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SOS Junction. If anything happens would someone wake me up please..


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Graeme, I think (he will correct me if I'm wrong) that the Duck has the ADS (solenoid) decoder not the AD (slow action) one - as we discussed on the MCL topic a couple of months ago.

Ah! Sorry I may have mis-read it, thank you for pointing that out.


Kind regards


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Very off topic, but is that the case for a bomb sight computer? It's very like one I have. Unfortunately the bomb sight itself was dismantled for parts many years ago.



Whoa!! Duck down !!! BANG off topic :)



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  • RMweb Premium

Shock news! Someone has complained to the BBFC about The Railway Children!



..........and it's not even 1/4/2016 yet. Rather like the Hobbit piece on R4 this morning; come on get the day correct.

What is a bomb site computer? Does it control points? If so I want one so I can look at it, read the instructions a hundred times, have another look at it, admire the workmansip and then sell it on Ebay for a huge loss.


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..........and it's not even 1/4/2016 yet. Rather like the Hobbit piece on R4 this morning; come on get the day correct.

What is a bomb site computer? Does it control points? If so I want one so I can look at it, read the instructions a hundred times, have another look at it, admire the workmansip and then sell it on Ebay for a huge loss.


Let's try to predict what tomorrow might bring...


- Barclay's say they got the decimal point in the wrong place and Hornby are actually making money hand over fist.


- the first batch of Kernow's D6xx arrives by air from China.


- Peco abandon plans for 00 bullhead track due general apathy on RMWeb.


- the ACE runs all the way round SOSJ.


On second thoughts forget that last one - a good April Fool has to be almost plausible. :jester:

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A question for all you learned folk, prompted by comments in the latest BRM mag thread - If I want to lay inlaid track, so only the very top of the rail is visible, which is better to use - FB or BH ?

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  • RMweb Gold

A question for all you learned folk, prompted by comments in the latest BRM mag thread - If I want to lay inlaid track, so only the very top of the rail is visible, which is better to use - FB or BH ?


FB every time in my book - at least it is stable if laid as rail using a  track gauge.  Then easier todo whatever yo do to bring ground level up against the outer rail edge.

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  • RMweb Premium

A question for all you learned folk, prompted by comments in the latest BRM mag thread - If I want to lay inlaid track, so only the very top of the rail is visible, which is better to use - FB or BH ?

Single rail by any chance?

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  • RMweb Premium

A question for all you learned folk, prompted by comments in the latest BRM mag thread - If I want to lay inlaid track, so only the very top of the rail is visible, which is better to use - FB or BH ?

Hi Stu


I will ask my mate Martin on the Pecaboo bullied track thread, he will know.

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Signing off for a while as I have seemingly contracted bird flu (from SWMBO........thank dear, just what I did not need right now), or over kill on trickery confusions . Make the most of it you lot and I have no problems with daft stuff appearing and will not have a fissy hit.

ATB for now, 


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  • RMweb Premium

Signing off for a while as I have seemingly contracted bird flu (from SWMBO........thank dear, just what I did not need right now), or over kill on trickery confusions . Make the most of it you lot and I have no problems with daft stuff appearing and will not have a fissy hit.

ATB for now, 


Does this mean that you may succumb too a DARD cull if it turns out to be an epidemic.

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  • RMweb Gold

FB every time in my book - at least it is stable if laid as rail using a  track gauge.  Then easier todo whatever yo do to bring ground level up against the outer rail edge.



Single rail by any chance?



Hi Stu


I will ask my mate Martin on the Pecaboo bullied track thread, he will know.




Ah, it was really a rhetorical question, as I'm sure it would probably make no difference, notwithstanding MIke's answer.


Probably would have been better asked tomorrow morning...


Also, all the best to Duck-Flu-Man - hope it doesn't clip your wings for too long.

Edited by Stubby47
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  • RMweb Premium

A question for all you learned folk, prompted by comments in the latest BRM mag thread - If I want to lay inlaid track, so only the very top of the rail is visible, which is better to use - FB or BH ?

Something I saw years ago was to lay two FB rails side by side with the feet butted against each other. It left a slightly wide flangeway but otherwise looked very effective.

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According to a report in the Daily Mail ( so it must be true) scientists have proven that rather than avian flu being the worst kind it is unquestionably man flu


Get well soon quackers - I was quite enjoying seeing the virtual railway becoming a reality.

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  • RMweb Premium

Bird flu my ar$e (and that is uncomfortable). I seem to be OKish today so it couldn't even be man flu. (Tempting fate here I know). Wasn't even an April Fool prank.

Perhaps snorting some Evostick fumes cured it? 

So, many thanks for the best wishes and that has encouraged me to engage the brain cell and do some loft work. Nothing exciting I'm sorry to announce, just some adjustment to the Incline cross-over corky the cat underlay situation and an adjustment to the Station, west end, platform loop point positions (to avoid board supports). However, some sub micro-switches are about to be disciplined and I am actually clearing the area for the first BUS runs in the Incline and Fiddle areas. All in all the place is a right mess.......

Love that Plumber's nightmare Tanky CK. You missed Graham of Grantham by about a month it would seem.

Glad you had a good time; Wolsztyn next my friend.


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Don't tell the Pecoboo crowd, but it looks like they're running OO gauge trains on HO track in those photos


Go on.... Dare ya ! :)

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