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Melyn Valley Railway

Andrew Young

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Been two and a half months since an update... the result of very little Model making. I usually do less modelling in the summer months anyway with plenty of other distractions to occupy me, such as the Talyllyn. This summer was also added wedding preparations, which put an end to modelling for a couple of months. It's been nearly a month since we got married in the heart of Snowdonia, followed by a break in Cornwall. Life has now returned to a more calmer state and I've unearthed the modelling bench, but first a short taster of other distractions...


First we're steam engines and Land Rovers, a pair of red ones making a change to the more usual green ones.




Managed a couple of days on locos before the wedding, the weather was rather atmospheric.






But then as my hands were required to be clean for the big day, switched to drinking tea and operating signals up at Abergynolwyn!


After our big day up at Nant Gwynant, with its superb scenery.




It was off to Cornwall to relax...




The only train being used as a park and rode into Looe.




Back to some modelling in the next post...




Edited by Andrew Young
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So Modelling....


First up, managed to carry on my usual bi-annual trip to Guildex on the Sunday, bought a few things, drooled over lots more and had an enjoyable time.


Looking forward to getting a 48DS, the pre-production one looked very nice on the Little Loco stand.




Layout wise, thought Graig Wen was rather fun.




Two layouts present that I rather like were Johnstown Road and Wolf Lowe.






My only criticism being that there were a couple of layouts with narrow gauge feeders, both would've enhanced the layouts if they'd been working. Johnstown Road and this layout that I didn't note the name of. But that's just personal preference.




So modelling... back in July, with limited modelling time, I was playing around with a Bachman side dump car trying to make it look more British to keep the nice operation of the wagon, but change the appearance. Have now built three of them, my NWSL Chopper tool being really useful in chopping up the various pieces of styrene making up each one.


They've also been through the paint shop to change the toy like paint job into something more weather beaten.




And here's the rake of three with 'Sir Jasper'.




Now to crack on with somewhere for them to run on, rather than other distractions...




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So Modelling....


First up, managed to carry on my usual bi-annual trip to Guildex on the Sunday, bought a few things, drooled over lots more and had an enjoyable time.


Looking forward to getting a 48DS, the pre-production one looked very nice on the Little Loco stand.




Layout wise, thought Graig Wen was rather fun.




Two layouts present that I rather like were Johnstown Road and Wolf Lowe.






My only criticism being that there were a couple of layouts with narrow gauge feeders, both would've enhanced the layouts if they'd been working. Johnstown Road and this layout that I didn't note the name of. But that's just personal preference.




So modelling... back in July, with limited modelling time, I was playing around with a Bachman side dump car trying to make it look more British to keep the nice operation of the wagon, but change the appearance. Have now built three of them, my NWSL Chopper tool being really useful in chopping up the various pieces of styrene making up each one.


They've also been through the paint shop to change the toy like paint job into something more weather beaten.




And here's the rake of three with 'Sir Jasper'.




Now to crack on with somewhere for them to run on, rather than other distractions...




I'm looking forward to the Ruston 48DS and wish Steve Leathers, the owner of the Little Loco Company every success with this venture.

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Those with longer memories may well remember that back in May, I succeeded in getting one of the two boards working electrically and had made a start on the second but then lay dormant for the summer. Had a day off yesterday and got on with the electrics, connecting all the dropper wires up putting in all the missing wires, including leads across to the other board where the supply comes from. I also connected up the polarity changing blue point operators. Finished the job this morning and managed some test running before lunch and pleased to report that it worked first time.


For someone who gets completely baffled by how electrickery works, this is quite an achievement for me, hence being rather pleased with myself as I go off to work this evening, though was time for a quick video.



The testing / playing has highlighted a couple of areas on the track which require some fettling, have to admit I'm not 100% happy with my track and out of choice I wouldn't make it again given the choice, though I might change my mind once it's running smoothly.


Once the testing / playing is complete, there are a few finishing off jobs on the point Control and securing the Powercab input socket onto the board before I can move onto the next stage.




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An enjoyable morning has been mostly taken up with testing / playing trains. Rather nice to be able to do that.


Have highlighted a couple of areas for attention which will be looked at this week.


Have a couple of decisions to make, do I operate from the front or the back and what to do about backscenes too to mull over.






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  • 2 months later...

Time flies by and it’s been two months since the last update!


Have done some work on the baseboards painting them, but being up in an uninsulated attic, the cold weather has halted progress on those. Have received agreement that in the new year, I’ll start on insulating the attic to make it bearable for longer periods of the year.


Meanwhile, the modelling bench in the study has been nice and warm thanks to the log burner in there.


First up on the desk was an IP Engineering 16mm scale Ruston Loco that I’d been asked to build for the young son of a friend of ours. That complete, I also finished building my Sentinel Steam Wagon kit whilst the soldering iron was out. This is currently going through the paint shop with basic painting complete. Still requires transfers, weathering and final assembly of some of the detail parts.


Also on the workbench has been my Wrightlines Skylark. Built this years ago when the kit first appeared, but in my naivety I used the naff motor that came with the kit and ran accordingly. Rebuilt with a Mashima motor and Branchlibes 50:1 gearbox, I had two attempts that failed at getting the outside cranks quartered properly so the thing spent years back in its box.


