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SOS Junction. If anything happens would someone wake me up please..


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  • RMweb Premium

At the moment there is no progress on SOSJ. This is annoying as when Graham was here last Friday he so kindly completed the Incline cross-over section so that I could then finish that area of track and thus half of the scenic parts of the layout. This is a 'cosmetic' cross-over in that I will never use it as I have no records of that happening during operations in my era. If I do decide to use it it is operable but relies only on blade contact of the points.

I also need to work on the station west crossover board as well; it needs reprofiling.

I won't bore you with excuses but it is the usual out of the blue fatigue situation at the moment and the fact I am still waiting for my so**ing special wire stripper thingies that I am promised were dispatched nearly two weeks ago. These are the ones that 'take a bite out of my BUS' so I can solder the droppers to it. If I'd been fit I'd have gone shopping for one of these, but............

The Supplier should be contacting the carrier. 

I have been given, very kindly, a Meter. If I post a pic of it on here could someone tell me how to set it up for testing that trickery is flowing from one place to another please? I can't understand the Instructions.

So apologies for now. 


Edited by Mallard60022
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Despair not Phil it will no doubt arrive in time for Christmas!


As I write this I'm sitting in the outpatients dept of the Princess Royal having IV methylpred dripped into my arm in an effort to get my  lungs back to reasonably good form - I've dropped to 60% of normal and they want to get me back up to 80% which is my average performance. It's a bit of an ar8e, but you just have to deal with these little inconveniences. 


Fortunately I have been referred to an excellent neurologist - would that help with your unexplained fatigues - it sounds a bit like Lupus which would fall under that discipline.

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Be careful of solvents too - some pretty nasty side effects from pretty common glues can cause neurological problems (depression for example) and respiratory problems.  They are cumulative too, so even a slight exposure today coming on top of previous exposure can lead to pretty serious problems.


I have a modelling chum who is now completely allergic to super glues and rattle can solvents..

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Be careful of solvents too - some pretty nasty side effects from pretty common glues can cause neurological problems (depression for example) and respiratory problems.  


Never done me no harm... honest    :jester:

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Good morning. Having drunk the bottle of Klear I now feel a little more refreshed and so I have at last taken some pics of the Incline Crossover that Graham of Grantham so very kindly installed for me a couple of weeks ago. The Pecoboos are 'adjusted' using his method of altering the timbers arrangement; this provides the prototypical 6' and really helps the shape of the 'continuous curves'.

It might not look very different to when I posted some pics previously, however the spacing and geometry is far better and I hope the carpy coaches (except for one wot I dun) show the reverse curve nicely. 

I have actually done some of the work here on linking the two mains up to the east end off-stage crossovers and FY access tracks. Further track weathering needs to take place of course and I have to work out the better way of installing the refuge siding.


The eastbound view



More detail of the trailing cross-over that is cosmetic but could be used in an emergency (for me...why would I need to?)



Curvy, carpy coaches going east.......


The bridge is where the scenic break will probably be (not this bridge)


Curvy, carpy coaches but looking west



Wider view showing, on the left of the pic, where the refuge will be fitted in a similar way to that idea I had about 6 months ago and then ripped out!


Gilbert will be watching this area with interest. It will look like the area below in about a year.




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Splendid with tonic, old chap.

Bizarre true story. Many years ago, when I worked shifts in the Control at Croydon, the caretaker's office was next to ours. One of the caretakers was an old boy called Enoch. He seemed to be a diligent user of the electric floor polisher. Some time after I moved on to other tasks Enoch was found dead in his flat - it was found he'd been drinking the polish! And it emerged he was 78, and should have been 'let go' many years before.......
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  • RMweb Gold

Bizarre true story. Many years ago, when I worked shifts in the Control at Croydon, the caretaker's office was next to ours. One of the caretakers was an old boy called Enoch. He seemed to be a diligent user of the electric floor polisher. Some time after I moved on to other tasks Enoch was found dead in his flat - it was found he'd been drinking the polish! And it emerged he was 78, and should have been 'let go' many years before.......

So should we conclude then that drinking floor polish makes you look younger even though it kills you in the end? :scratchhead:

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  • RMweb Gold

Bizarre true story. Many years ago, when I worked shifts in the Control at Croydon, the caretaker's office was next to ours. One of the caretakers was an old boy called Enoch. He seemed to be a diligent user of the electric floor polisher. Some time after I moved on to other tasks Enoch was found dead in his flat - it was found he'd been drinking the polish! And it emerged he was 78, and should have been 'let go' many years before.......

In a way it's lucky he was dead by the time management found out, or they'ed have wiped the floor with him

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Very swish.  I do like how the foamy ballast gives a proper shoulder raised above the cess.... too many folk lay track flat on the ground, and it never looks right.  


