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SOS Junction. If anything happens would someone wake me up please..


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  • RMweb Gold

I think it was a substitute.

Ah!......The superbly named Clout....who could forget them..


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  • RMweb Premium

Feeble attempt at modelling alert!

At last I went up The Junction to see if I could sort out why one point at the FY West exit/entrance has half a frog live or a half live frog....whatever. I tried testing the trickery with my testy thing and it just would not play the game. One way the point works works, the other way one part of the frog seems dead! It isn't the end of the world as stuff can exit another way but that isn't what I want. Huge Pah! One attempt at redoing the wiring resulted in almost frying a DCC 80; strange smell that I recoginseed from previous 'failures'. DCC 80 has not died though as they are tough little b#####s. Tomorrow I may take the point up and just double check the modification.

Bo##ocks to that today though and so I stuffed an 8pin 'plug in' Decoder in 82016, having run '16 in. It works fine but showed me where yet another frog problem was lurking east end station main. It is all to do with wheel base I have decided so maybe stay alives will be required? However, I just refitted a DCC 80 I had  removed from this point thinking it was working OK (it was with LWB and tender pick up loco's) and '16 was fine and there were no burning smells. All too weird for me.

Argyle have actually won away today so I am in shock and can not do any more for now.


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Ref your 'lectrikery, have you bonded the rails as per Pickyboos mods ?


I found a similar problem once and it turned out to be a dry joint so took it out and re-sodded re-soldered it and guess what, it worked . Worth a look maybe mate.



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  • RMweb Premium

Ref your 'lectrikery, have you bonded the rails as per Pickyboos mods ?


I found a similar problem once and it turned out to be a dry joint so took it out and re-sodded re-soldered it and guess what, it worked . Worth a look maybe mate.



I have dry joints but I had not checked the point for that; thanks matey.  I shall get some Olive Oil ready.


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  • RMweb Premium

Just remember Quackers...


Two wires ;)


You have my deepest symphony over this AC/DC decoder thingy whatsit stuff.

Oh, It's 2 wires. I forgotted the second one...................

Crimp Endsoff 

Edited by Mallard60022
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Feeble attempt at modelling alert!

At last I went up The Junction to see if I could sort out why one point at the FY West exit/entrance has half a frog live or a half live frog....whatever. I tried testing the trickery with my testy thing and it just would not play the game. One way the point works works, the other way one part of the frog seems dead! It isn't the end of the world as stuff can exit another way but that isn't what I want. Huge Pah! One attempt at redoing the wiring resulted in almost frying a DCC 80; strange smell that I recoginseed from previous 'failures'. DCC 80 has not died though as they are tough little b#####s. Tomorrow I may take the point up and just double check the modification.

Bo##ocks to that today though and so I stuffed an 8pin 'plug in' Decoder in 82016, having run '16 in. It works fine but showed me where yet another frog problem was lurking east end station main. It is all to do with wheel base I have decided so maybe stay alives will be required? However, I just refitted a DCC 80 I had  removed from this point thinking it was working OK (it was with LWB and tender pick up loco's) and '16 was fine and there were no burning smells. All too weird for me.

Argyle have actually won away today so I am in shock and can not do any more for now.


Toy trains are supposed to be fun, Phil!

I learn more about Argyle here and from my cousin in Germany.  Not exactly a fan but a left over interest from the old days but they don't seem to improve with age!





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  • RMweb Premium

Toy trains are supposed to be fun, Phil!

I learn more about Argyle here and from my cousin in Germany.  Not exactly a fan but a left over interest from the old days but they don't seem to improve with age!





Don't get me wrong Brian, I'm having loads fo fun but I really dislike being baffled. That's probably why I just can't not want to know how Argyle have got on as I know I'm going to be truly baffled every danm game. :scared:  :mail:  :rtfm:  :this:

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So today I made a start on building a control panel -


As part of this, I realised I needed to do some carpentry,  much against doctors' orders, but SWMBO had gone out with daughter and granddaughter, so WTF?


