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Melyn Valley Railway

Andrew Young

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Had you considered Wisbech & U tram coaches?

Lovely big end platforms with steps and ironwork.

D&S do a kit for both the four and bogie wheeled coaches as well as the accompanying brake van with central corridor access.

Enjoyed building these.

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Had you considered Wisbech & U tram coaches?

Lovely big end platforms with steps and ironwork.

D&S do a kit for both the four and bogie wheeled coaches as well as the accompanying brake van with central corridor access.

Enjoyed building these.

Thanks for the suggestion, a very good one. As it happens, I have a pair of the W&U coach kits picked up at Guildex a while back and in a safe place for 'ron' (as in later on), but didn't get the van.


Expect that they will be built one day as an alternative set of carriages, but in the meantime I intend building enough to operate the layout, then progress the layout to be followed by luxuries such as extra carriages later otherwise I'll never complete anything or have anything to run them on!


The kit for the third carriage of the train arrived the other day, just waiting for the wheels to arrive. A start will be made once the major structural work is complete on this one and I'll write more on that when I make a start.




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Irresistible light railway subject, perfect for 7mm and exquisitely executed.  Very much enjoyed discovering the MVR and look forward to updates.

Thank you Edwardian for your kind words and the likewise. Likewise I've enjoyed discovering your layout thread, particularly like your buildings.




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Nice as the Connoisseur NER and Slaters GWR & MR carriages are, they appear a lot and I fancied something a little different. The solution to carriage No 2 was found in a visit to fellow 7mm NGA TVAG member Phil Traxson (Port Wynnstay Models) workshop where I spied some Rother Valley Carriage sides and ends which were a private commission, of which I was able to purloin a couple of test castings.

I suppose there's no chance of them becoming more widely available? These coaches are on my to-do list, and it's a choice between Worsley Works etchings and scratchbuilding. Those castings make it look much easier!

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I suppose there's no chance of them becoming more widely available? These coaches are on my to-do list, and it's a choice between Worsley Works etchings and scratchbuilding. Those castings make it look much easier!


Hi John, I would love to produce these as a kit but need to get in touch with the chap I made them for as he paid someone to make the patterns for him and would not be happy at me just using them willy-nilly. Unfortunately I have either mislaid or never had his address to contact him as it was all done face to face at shows and the pattern maker also built them for him. I'm hoping some one on here either knows him or even that he is on this forum so that he gets in touch and I can offer him folding beer vouchers for the patterns and use of them , until then its on hold, sorry.

Phil Traxson

Port Wynnstay Models

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Having the study just off the hall in the house helps keep my modelling mojo going and upped my productivity greatly. Helped also by not devorating at the moment. A couple of sessions with the styrene and Evergreen strip and the carriage is on its wheels.




Think it looks the part with 'Fair Isle' and the Selsey carriage.




For the third vehicle, have gone for some antique opulence for first class. Inspired by Stephens' LSWR royal saloons. See this for more info: http://www.hfstephens-museum.org.uk/rolling-stock/stephens-royal-saloons

this kit will be the next one on the bench.






Edited by Andrew Young
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Been my long weekend off and spent it at the flat in Tywyn. Originally planned as a brake maintenance session, this was deferred as the carriage shed we usually inhabit is being re-roofed. Nevertheless, after all that decorating, we opted for a restful weekend by the seaside.


Our intention on Saturday was to spend the day up the coast, but the latest storm put paid to that with strong winds and heavy rain. However, having packed a suitable contingency plan, this was built whilst watching the rugby...




At least the rain stopped on Sunday to be blown down the promenade.




Back home, the Rother carriage has seen work on the chassis, with some semblance of brake gear and a brake actuator from Grandt line fitted. Pleasingly, the chassis sits square and level (well it impressed me!) and I've fitted plenty of liquid lead to make it roll more easily through my less than perfect track work.




Visited my local model shop here in Tutbury yesterday for some paint to touch up the Tonfanau wagon and came home with more than I expected... Having resisted the urge for so long, I relented, partly through one of my Talyllyn friends having turned the Southern A1X into a very pleasing Colonel Stephens inspired loco and come to the conclusion that an A1 and an A1X would look rather nice on the layout. I do rather like the Terriers after all! Had some suitable research material to hand too...




The price in my local model shop was reasonably comparable to some of the big stores, certainly less than I'd be paying postage for paint and other modelling sundries without it! I was also able to look the model over before buying and comes damage free.


Next up is the saloon carriage.




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  • RMweb Premium

The price in my local model shop was reasonably comparable to some of the big stores, certainly less than I'd be paying postage for paint and other modelling sundries without it! I was also able to look the model over before buying and comes damage free.


Next up is the saloon carriage.





Brilliant, support your local Model Shop!  (if you still have one...)

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The Rother coach is looking good Andy.

I wondered when you'd give in and buy a Terrier...assuming it will appear in a similar to the other locos?

Nice choice of reading material too!

