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SOS Junction. If anything happens would someone wake me up please..


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  • RMweb Premium

Glad I had to do this again as it is far better than I had originally (badly) planned and fits in with the approach to the east end of the station (not shown yet) and it left space for a substantial spur for cassette and/or storage, (track on far right).


Here is the Junction with the 'Incline' tracks bearing off to the left. The walrus is resting on the 'down main' Station approach. The routes to the fiddle yards are straight ahead and are the 2nd and 3rd tracks in from the right in the distance. Please note the trickery plan to the left, kindly supplied by St E.



More of a close up of that darn Xing. Approach to Incline tracks going off left.

Please remember this is all off stage and anyone that has worked back stage in the Theatre will know that off stage is quite often a place of mystique and improvisation................very apt here.



The faithful Walrus has been propelled through all the various route combinations and hasn't fallen off. It is sat admiring the Xing and the lovely bits of dropper wire. I have no idea if the electrics work as I have not even dared to try and there are so many IRJs I will need a great many power feeds.......not for today.



Great news..................this whole area does not need ballasting or painting; it just needs to bl##dy well work.

Talking of which, I now have to get my head around Cab Control so that the two main lines, the Branch, Station Yards and the fiddle tracks can be worked off either of two controllers if possible. Then I would like a separate controller for the Branch and Station Yards for when guests come to play, if that can be combined with the two main controllers (I have two hands you see....one for up and one for down working   :sarcastichand: ) I won't be able to operate the Branch as well unless I use another body part for that Controller.


I missed this somehow Phil. It is a thing of beauty - lovely sweepng curves.

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"OK, stand well back, the Drake is armed and dangerous. It has now got a hot gun and is trained to use it. He read somewhere that the hot glue gun method is good for keeping wire under control on surface wiring. He has no idea what he is doing really, but it sounds like fun".


This is what was in the local paper today so it must be true.




Well Mr.Quackarious,


If you manage to get it right I may consider awarding you one of these to glue onto your eiderdown.......




Failing that, should you not succeed, then it may just be a sponge to mop up your droppings.......




Either way, happy glueing !

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  • RMweb Premium

Just a quick update. I think I have the double junction crossings and associated points sussed at last. I shall be using a couple of Hex Juicers (one for each end crossing and points) and micro switches for the other points in the area. Time will tell if my wiring works.

The CCE is due to visit the site again very soon so a tidy up is required as is certain adjustment to the Fiddle tracks. For comparison I am using modified points with micros at one end of the fiddles and unmodified points at the other. This will be interesting comparing the 'performance'. 

The goal for the near future is to wire up the whole Incline side with the end crossings and part of the return curves to the Station and Yards and the fiddle tracks. I shall then test that area out with DCC Control and not proceed to do much elsewhere until it works perfectly. I will be able to test some things as I go (e.g. the point micro-switches working correctly and some lengths of track with no IRJs with a simple DC power run of a loco (that isn't expensive). If there are no shorts that should pave the way for testing with DCC and not burning chips!  

That's it for now. Please be patient as I shall be mainly mass producing droppers and tidying up all the wires over the next couple of days.


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  • RMweb Gold

Please be patient as I shall be mainly mass producing droppers and tidying up all the wires over the next couple of days.


How's the work going, Phil? Is the production line still humming, the wheel and belt drives spinning and rows and rows of tireless workers continually toiling to reach the necessary production quotas?

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That was very rude wasn't it. CK kindly drops in and avoids the Voyager Bog visit that he has been considering for the last two hours and he gets short shrift.

So apologies for that but it is true.

Otherwise I am making a point motor and associated stuff like switches, Hex Juicers and Circuit Breaker shopping list.  Lovely.

This afternoon I decided to add a couple of extra spur tracks to the track plan; it does not cause any complications. I also tested the refurbed Fiddle tracks between the IRJ ends. All worked OK on DC.

I'm doing a bit of work on the west embankment as I want to lay the track on that down towards the west end of the Station Yards. This will be a 'benchmark for the west ends of the through Station 'fast' (and Platform Loop) lines.

I have also got the red and blue (copper) wires out of the mains cable (and a length of yellow, but I don't know if I shall be using that). They will probably be part of the track BUS.

The 'to do' list is growing but must be kept under control. Lots of soldering coming up.

The place is now tidy ready for the CCE (Friday). 


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  • RMweb Gold



Given the interest in gluten-free foods on here, I thought it was time to talk about sausages.


CTMK and I have recently tried some gluten-free sausages from Tesco. They were rather nice, although a bit pricey.


I don't really understand why they should be more expensive than normal sausages, since they Tesco have saved on the gluten that they normally put into the ordinary sausages. Not having to pay for the gluten must save them some money, so why aren't these sausages cheaper than the normal ones?


I might have to drop a line to Lord Tesco of Tescoshire, asking for an explanation.


In the meantime, it was nice to be able to share the common experience of having sausages and mash.

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  • RMweb Premium

People that really really have to avoid gluten at all costs have a hard time of things and 'special' Free From type foods are stupidly expensive a lot of the time.

There are situations where even 'fresh' meat has been contaminated as the beasts may have eaten grain and have traces of gluten in the meat. OK so cooking meat should kill that off but maybe not 100%. Processed meats and foods generally are usually full of or wrapped in the muck.

Some people are so sensitive to gluten that they must avoid any sort of contact with even grain 'dust' and this makes visiting restaurants and cafes almost out of the question as there is a high chance that 'cross contamination' takes place. One person I have met has to take their own utensils and plates and make arrangements if they are having to eat out.

Fortunately I do not think any of my rolling stock contains gluten and probably not the other stuff I intend to use, however the old flour and water papier mache scenery trick is banished (wasn't going to use that anyway).

