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SOS Junction. If anything happens would someone wake me up please..


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  • RMweb Gold

.Drove up to the outside of Whimple station yesterday, by the way, Dr Quaqueroo, nice station, shame about the environs.

Or Wimpole as the minutes of an SR Officers' Inspection recorded it in 1984. Next to Pinhole!

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  • RMweb Premium

Some modelling did take place this afternoon....... or maybe I should say muddling as I have actually taken the Zurons to a couple of LR C75 Pecoboocurvy things to bodge a bit of crossing and pointing. Just a modification of the Pecoboo geometry really. I shall rig a few bits of adjoining track to then see if stuff runs through the hash up without falling off.

I shall also place a few lengths of the Incline tracks (eastern end, off scene) in position, ready for the next visit of the CCE, in conjunction with the above junction. This will half complete the west end off scene main lines and Incline lines with xings and cross-overs. All this bodge needs to be ready for joining to the tracks going off scene at the Station east end. Pictures tomorrow to explain what all this is about.

Then I shall probably rip it all up as it is carp. 

Once that's sorted I can clear away the opposite end of the loft and do a similar exercise and that will lead to laying the track down 'the embankment' towards the west end of the Yards.

For now that's it.


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  • RMweb Gold

Spent 2 days clearing out the loft - lots of space now. Found another GWR pannier I'd forgotten about and a Lima prairie,and some more GWR coaches and a whole banana box full of unmade Airfix wagon kits in their original boxes.


Really need to get a proper list of what I've got.


Looking forward to the pics of the track.

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  • RMweb Premium

Nice looking layout!

Thanks Captain. It's the free-standing branch layout I built in the spare room of our last place. The station part will be incorporated into the new Mid-Cornwall Lines in due course - and the road bridge might get built too.

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  • RMweb Premium

Taking some pics was useful as I realised I had repeated a crossover. How dumb is that? (Do not answer please :secret: ).

Back up there later to relay most of the bodge which will now be less of a bodge with the crossing a little more symmetrical.



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  • RMweb Premium

Glad I had to do this again as it is far better than I had originally (badly) planned and fits in with the approach to the east end of the station (not shown yet) and it left space for a substantial spur for cassette and/or storage, (track on far right).


Here is the Junction with the 'Incline' tracks bearing off to the left. The walrus is resting on the 'down main' Station approach. The routes to the fiddle yards are straight ahead and are the 2nd and 3rd tracks in from the right in the distance. Please note the trickery plan to the left, kindly supplied by St E.



More of a close up of that darn Xing. Approach to Incline tracks going off left.

Please remember this is all off stage and anyone that has worked back stage in the Theatre will know that off stage is quite often a place of mystique and improvisation................very apt here.



The faithful Walrus has been propelled through all the various route combinations and hasn't fallen off. It is sat admiring the Xing and the lovely bits of dropper wire. I have no idea if the electrics work as I have not even dared to try and there are so many IRJs I will need a great many power feeds.......not for today.



Great news..................this whole area does not need ballasting or painting; it just needs to bl##dy well work.

Talking of which, I now have to get my head around Cab Control so that the two main lines, the Branch, Station Yards and the fiddle tracks can be worked off either of two controllers if possible. Then I would like a separate controller for the Branch and Station Yards for when guests come to play, if that can be combined with the two main controllers (I have two hands you see....one for up and one for down working   :sarcastichand: ) I won't be able to operate the Branch as well unless I use another body part for that Controller.


Edited by Mallard60022
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Good to see more progress Phil! Unfortunately things have rather slowed down here recently.


Your mention of theatre backstage activities reminded me of a time when me and Dad were backstage crew for a local panto group, some of which claimed that backstage crew are soulless beings!



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  • RMweb Premium

Due too having been re-arranging my nieces kitchen over the weekend and only just caught up on this thread, with regard to Devonport, there are major changes taking place since some of the land that was taken over by the dockyard after the 2nd world war has been handed back to the city.