I've come to realise lately that I actually prefer track to trains....

I was a bit reluctant to use this stuff at first and then G of G twisted my arm and I found that it holds the track quite nicely and absorbs sound nicely. It will have some chamfered and inverted 3mm cork and maybe a bit more for the Cess and the centre 'V' will be infilled with some sort of 2mm ballast or suitable flocking stuff. I'm hoping to also get a very thin layer of ballast 'dust' on the surface of the foam to make it look more like stone.

I/we are also going to use it for the Station tracks despite these being 4 tracks wide and the up and down lines not parallel and with a flat ballast surface across the space between the platforms. The 'infill' there will be more difficult but probably I'll use some sort of card and cork to achieve this look



The yards are going to be a bit of a challenge; there are some shoulders and a lot of nice flat areas to have fun with.




By the time I get to be enjoying detailing that lot, the trickery should all be working..........hopefully.


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That last picture....


I know it's rose tinted spectacles, but after the carp day in the office I've had I would happily sit in the sun in Devon next to my simmering Radial, waiting to trip back to Exmouth Junction shed....

This is also how I can  could justify two Radials. Probably an additional Hornby if it is smart. However, the price of the Oxford version makes another of those look tempting.

Sorry you had a carap day Fritters. I'll see if I can find you another lineside location to dream about......




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I was innocently minding my own business perusing Other Forums (Forii?)  as one does, and I blundered into Track Wars, the Eastern Front.  


Same combatants, same weaponry (pedantry, hostility, sarcasm, etc) different field of battle.


Do you suppose it will all end peacefully when finally OO bull bottomed flat head track is available to purchase?

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  • RMweb Premium

I was innocently minding my own business perusing Other Forums (Forii?)  as one does, and I blundered into Track Wars, the Eastern Front.  


Same combatants, same weaponry (pedantry, hostility, sarcasm, etc) different field of battle.


Do you suppose it will all end peacefully when finally OO bull bottomed flat head track is available to purchase?

Go on Dr G-F give us the link.......

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Wow, that's a striking new avatar you have there Sir Duck (or is it Lord Duck now)!

Some kind person found that for me some time ago; might even have been that Mr Penfold, but I can not remember.


I was innocently minding my own business perusing Other Forums (Forii?)  as one does, and I blundered into Track Wars, the Eastern Front.  


Same combatants, same weaponry (pedantry, hostility, sarcasm, etc) different field of battle.


Do you suppose it will all end peacefully when finally OO bull bottomed flat head track is available to purchase?

There is another very interesting thread about 'Spectrum' issues that I have been reading and dropping in on. It is very civilised as well thank goodness. However, it demonstrates that many of us on RMW could be considered to be 'somewhere on the Spectrum'. This I believe, explains why many threads break into war like exchanges as some people just can't handle the debate, can't be wrong in their thinking and others can not, for whatever reason, understand abstract humour. The majority of folk on RMW, even if they have some interesting characteristics, are courteous and treat others with respect, even when their views differ.

Unfortunately the opposite seems to be happening more often and the Mods must be having a torrid time policing it. Saying that, a few of the really nasty characters have 'disappeared' (thank goodness).

I will though be a little more careful about misreading a response in conversations on here as the poster may be one that has 'a different way' of looking at a subject. 

The bullsh1t fartbottom track thread to end peacefully? Nah, I hope not as it is really amusing watching them going around and around and around and busting a blood vessel in the process  :mosking:  My advice is, drop in a little grenade of wisdom and retreat to watch the reaction. I would never do such a thing of course.



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Go on Dr G-F give us the link.......

Don't need a link Morty, just follow the trail of blood and gore to the smoking ruin that the thread is.

There's more than one on the subject of track and gauge stuff but there hasn't been a flange one for ages. I almost started a fight the other day when I stupidly asked a question about BUS wires; won't do that again. :beee:


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Well said m'lord!  Too many forums get carried away into slinging matches which usually ends up with members giving up and going on to greener pastures.  Usually hobby forums don't have too much trouble; you can't really argue too much on the virtues of toy trains although it must be disconcerting when others laugh at your Hornby when you should have bought a Bachmann!  The tolerance shown on RM web is a blessing as most scale guys would laugh at my tinplate trains and as a sometime trainspotter, I can reminisce with the best of them.  Then there's always JA!



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Don't need a link Morty, just follow the trail of blood and gore to the smoking ruin that the thread is.

There's more than one on the subject of track and gauge stuff but there hasn't been a flange one for ages. I almost started a fight the other day when I stupidly asked a question about BUS wires; won't do that again. :beee:



Don't get me started on flanges.....  

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