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Deadmans Lane. Barrow (Oct 2024)


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Its funny how available time seems to come and go. I never managed to any modelling for weeks recently due to work and other commitments. But the last couple of weeks I've really managed to crack on with PDW. Mind you the weather helps. Its been that miserable that shutting yourself away in the loft is the best option.

Looking forward to some more updates soon.



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  • 2 weeks later...
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DL awakens (along with other workbench stuff)


I've fitted microswitches to the ends of the tie-bars. Rather than use the Peco motor mounted switches, these are a few pence in comparison. (It also means I can wire all the track and test run it without fitting the motors). They are simply screwed to the baseboard top. As they are quite small, I don't think there'll be any issues with damaging them.






The other curve is well under way - it's a mirror image of the other end with a crossover to allow two-way access to the yard. But in this case, the inner road will be carried around to the front to allow "sneaky" access to/from the RVEL yard.




I've fitted the matching end plates (as per post#272) to the other end of the scenic section and the dowels lined up perfectly. I've carefully measured the layout and (fingers crossed) when I finally assemble the whole thing [1], it should fit together




[1] Space, time and van to transport it to the available space, permitting

Edited by newbryford
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A major milestone was reached today. The last bit of track was laid.


As a mark of respect, a suitably coloured track pin was used.




(You wouldn't have expected me to use a gold one, would you?)




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Cracking on with wiring.


Simple two wire stuff to common terminal rails. As the inner and outer circuits of the storage yard will be fed via a twin DCC circuit breaker, they're wired to two distinctly separate tag strips.


This is the inner half - the outer half is visible on the right.



When I find my ty-raps, it will be tidied up...........................

The upper tag strip will be used for the inter-board connectors - more pics soon.


Going back a couple of posts to the microswitches - this is the wiring underneath them. The grey is the switched frog and the red/black are the feeds to the switch.







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  • 2 weeks later...
  • RMweb Premium

The wiring continues

DCC is "simply" two wires..........



I've split the inner and outer circuits into separate power zones, so 6 outer tracks are wired red/black pairs to a common terminal rail, with the 6 inner tracks also wired to a common rail. They are then connected to the inter-board feed, consisting of a 6-way cable (multi-coloured) with relevant plug and socket to the adjacent boards




The main storage yard DCC feed board is fitted with a two channel DCC circuit breaker from DCC Specialities - obtained via the excellent service of Coastal DCC. The breaker is fitted so that any shorts that occur within the section of track fed via the breaker, shouldn't shut down the main DCC system. From experience, the most common form of DCC short is caused by operator error...................... usually running through an incorrectly set point. The main DCC feed in IS SIMPLY two wires to the circuit board.








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Ah so thats how you are supposed to wire a layout up ?! Mine is a right mess ! 


 I used to design and build control panels for various types of machinery in a past life (although you wouldn't always think so when you see some of my wiring!




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Another major milestone was reached about 30 minutes ago.


The last wire was soldered into place.


As with the last track spike, a suitably coloured wire was used. It's the yellow one at the top, that should really be black.




It'll be a week or three (or maybe more before) I can assemble and fully test the layout, but quite a lot of preliminary testing with a meter has already been carried out.


In the meantime, it'll be back into the shed do some modelling. See workbench thread for updates.






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  • 2 months later...
  • RMweb Premium

Finally work restarts after a winter sojourn. I'll be starting on the ground details that need placing before ballasting - such as concrete trunking and relay boxes.

I've also taken delivery of a couple of Will modern buildings which should be adaptable for the small "vehicles workshop" building. Hoping to put that particular board up in the netx day or so to try them out.


Watch this space!




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Using the new Wills Modern series, I've started on the smaller of the two sheds.


So far, I've glued together two of the sides, but it looks like I'l need another half building to make it up to asuitabel length for my application.

The Wills Modern series is similar to the US Pikestuff range in that there's a modular base and the various doors/windows can be cutout using the lines on the rear of the moulding.

This is a rear view of two sides.



The ends are similar, but in my case, I wanted one smaller door that didn't follow the moulded cutouts, so I've mademy own opening. I've also added a seperate personnel door at the side. (The door moulding is included within the kit).




There are overlays to represent the cladding on the upper sections.


I'm quite looking forward to hacking these buildings about. (Far easier than cutting large sheets of plasticard!)





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The vehicles workshop building (built mainly from Wills kits) is coming together nicely. (Pics soon)


I've put together the basic shelll for the EDU building. Although I collected it from Tim Horn last year, I've never really worked out how big it actually is when compared to a model. A couple of days ago, I glued the basic shell together.


It's ******* large!




A trip to my local shop yesterday to collect more WIls cladding and Evergreen put a slight hole in this month's modelling budget. (Although not enough to prevent another ebay loco purchase for the layout)


It'll be quite an imposing structure on the layout.






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Blimey that does look large! I look forward to seeing it finished. Did you take out a loan in order to purchase the Evergreen cladding?!!!


I am a big fan of Tim's work and looks like he has delivered again!


The lower 2/5 is clad with brickwork - laser-cut MDF brickwork! More of Tim's handiwork.


Just need to work out a few cutouts for windows and doors before going much further.




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