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SOS Junction. If anything happens would someone wake me up please..


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  • RMweb Premium

Phil, the ADS-8fx needs a momentary input not a continuous one to change the points. You can use ordinary push buttons if you don't want to work the points by DCC. I'm going to use DCC for mine so that I can do the storage loop route setting with NCE Mini Panels and macros. Note that although it can change 16 points it only has 8 outputs - each output can power 2 points. So you can use one output to work both ends of a crossover but the two points on an output can't operate independently.

That's really helpful St E. In the booklet I have it reads as if the power 'supply' needs to be DCC or 15V DC but didn't say it was a 'momentary requirement' from a switch. I thought it just had the 'power in' and that was it. Hey ho. So I will use it with DCC then and rethink my operation strategy and perhaps do my cross overs with it?



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That's really helpful St E. In the booklet I have it reads as if the power 'supply' needs to be DCC or 15V DC but didn't say it was a 'momentary requirement' from a switch. I thought it just had the 'power in' and that was it. Hey ho. So I will use it with DCC then and rethink my operation strategy and perhaps do my cross overs with it?



Phil -


On one side of teh decoder there are 9 terminals and on the other 11. Looking at the 11 terminal side, connect the power supply to the terminals marked "DC or DCC" , either 15V dc or from your DCC booster - it doesn't matter which.


The next three three terminals are marked "Solenoid". Connect your point motor to these with the common wire in the middle.


The next three terminals are marked "Momentary". If you connect the middle of these momentarily to either of the other two it will move the motor.


The final three terminals are marked "Frog Power". Connect the middle one to the frog and the others to the two stock rails.


The side with 9 terminals is the same except it does not need the power supply as it is connected internally (in fact for the ADS-8fx you only need one power connection to drive all 8 individual decoders).


Hope this makes sense.

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  • RMweb Premium



Phil -


On one side of teh decoder there are 9 terminals and on the other 11. Looking at the 11 terminal side, connect the power supply to the terminals marked "DC or DCC" , either 15V dc or from your DCC booster - it doesn't matter which.


The next three three terminals are marked "Solenoid". Connect your point motor to these with the common wire in the middle.


The next three terminals are marked "Momentary". If you connect the middle of these momentarily to either of the other two it will move the motor.


The final three terminals are marked "Frog Power". Connect the middle one to the frog and the others to the two stock rails.


The side with 9 terminals is the same except it does not need the power supply as it is connected internally (in fact for the ADS-8fx you only need one power connection to drive all 8 individual decoders).


Hope this makes sense.

Most useful. I shall investigate that when it arrives. Glad I didn't pay full whack for it though as it isn't quite what I imagined/understood.


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  • RMweb Premium

Hey Guys and Girls


Have you been looking at the peccaboo bullied track thread...............they seem to be blaming Peco for "Summer Time" and messing up Mr Wynne's puter :swoon: :swoon:


Hold up I think I have read it wrong again.....it now seems Microsoft and Peco are in league to ruin our lives by being useless but we still love love cos we still buy them. :good: I bit surprised that Tesco are not being blamed for the closure of our local shops by offering goodies cheaper and more of them.....darn cheek cheaper and more of them :yahoo:

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  • RMweb Gold

Hey Guys and Girls


Have you been looking at the peccaboo bullied track thread...............they seem to be blaming Peco for "Summer Time" and messing up Mr Wynne's puter :swoon: :swoon:


Hold up I think I have read it wrong again.....it now seems Microsoft and Peco are in league to ruin our lives by being useless but we still love love cos we still buy them. :good: I bit surprised that Tesco are not being blamed for the closure of our local shops by offering goodies cheaper and more of them.....darn cheek cheaper and more of them :yahoo:


Don't worry, and definitely don't panic as all is now back to normal for that thread with an 'earnest debate' about scale and gauge differences and the difference between HO and OO  (simple one that, knock off an H and add an O)

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Don't worry, and definitely don't panic as all is now back to normal for that thread with an 'earnest debate' about scale and gauge differences and the difference between HO and OO  (simple one that, knock off an H and add an O)



(Oops, sorry; got my O's and my H's back to front there!

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  • RMweb Premium

Work resumed today on SOSJ. I am working on one of the 'ends' where a Hex Frog Juicer and several Micro switches need to be installed and a load of extra droppers need to be soldered now that the track for the junction in this area is more or less 'planted' where it should be. Slow but theraputic is how I would describe this.