Whilst daydreaming this morning I remembered that I have a H & M point switching unit somewhere in the loft; I have no idea where it is but it could be very useful for my arrangements.


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  • RMweb Gold

Greetings, Given the interest in gluten-free foods on here, I thought it was time to talk about sausages. CTMK and I have recently tried some gluten-free sausages from Tesco. They were rather nice, although a bit pricey. I don't really understand why they should be more expensive than normal sausages, since they Tesco have saved on the gluten that they normally put into the ordinary sausages. Not having to pay for the gluten must save them some money, so why aren't these sausages cheaper than the normal ones? I might have to drop a line to Lord Tesco of Tescoshire, asking for an explanation. In the meantime, it was nice to be able to share the common experience of having sausages and mash.

Sadly they have to replace the gluten with something of equal volume or your bangers would be smaller than us gluten gluttons. This gluten replacement is usually more expensive than the gluten

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  • RMweb Premium

Lovely diagram, St E.


And folk should get over their fear of double slips - just solder a feed and return to the outermost curved rails in the middle, and Robert's your Father's Brother.  Just like Peco recommend.  If I can make 'em work, anybody can!

Ahoy there Fritters me old fry up. Remind me....leave everything as it is, when C75 Electros taken out of box, for Digipoken operation of these beauties ? Insulate as per St E's recommendations and then blow up a load of chips when testing. Is that how it goes then? :scratchhead:

It is getting near the day when they have to be sorted you see.


Just for fun here is the list of point mech's I'm going to use:


Peco P11 + Micro-switch surface mounted/ 16V AC + BUS for MS; (pre used from the late G Brewin)

Peco P10E + PL13 switch under board/ 16V AC.

(I need to find my CDU that I saw some time back to go with the Pecoboos).

Cobalt Analogue, under board/ can't remember without looking but presumably BUS supply.



Digipoken + Micro-switch or Frog Juicer, surface ops/ BUS supply for MS & or FJ.



Fulgurex (surface mounted with duck apparatus for moving the TBs)/ 12V DC. (pre used with no original linkage bits).

None of these will be installed soon I can assure you.


This, as you see, contradicts part of my hand operated points plan. No problems as the switches (Duckbill constructions) will be sited very close to the area of the motors so I'll still have to watch the things change (or not, depending on trickery reliability). The double Xings remain Digipoken for safety reasons on route setting :superstition:  

The Double Slips = (see above).

The CCE  :pardon:  is due tomorrow. Three cheers.


Edited by Mallard60022
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I use insulfrog and poke everything digitally, because that's how it's done on the prototype of what I am modelling.  If I had a mainline, then I would probably opt for powered turnouts operated from a panel.


Insulfrog works fine for me, as I only use 4 or 6 axle diesels and they never get stuck in dead spots.  


I think electrofrogs require a wee bit more wiring to enable the frog to be correctly live to which ever route is taken...




And for all your double slip needs....


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  • RMweb Premium

I use insulfrog and poke everything digitally, because that's how it's done on the prototype of what I am modelling.  If I had a mainline, then I would probably opt for powered turnouts operated from a panel.


Insulfrog works fine for me, as I only use 4 or 6 axle diesels and they never get stuck in dead spots.  


I think electrofrogs require a wee bit more wiring to enable the frog to be correctly live to which ever route is taken...




And for all your double slip needs....

Ar$e..............................................double ar$e. I smell the niff of exploding chips then. I wonder if I can get away with yet another frog juicer ?


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  • RMweb Premium

Ar$e..............................................double ar$e. I smell the niff of exploding chips then. I wonder if I can get away with yet another frog juicer ?


Answering my own question....yes (having read another thread where there were many opinions and some seemed to agree) it appears I can Digipoke them and use a Hex Juicer for simplicity. Just need to confirm my thinking on IRJs and there we go.

I don't want to use motors, the three are in site and so no surface mounted, inexpensive Micro-switches for these and I'm not going to faff under the boards; instead I'm going to faff with some green wire through the boards then bring those to the off site Juicer. Digipoken the Slips will mean I should set the correct route(s).



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  • RMweb Gold

Interesting conversation yesterday. Work started extra early so work provided breakfast. Now, Memsahib and I alternate meat free months and March is meat free.......


Full cooked breakfast offered. Therefore I am asked by young spotty man serving said breakfast....


How many sausages do you want?


Now I could have said no thanks and left it at that.....but.....I didn't.


I'm not eating meat, thanks...


It's mostly cereal


What is


The sausage


But it contains meat


Not much,they're cheap. Lot of cereal.


Not all cereal


No. Some meat in there.


I m not eating meat.




Its meat.


What is


The bacon. I'm not eating meat.


There's not much fat


It's meat.


Mmmm...it's not like pork or anything....


Bacon is meat.


Okay.........black pudding?


I'm not eating meat.


I know....black pudding.


It's meat


Is it?


It's cooked blood.


Really? Goodness me!




I didn't know that. Fried bread?


What's it cooked in?


It's really nice. We use the bacon fat........


No thanks.........




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That's quite sad really isn't it. Obviously a polite young man but he seems to have little experience of important things. Is this a product of the old National Curriculum? Bit like me at school and the post war curriculum. I hated Physics as the teacher was a real ba*tard and thus I never really understood electrical things and apart from art and PE, was Tim Nice but Dim most of the time and so ended up a very ordinary fellow. However, I did have a reasonable knowledge of things in life as I read the Eagle Annual and the Beano, followed by The Wizard. I also had a nice set of Encyclopedias (people used to sell them door to door.

So, that's my therapy session done with.

OK, today I look forward to seeing a Magician (who is till alive) at work and some track may get positioned.

I shall post news later.

Good morning.


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