You wondered correctly, was only a matter of time! A have a plan for the colour, will be one of the fifty shades of green I tend to paint locos in, though shall resist the temptation to start on it just yet.


Regarding the Rother coach, thank you, with the glue set, got home from work and took it up to the attic for a basic digital test run, pleased to report it sailed through the pointwork including the 1:4 angle points.




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Brilliant, support your local Model Shop!  (if you still have one...)

Most definitely, I'm lucky to still have one and only a couple of minutes walk away. Whilst it's mostly OO boxed stuff, there's occasionally some secondhand to interest me alongside the usual paints and potions etc.




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  • RMweb Premium

You wondered correctly, was only a matter of time! A have a plan for the colour, will be one of the fifty shades of green I tend to paint locos in, though shall resist the temptation to start on it just yet.


 You need to admire it for a while first




Regarding the Rother coach, thank you, with the glue set, got home from work and took it up to the attic for a basic digital test run, pleased to report it sailed through the pointwork including the 1:4 angle points.

Cheers, Andrew

Did you use PVA to fix the lead in place? You should be ok in open air like that, but don't use it in an enclosed space as the PVA can react with the lead and expand.


Sorry, I'm sure you knew that already...


Great modelling,


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You need to admire it for a while first





Did you use PVA to fix the lead in place? You should be ok in open air like that, but don't use it in an enclosed space as the PVA can react with the lead and expand.


Sorry, I'm sure you knew that already...


Great modelling,


You are correct, the Terrier is on the shelf above the workbench with my Hudswell Clarke as well for comparison purposes of course! Will have to order some plates of course too.


Thanks for the reminder about pva and lead, you can't have too many reminders of such things! I used "Super 'Phatic! Glue' which I'm told is safe to use with lead which I purchased from Eileen's with the liquid lead.




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Back at work on silly o'clock early shifts from today. An afternoon modelling session lubricated by plenty of tea seemed a suitable antidote. With the main construction phase completed on the Rother Valley coach, I made a start on the Saloon carriage. The recipe stand from the kitchen being very handy for the instructions downloaded onto the tablet.




A short while later, after drilling all the holes required on the parts and with my fingers only stuck together once, the main body was secured together. Couldn't resist putting the wheels under and the roof on.


Must say I'm impressed with the quality of the resin castings, with interior detail cast onto the rear of the main body sides and ends.




Starting to get a feel for what the passenger set on the MVR will look like now.






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  • RMweb Gold

What a lovely little coach! The complete train looks very nice too.

Re the Terrier - I give you a week before the temptation kicks in! Think I lasted three days before I repainted mine - though that was mainly to stop me from thinking about an LBSC branch terminus with a fleet of Terriers...

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That passenger train looks a lot like what I was hoping to build with the still born Norfolk Coast Tramway. Thanks for putting it into reality for me ! Starting to have regrets about selling you the Ixion MW.........nah, I think it's gone to the right home :-) you are moving on at a fast pace and it's all looking good. I've moved onto a 1970ish Fowler worked shunting yard. Not the right place for a MW.



( I think I might have been the one in your way layout watching at Mickleover show !)

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What a lovely little coach! The complete train looks very nice too.

Re the Terrier - I give you a week before the temptation kicks in! Think I lasted three days before I repainted mine - though that was mainly to stop me from thinking about an LBSC branch terminus with a fleet of Terriers...

Thanks Neil, my temptation has been an Isle of Wight style Minories layout with Terriers, an E1, an O2 and other oddities, Ryde St Minories anyone? But I digress.... My intention is to leave the Terrier alone until I'm building the kit version and then finish the pair off together.


I've only a small Paintshop and there's three carriages and a wagon to finish first before starting anything else to have space on my workbench.... Then there's an attic and a layout to work on!




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Damn, I'm not a lover of resin, but that coach looks too good to miss.

I've had a love/hate relationship with resin over the years. But, when the kits are well manufactured with good quality patterns then they can be a joy to build and this is one of those. Far removed from the early open top cast resin kits with a wobbly top surface!


Wonderful stuff, and so like what I would like to do in 4mm. It's an inspiration and a joy to see.

Thanks Edwardian. Sure we can't tempt you up into 7mm scale....?




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That passenger train looks a lot like what I was hoping to build with the still born Norfolk Coast Tramway. Thanks for putting it into reality for me ! Starting to have regrets about selling you the Ixion MW.........nah, I think it's gone to the right home :-) you are moving on at a fast pace and it's all looking good. I've moved onto a 1970ish Fowler worked shunting yard. Not the right place for a MW.



( I think I might have been the one in your way layout watching at Mickleover show !)

Thanks John, I don't remember you being in my way, if it was, I apologise for not saying hello.


I can only thank you for selling me the MW, that and my Fowler are sat on the shelf awaiting their turn in the Paintshop once I've finally decided what colour to paint them! I do have the plates now for both from Narrowplanet so shouldn't be long.


Hope you're enjoying your Fowler? It's a cracking model and well suited to your new layout.




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