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SOS Junction. If anything happens would someone wake me up please..


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  • RMweb Gold

Could the good Captain verify that we would not get this sort of conversation in Haverfordwest? :dontknow: :no2: :dontknow: :no2:

I can neither confirm nor deny that we may or may not get into (or out of) this sort of conversation in (or outside of) Haverfordwest.

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  • RMweb Gold

I can neither confirm nor deny that we may or may not get into (or out of) this sort of conversation in (or outside of) Haverfordwest.

How long was your retirement speech ?

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  • RMweb Premium

How long was your retirement speech ?

Ha, ha! I suspect that CK's departing words were concise and maybe it was just one word.

However, I can not confirm or deny that I may or may not have time to organise, or otherwise, a competition to guess or not guess what those or that word may or may not have been. I am too busy sorting my off-shore investments so as to be able to invest in the production of some PECOBOO/Duckworth Bullhead Points that will be just for me and nobody else that has scorned the IOOFSSSTFU thread.

Now, to the loft to stare at wire for a few hours.


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How long was your retirement speech ?

Mine went somethings like this -


" Thank you all for coming, I would really like to thank the one person who has helped and encouraged me in my career but as he isn't here I'm off Good Bye" .

I then left the room to the amazement of all there !

AR$e to so called management hanger-ons !

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I recently witnessed a farewell speech in a similar vein, as part of a throng gathered around the retiree's desk:


'It's been great to work with such fantastic people throughout my career - and you're all some of them!'

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  • RMweb Premium

Since I 'retired' I have had several part-time jobs. Most have been OK but a couple have been sh1te due to 'certain people'. After 45 + years of working FT and needing to and often having to endure really hopeless management, I had the greatest pleasure in telling someone in a PT job (I actually really liked) to shove their ***** job up their **** and get someone else to put up with him being a complete **** and stormed out like a real 'luvvy' actor would. Blood* brilliant feeling.

However, I know CK really enjoyed his job and he would never have said such ill chosen words.


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  • RMweb Gold

Today, CTMK and I went into Plymouth and did various domestic-related stuff, had an expensive coffee and got stuck in a tailback on the A38 for almost an hour due to an accident ahead, not something that I would normally have done, had I still been at work.

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Today I have been at work and here is my schedule...


06.30 - get up, make tea, go into study, deal with lots of email to and from clients and some company admin

09.00 - take tea upstairs to SWMBO who is still recovering from her shoulder op, get dressed, depart on the motorbike for local healthclub

09.30 - arrive Health club ( it takes 25 minutes by car), get changed, and commence walking the pool

10.25 - leave pool, shower and head home

10.40 - stop by the Romanian car wash who gave the bike a total valet for just £ 5.00 while I drank a fresh cup of tea

11.15 - stop at Tesco for coffee and bread

11.45 - Arrive home, make coffee and back to study to edit the new website we're launching for a client next week 

15.30 - stop writing about website, grab t a cheese sandwich and a cup of tea and return to study

15.40 - commence writing a case study about how HP is coping with the complexity of international VAT filing ( Oh yes I get to write about some seriously unexciting things - it ain't all leading edge and fun)

17.55 - Finish case study and send to client for approval

18.00 - catch up with email - including feed from RMWeb


This isn't a typical working day, because I don't really have such a thing - For example, yesterday I pulled 10 straight hours of writing and web editing, Sunday morning found me doing five hours' work before getting out into the garden - I just fit work and life around each other.


Tomorrow however, SWMBO is off shed to mother-in law, and I'm seriously thinking about visiting Waverley East to attack some carpentry to carry the next control panel.


On the other hand if the weather is like it was today I may just jump on board this beauty and go practice my lazy eights...


Edited by bigwordsmith
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Today I have been at work and here is my schedule...