I think I might well then apply some DCC power to this area and see what happens before proceeding to the (almost) same junction layout at the opposite end. That could be fun, or not depending on if blue smoke appears and loco's melt.

More later.


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  • RMweb Gold



Hey Guys and Girls


Have you been looking at the peccaboo bullied track thread...............they seem to be blaming Peco for "Summer Time" and messing up Mr Wynne's puter :swoon: :swoon:


Hold up I think I have read it wrong again.....it now seems Microsoft and Peco are in league to ruin our lives by being useless but we still love love cos we still buy them. :good: I bit surprised that Tesco are not being blamed for the closure of our local shops by offering goodies cheaper and more of them.....darn cheek cheaper and more of them :yahoo:

My father's cousin who ran a corner shop was blaming Tesco for their difficulties 50 years ago.


She was very critical of anyone who shopped at Tesco - until she retired and......

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Work resumed today on SOSJ. I am working on one of the 'ends' where a Hex Frog Juicer and several Micro switches need to be installed and a load of extra droppers need to be soldered now that the track for the junction in this area is more or less 'planted' where it should be. Slow but theraputic is how I would describe this.

I think I might well then apply some DCC power to this area and see what happens before proceeding to the (almost) same junction layout at the opposite end. That could be fun, or not depending on if blue smoke appears and loco's melt.

More later.


Ready and waiting !




And back-up is on its way just make sure you've got some feed when they get there !




hope there's not too many sparks :) mate

Edited by bgman
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More later.......pah! I have been given clarification about the micro switch wiring; most helpful. I didn't know I didn't know so much (to misquote some American bloke).

No blue smoke so far.................. :scratchhead:


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  • RMweb Premium

More later.......pah! I have been given clarification about the micro switch wiring; most helpful. I didn't know I didn't know so much (to misquote some American bloke).

No blue smoke so far.................. :scratchhead:


Just gave you baby steps on the other thread, sorry.
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  • RMweb Premium

Just gave you baby steps on the other thread, sorry.

No way matey, it was most helpful as I'd already made a mistake before asking! As long as I don't get the naughty step I don't care.


Edited by Mallard60022
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I can't even remember which box the Grange came in so that's me done for.


You're not looking hard enough mate, I think it's in here ?



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  • RMweb Premium

My Cobalt ADS-8fx thingy arrived this afternoon. Very impressive looking bit of kit. Further Push buttons now ordered (I actually had some already....don't know why) 

It comes with a very comprehensive set of instructions and diagrams; probably the best I've received regarding trickery equipment.

Now, I know I could have made one of these out of old tea bags, some rubber and some melted sand, but I CBA and I think it makes it look like I'm understanding what I'm doing with DCC. I never thought I might actually be contemplating using the Decoder facility for route setting (later).

Last bit of work I did before I gave up was to complete the track from the west 'end' down to the Station Yard west trailing crossing. (The point motors still work.....). I added some droppers as well.

Tomorrow I must get some track BUS laid and connected.

That's it for now and thanks for the help and advice, especially  the box where the Grange tender was hidden.


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Nice to see you're using the Cobalt thingy's, I've used them very successfully, but, initially I didn't set them correctly and had ALL of my turnout motors self centring on initial start up ! ( I should have set them to music !!! )

If you've used them before then disregard the following, however if not I'd suggest you set each one in turn to address 198. That will turn the factory default off, then you can give each one its own unique address without them self centring each time you turn the power on.


It that typical bloke thing, read instructions after :)




Edited by bgman
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  • RMweb Premium

Nice to see you're using the Cobalt thingy's, I've used them very successfully, but, initially I didn't set them correctly and had ALL of my turnout motors self centring on initial start up ! ( I should have set them to music !!! )

If you've used them before then disregard the following, however if not I'd suggest you set each one in turn to address 198. That will turn the factory default off, then you can give each one its own unique address without them self centring each time you turn the power on.


It that typical bloke thing, read instructions after :)




Grahame, I think (he will correct me if I'm wrong) that the Duck has the ADS (solenoid) decoder not the AD (slow action) one - as we discussed on the MCL topic a couple of months ago.


Edited to spell bgman's name correctly - sorry!

Edited by St Enodoc
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  • RMweb Gold

You're not looking hard enough mate, I think it's in here ?



Very off topic, but is that the case for a bomb sight computer? It's very like one I have. Unfortunately the bomb sight itself was dismantled for parts many years ago.



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