I then realised I needed to sort out switches, so took back all the points I wasn't using to Guagemaster  who took them back into stock against the purchase of 60 point switches and 30 section switches, plus a set of controllers.


While discussing DCC, I mentioned that with 60 points on the mainline, I felt that DCC would be way to complex


The  manager of the shop, who was looking after me agreed, and told me that many of the DCC modellers they know have given up on DCC for running the railway and instead use analog electrickery (Bloomin 'eck I need to be careful about spellchecking that at this time of night after a few glasses of vino blanco!) and have gone for analog point management and DCC for locos.


It was then that I remembered I needed some DPDT switches to enable cab control, which I am using to allow me to use a single controller from end-to-end.


After digging them out, he pointed out that I'm running as good a setups DCC albeit without the sound, but at a lot less cost!


He did then try to sell me a few spools of wire!

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  • RMweb Premium

I'm running out of popcorn, what with Peeeco point frogs and ickle saddletanks.....



Back to t'junction.  DC is fine for running trains.  Using it for points and 'things' is a waste of time and dosh IMHO unless you integrate the whole thing electricerilly and comperisatorily.  My mate Tony has done this with 'Alwinton' and it works fine, but he's a boffin, first class.  I use DCC and have done so for 20 years, but operate points with bicycle spokes and micro-switches or DCC80.s

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Cheers 'Arry er Tim 


 Splashers all over. Got that one from 'Enry.


What a cock up. :rtfm:


Proves how much I follow G*R rtr, two models of  a class of 5 and I bet they weren't that wide spread. A class of 5 :O , there were 120 class 11 shunters built for LMS, BR and WD no rtr plus six identical ones built by the WR, loads of livery variations, 112 class 302 EMUs never going to be a rtr, and what about the all the class 313,314,315,507 and 508 types loads minor variations and bags of liveries and locations, should keep a rtr manufacturer in production for years.................2 models which both are wrong (allegedly) for a class of 5 dock shunters that most trainspotters would never have seen. :scratchhead:


Which one has the right handrails....off to check bank balance I need one NOW!!!!!! :nono: :nono:

Edited by Clive Mortimore
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  • RMweb Premium

I'm running out of popcorn, what with Peeeco point frogs and ickle saddletanks.....



Back to t'junction.  DC is fine for running trains.  Using it for points and 'things' is a waste of time and dosh IMHO unless you integrate the whole thing electricerilly and comperisatorily.  My mate Tony has done this with 'Alwinton' and it works fine, but he's a boffin, first class.  I use DCC and have done so for 20 years, but operate points with bicycle spokes and micro-switches or DCC80.s

Hi Neil


DCC controlled points and signals can be good. I have had the pleasure of operating Rowntree Sidings and that has DCC route setting, from memory it was press "Route" then the number of that route and bang, bang, whoosh everything was ready for me to drive my train. No control panel. But I like a big control panel, makes the person behind it look important.


Having said that left to their own devices some DCC electronic bods can make things so complicated with the interface (plug to us mere mortals) to their PC which is on wireless connection with their phone and they are driving their layout while sunning themselves on the Costa Brava.

Edited by Clive Mortimore
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  • RMweb Premium

Yes, that's what I meant Clive.  Alwinton has route setting on an 'N-X' panel style (which was a club standard from years ago in analogue days) but using tablets and clever programming - signals, uncouplers etc all work off the 'panels' that are actually touch sensitive tablets.  It has been in the Railway Todeller recently but the article was written three years ago almost, it has developed a lot since then.  I think the investment in the hardware of accessory decoders etc is a waste unless you do use a form of integration of some sort.


I once operated a well known US layout at a show, which was made by one of the best US outline modellers in the UK who I'm pally with.  Each point on a complex switching layout had to be operated individually from the handset - it was a nightmare. At the end of the weekend I was toast.  Even noticing one of the factories on the layout had my name on it didn't compensate!

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