The only remaining landmarks between Park Avenue and Cornwall Beach are Marlborough Street, the Fleet Club, the Steam Packet and the Lugger, everything else has been flattened and has been or is in the process of being rebuilt. The land that was returned has seen new housing being built on it, this is now in it's final phase of approaching Duke Street. They did preserve the facade of the bank and the building next to it that survived Hitlers earlier redevelopment scheme. The empty space next to what was the Ark Royal, opposite the Forum is now a new nick, but you can only visit by making an appointment.

Edited by Siberian Snooper
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  • RMweb Premium

Good to see more progress Phil! Unfortunately things have rather slowed down here recently.


Your mention of theatre backstage activities reminded me of a time when me and Dad were backstage crew for a local panto group, some of which claimed that backstage crew are soulless beings!



Oh no they didn't!  I love thespians, but I couldn't eat a whole one. 

Never mind about the slowing down thing. It makes speeding up more enjoyable.

Anyhow, tomorrow I should get the 'other end' sorted and then work down the 'embankment'. Again some pics will explain that so I won't mumble on about it now.

I am very lucky to have a bunch of friends that have offered to help with things. One (Graham) has already sorted certain curve calculations for the Incline and that will be done in the near future.

I do have to then sort out the 'Station area' yet again (it is covered in junk at the moment) as he will probably help with those lovely main lines through the Station.

Following that I shall be able to put together the Branch and the Station Yards. In the mean time, all being well  I shall be getting advice about the trickery and maybe even some hands on. The fun bit will be seeing if all areas 'work' once the trackwork is completed.

Once that is confirmed (I do so hope there won't be too many snagging issues) the real enjoyment begins as I just love setting the scene and attempting to getting 'that look' of the real place. I even have someone that is willing to help with that....super.


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  • RMweb Premium

Glad I had to do this again as it is far better than I had originally (badly) planned and fits in with the approach to the east end of the station (not shown yet) and it left space for a substantial spur for cassette and/or storage, (track on far right).


Here is the Junction with the 'Incline' tracks bearing off to the left. The walrus is resting on the 'down main' Station approach. The routes to the fiddle yards are straight ahead and are the 2nd and 3rd tracks in from the right in the distance. Please note the trickery plan to the left, kindly supplied by St E.



More of a close up of that darn Xing. Approach to Incline tracks going off left.

Please remember this is all off stage and anyone that has worked back stage in the Theatre will know that off stage is quite often a place of mystique and improvisation................very apt here.



The faithful Walrus has been propelled through all the various route combinations and hasn't fallen off. It is sat admiring the Xing and the lovely bits of dropper wire. I have no idea if the electrics work as I have not even dared to try and there are so many IRJs I will need a great many power feeds.......not for today.



Great news..................this whole area does not need ballasting or painting; it just needs to bl##dy well work.

Talking of which, I now have to get my head around Cab Control so that the two main lines, the Branch, Station Yards and the fiddle tracks can be worked off either of two controllers if possible. Then I would like a separate controller for the Branch and Station Yards for when guests come to play, if that can be combined with the two main controllers (I have two hands you see....one for up and one for down working   :sarcastichand: ) I won't be able to operate the Branch as well unless I use another body part for that Controller.


Coming on nicely.

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  • RMweb Premium

Just watched a piece on the Seaton Tramway on the Spotlight news, which included a couple of photos of proper engines operating the Seaton branch, namely 6430 and a 14XX. You may be able too watch it on iplayer, it's near the end just before the forecast of some more Cornish sunshine.

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  • RMweb Premium

The Glutton of East Kirkwhelpington.

I thought that said Gluten.....


Anyway, please sit down and get comfortable and relax, as SOSJ is to be scrapped.

I know this is going to come as a huge shock to you all but that's life I'm afraid.

However, the scrapped bit applies to the intention to use conventional DC control, so the Hungry Caterpillar and Stubby's holiday hut are not on the to be demolished list.

Having been contacted by a large number of kind persons and having spent bl00dy ages staring at wire thingies I am going to be an awkward s0d and wire for DCC (oh yes, I've said those letters) from now on. That, of course, is hardly any different from damn fine DC wiring other than omitting switching for the Xings and a couple of other things like not switching sections. Yes, there is still a lot of wire to be destroyed during this fun activity but hey, this is train set I'm making, not a bl00min life saving device.