06.30 - get up, make tea, go into study, deal with lots of email to and from clients and some company admin

09.00 - take tea upstairs to SWMBO who is still recovering from her shoulder op, get dressed, depart on the motorbike for local healthclub

09.30 - arrive Health club ( it takes 25 minutes by car), get changed, and commence walking the pool

10.25 - leave pool, shower and head home

10.40 - stop by the Romanian car wash who gave the bike a total valet for just £ 5.00 while I drank a fresh cup of tea

11.15 - stop at Tesco for coffee and bread

11.45 - Arrive home, make coffee and back to study to edit the new website we're launching for a client next week 

15.30 - stop writing about website, grab t a cheese sandwich and a cup of tea and return to study

15.40 - commence writing a case study about how HP is coping with the complexity of international VAT filing ( Oh yes I get to write about some seriously unexciting things - it ain't all leading edge and fun)

17.55 - Finish case study and send to client for approval

18.00 - catch up with email - including feed from RMWeb


This isn't a typical working day, because I don't really have such a thing - For example, yesterday I pulled 10 straight hours of writing and web editing, Sunday morning found me doing five hours' work before getting out into the garden - I just fit work and life around each other.


Tomorrow however, SWMBO is off shed to mother-in law, and I'm seriously thinking about visiting Waverley East to attack some carpentry to carry the next control panel.


On the other hand if the weather is like it was today I may just jump on board this beauty and go practice my lazy eights...

attachicon.gifBIke at home.png


Definitely off topic  Do people still have studies back home, a room with a phone and a desk where all sorts of work is carried on?  I thought that sort of thing was upper class and went out with WW2.  Been away too long I suppose but seeing it mentioned, had to ask.


Incidentally, I'm not half as busy as your schedule!



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  • RMweb Gold

Definitely off topic  Do people still have studies back home, a room with a phone and a desk where all sorts of work is carried on?  I thought that sort of thing was upper class and went out with WW2.  Been away too long I suppose but seeing it mentioned, had to ask.


Incidentally, I'm not half as busy as your schedule!



I'm sat in one at the moment!


And no, I'm not posh either.

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  • RMweb Premium

Phil, I just asked a serious question on your DCC bus thread. Could be a mistake!

I'm really pissed off with one bloke on there but he appears to be taking drugs now as he seems to have softened up a bit.

I might stop asking things in public as it causes fights.


Edited by Mallard60022
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  • RMweb Premium

Right, I am really pi$$ed off now as my sodding trailing crossover doesn't cross over. My boasting about the point motors working was OK, but pride deffo comes before a huge tumble.  I've spent ages this afternoon, checking that the Pecoboo PL10s + PL13 switches for the frogs are wired correctly. The main lines run OK, however the cross over bit doesn't seem to work.

I have the double IRJs between the points. The frogs appear to be 'dead' for the cross over.

Can I ask, is this because I am testing it with a DC Controller and DC loco and should I instead be fitting out this section with my DCC power set up and then test it (with a DCC loco obviously). My brain hurts and I can't fathom it out. Please, do not refer me to the on line diagrams as I've got no idea what they are on about most of the time.



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  • RMweb Premium

Phil there's a really good DCC shop in Lincoln. Might be worth a trip to talk to some real experts?

Yes, that's probably the thing to do and they probably won't end up arguing and leaving me standing there waiting!

Thanks mate, Digitrains here I come. I could even cycle if I was fit enough and then catch the train home.


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Yes, that's probably the thing to do and they probably won't end up arguing and leaving me standing there waiting!

Thanks mate, Digitrains here I come. I could even cycle if I was fit enough and then catch the train home.


Always found them helpful over the phone, just wish sometimes I was closer. Might be worth taking a few piccies or a diagram of what you've done Phil, as you know, a picture etc......


Hope it gets resolved mate.



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  • RMweb Premium

I'm seeking advice and will report back tomorrowish. I think I need to rig up a bit of DCC to 'all areas' and try that before I scrap it and start again.

In the event of failure I shall resort to a frog juicer here and just forget the Pecoboo switches for this bit.

Good night all.


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  • RMweb Premium

I'm seeking advice and will report back tomorrowish. I think I need to rig up a bit of DCC to 'all areas' and try that before I scrap it and start again.

In the event of failure I shall resort to a frog juicer here and just forget the Pecoboo switches for this bit.

Good night all.


Do you need a visit from a man with a soldering iron, wire cutters and some fancy strippers?

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