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SOS Junction. If anything happens would someone wake me up please..


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  • RMweb Premium

Never heard Botany Bay Cons called that before.


OK I found this and it explains things https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_Fleet

I learn something new every day.


Descendants of the First Fleeters are extremely proud of their lineage. The small ferries that serve Sydney Harbour at present are named after some of the First Fleet ships. They are now being replaced with new vessels, one of which will rejoice in the name of Ferry McFerryface. O tempora, o mores.

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Can we go back to cider for a moment, please?


In the year of 1642 in a little cider mill

A poor old dog lay down to rest 'cos he were feeling ill

He chose a most precarious perch, above the apple press

And in his sleep he tumbled in and perished in distress


Which caused his master for to grieve, likewise his mistress too

Until their sorrows to relieve they sampled of the brew

"Odzoons!" cried Farmer Attwater "the like I ne'er did sup!

Go summon all the neighbours in and bid them take a cup!"


Now every man who drank that night got drunk as drunk could be

And wondered how the scrumpy had acquired such potency

The farmer kept his counsel as he took another drop

When all at once the poor old dog came a-floating to the top


Now a silence fell upon the room and every man did frown

They recognised poor Bendigo, though he were upside down

The parson lost his colour and collapsed upon the floor

And the squire lost his breeches in the rush to reach the door


"Fear not!" cries Farmer Attwater,  "for in all his life I'll vow

He never bit nor man nor child and he'll not bite no-one now

And this shall be his epitaph: here lies poor faithful Ben

Who perished in a scrumpy vat and swiftly rose again".


So if you're down to Devon and you goes into a bar

Ask for dead dog scrumpy, 'tis the best there is by far

Refuse all imitations and you'll sleep just like a log

You can always recognise it by the hair of the dog.


Written by the late Trevor Crozier something over 40 years ago



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It's different in the RAF, you have to go through a rigorous selection process...

Scene: A high-ranking officer with very posh upper-class English accent and handlebar moustache, the other side of a desk from a would-be recruit.


O: Just a few simple questions... What's the stuff that we breathe? 

R: ... Air.

O: What's the stuff that grows on top of your head?

R: ...Hair.

O: Where does a wild animal or a villainous mastermind live?

R: ... Lair.

O: Just repeat those for me.

R: Air Hair Lair.

O: Air Hair Lair old chap, welcome to the Royal Air Force.

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When the Moon shines on the Cowshed and we're rolling in the hay

All the cows are up there grazin' and the milk is on it's way.


I am the Cider drinker, I drinks it all of the day.

I am the cider drinker, it soothes all My troubles away, ooh arr ooh arr ay,ooh arr ooh arr ay.


It's so cosy in the kitchen, the smell of rabbit stew,

when the breeze blows 'cross the farmyard , you can smell the cowshed too.


I am the cider drinker ......etc


The Wurzels

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  • RMweb Premium

You tempted, my dear Dubya?


I always have trouble fitting the roofs TBH, I've got a pair converted to the Maunsell pull-push sets using the Branchlines conversation kit.  They're in a box in the loft somewhere - that's how pleased I am with them.

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