Decided it was finally time that I got the Skylark running, it’s had new axles and cranks and thanks to some patience and relaxing music, I’m pleased to say that it now runs rather nicely, both on rails and on my rolling road. So that’s one demon put to rest!






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  • 1 month later...

Time flies by again. No time for modelling over Christmas as we were away for over a week, though there was time for a lengthy walk along the old railway line beside the Mawddach and a day driving on the Talyllyn. So far this month has seen a get together with the rest of my family, several shifts at work, a bout of the lurgy and this last weekend away in Talgarth near Brecon on a bread making course. Following our drive home via the Elan Valley where the reservoirs were spectacularly overflowing the dams, there was time to put the finishing touches on my Sentinel Steam Wagon. Had my usual Dulcote and dry brushed weathering finish. The lettering is from individual letters from a sheet of HMRS Methsfix transfers which tried my patience somewhat!




And here’s the bread we made on Saturday, I now know where I’ve been going wrong!




And finally, one from today’s trip through the Elan Valley. Most impressive sight!!






Edited by Andrew Young
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The modelling mojo appears to have returned with a vengeance.


The two baseboards have been moved down into a warmer spare bedroom rather than the freezing attic. They’ve been trimmed, removing the over high front fascia and the too low (and warped) backscene down to baseboard level. A new backscene will be required at some point.


The front and rear have been primed and painted with a subdued green colour. Point control rods have been fitted, brass rods running in brass tubes finished off with plastic knobs to the front of the boards, the Powercab unit has also been fitted along the front.


Next step has been painting the track and cleaning off the rails, plus some trial running before going any further.




Next step is to progress buildings and structures, a bit of full size 3D planning to see what fits where. It’s been a while since I made any buildings so have got a couple of buildings kits to start me off and get the proportions right.






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Had a very enjoyable weekend last weekend with the Mickleover Members Day for our local group of the 7mm Narrow Gauge Association. A very sociable weekend catching up with friends, whilst I missed having a layout to operate, there was the added bonus of cake this time. Though with my wife Liz in the kitchen, I was slightly hampered in the number of pieces I could have...




With Association Sales present, I took the opportunity to stock up on some Grandt Line windows and doors for the impending building work on the layout.




If you go back far enough in this thread, you’ll find I built up a stone station building with canopy for the layout. This proved to be too large for the site and has gone into store for possible future use. In its place will be a wriggly tin structure and have made good progress with the framework out of styrene strip this week.




Inspired by the wriggly tin buildings of the Welsh Highland from the1920’s, next task is the roof framework.




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The framework for the station building is now complete, found all that styrene cutting and sticking to be quite therapeutic, now for the corrugated iron cladding. I’m using the foil version from Kitwood Hill Models, initial trials suggest that getting a near and tidy finish could be anything but therapeutic.... will see what happens!






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Something to do on the ferry turn?

A couple of us used to take modelling projects into work to do on the ferry turn, there’s never any time to do so these days. If you’re not given a job when you book on, you’re working the 1V70 fiddle and spending your evening in New St. See what happens if they redo the diagrams in December as they’re threatening too.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Last week was a pretty chaotic time at work, but thankfully have been off over the weekend. We had 3-4 inches of snow here last week then high winds that saw the snow drift around quite a bit making travel from Wednesday onwards pretty hairy. The snow, plus the fact that Tywyn was battered by 80+mph winds on Thursday night meant that we stayed at home rather than go to Wales this weekend. Did mean more modelling got done which was a bonus.


The station building is now finished bar glazing.






Have also been busy with wagon works. The Foxfield wagon has had a broken brake handle fixed. The Tonfanau wagon has had the base coat paintwork finished and a spray of Dulcote. It will have drawgear fitted and weathered alongside the third wagon. A Slater’s Rectangular Tank Wagon. This I received from my wife for Christmas and has jumped the queue a bit as my birthday is approaching and any requests for further kits may be better received if their predecessors have been built...






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  • RMweb Premium



Great work Andy. The weather 4 miles away was just the same so I spent the weekend building shelving units to try and tidy up the garage - 5 units each with 46 parts - I could probably put them togther with my eyes shut now :O


I see the Major from Tonfanau Camp has reported for duty and 'liked' your latest contribution . . . .  :sungum:




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Great work Andy. The weather 4 miles away was just the same so I spent the weekend building shelving units to try and tidy up the garage - 5 units each with 46 parts - I could probably put them togther with my eyes shut now :O


I see the Major from Tonfanau Camp has reported for duty and 'liked' your latest contribution . . . . :sungum:




Agreed, wasn’t the weather for going far from the log burner in our study!!


Sadly the Tonfanau wagon is a bit too old for the period that Tonfanau Camp is set in, but with my Tywyn connections I couldn’t resist one of those from POW Sides.



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Agreed, wasn’t the weather for going far from the log burner in our study!!


Sadly the Tonfanau wagon is a bit too old for the period that Tonfanau Camp is set in, but with my Tywyn connections I couldn’t resist one of those from POW Sides.



Well done that man. I think I may get one regardless.


Carry on.



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Well done that man. I think I may get one regardless.


Carry on.



POWSides #582 http://www.powsides.co.uk/www.powsides.co.uk/info.php?p=5&pid=794151&ack=9


Think one would look rather good left to rot maybe in the end of one of the sidings or a headshunt for the camp? With Minerva’s next announcement due, would be thought it’d be you tempting me with models rather than the other way round this week...




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