the 2 Malago Vale carriage siding wagons. In essence these were a Lowmac on to which a frame was welded to take 4 industrial skips and were used to take the waste from Malago Vale (which had no road access) on the south west side of Bristol to Kingsland Road sidings on the East side of Bristol for collection by the waste processor.


For the model most of the framework has had to be made from scratch as are the bins which are sized by looking at photos etc. My main camera is broke so the phone has been pressed into action, apologies for the small size of image:



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  • RMweb Premium

Postie's just brought the latest Traction magazine, with Peafore Yard featured. The layout looks great, Rob. I'm saving the text for later, but a photographic wander round '70's Bristol was a great way to spend my lunch break.

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Postie's just brought the latest Traction magazine, with Peafore Yard featured. The layout looks great, Rob. I'm saving the text for later, but a photographic wander round '70's Bristol was a great way to spend my lunch break.

Thanks Adrian, the interesting thing is I haven't written an Article for Traction!!!!! Trip to Smiths required....

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