DCC ( :scared: ) will enable me to do proper job shunts as per SJ WTTS without the complete faff of loads of switches and snakes' nest wiring.

Truth be known all I'm doing is wiring best practice, as far as I can get it DC, without the Xing switches as I really CBA to do that and then sort out Cab Control and have to have a Panel thingy. I shall test as far as possible for DC trickery continuity (yes I know the Xings won't work) and then test for DCC success with a couple of DCC fitted loco's I happen to already have (one is actually a Railroad Mallard!!!!!) 

Then, if the DCC thing does not work well I shall snag that system until it does.

Gilbert advised me (not fror the first time) to 'rationalise' and sell a load of carp to fund chips; such sensible advice and a decision I should have taken from the start. For example do I need a Caprotti Black 5? Nope! (PM me for details if you want one). :triniti:

Happy morning to you all and before any one demands a divorce from here, I already have the 'technology' for my other layout so purchasing a few more DCC  bits and a lot of swearing whilst chipping is to be tolerated.

If Larry can do it, so can I.


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  • RMweb Premium

( Oi, mister, got any GWR locos wot you're tryin' t'shift ?)

GWR! Never mind hungry caterpillars, the crocodile of time is after you. Tick tock.

Edited by dhjgreen
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  • RMweb Gold

I thought that said Gluten.....


Anyway, please sit down and get comfortable and relax, as SOSJ is to be scrapped.

I know this is going to come as a huge shock to you all but that's life I'm afraid.

However, the scrapped bit applies to the intention to use conventional DC control, so the Hungry Caterpillar and Stubby's holiday hut are not on the to be demolished list.

Having been contacted by a large number of kind persons and having spent bl00dy ages staring at wire thingies I am going to be an awkward s0d and wire for DCC (oh yes, I've said those letters) from now on. That, of course, is hardly any different from damn fine DC wiring other than omitting switching for the Xings and a couple of other things like not switching sections. Yes, there is still a lot of wire to be destroyed during this fun activity but hey, this is train set I'm making, not a bl00min life saving device.

DCC ( :scared: ) will enable me to do proper job shunts as per SJ WTTS without the complete faff of loads of switches and snakes' nest wiring.

Truth be known all I'm doing is wiring best practice, as far as I can get it DC, without the Xing switches as I really CBA to do that and then sort out Cab Control and have to have a Panel thingy. I shall test as far as possible for DC trickery continuity (yes I know the Xings won't work) and then test for DCC success with a couple of DCC fitted loco's I happen to already have (one is actually a Railroad Mallard!!!!!) 

Then, if the DCC thing does not work well I shall snag that system until it does.

Gilbert advised me (not fror the first time) to 'rationalise' and sell a load of carp to fund chips; such sensible advice and a decision I should have taken from the start. For example do I need a Caprotti Black 5? Nope! (PM me for details if you want one). :triniti:

Happy morning to you all and before any one demands a divorce from here, I already have the 'technology' for my other layout so purchasing a few more DCC  bits and a lot of swearing whilst chipping is to be tolerated.

If Larry can do it, so can I.



How do manage without switching crossings - surely even with DCC it won't work with two positive rails or two negative rails and it must need one of each therefore the crossing has to change polarity?  Or do i know even less about DCC than you did? (probably definitely)

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Hang on - I've been away working for five minutes nd come back to find 'DCC' being uttered?


In Freddie mercury's words  HuH huh Huh Another one bites the dust!


Caprotti Black 5 ? I didn't even know such things existed in 4mm to the foot!


Right back to the penny earning....

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  • RMweb Premium

Hang on - I've been away working for five minutes nd come back to find 'DCC' being uttered?


In Freddie mercury's words  HuH huh Huh Another one bites the dust!


Caprotti Black 5 ? I didn't even know such things existed in 4mm to the foot!


Right back to the penny earning....

Comet build by me believe it or not. Ugly beast. Spent most of their time trying to look as filthy as possible and hanging around Leeds! It works and has even visited Little Bytham.


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