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Walton on the hill 27E Liverpool, EM gauge.

Michael Delamar

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yes...  i agree, all that aside, i guess the table at Heaton Mersey, of which there are images, is the one i would base the one at Walton on.  its CLC  it would have looked very similar...  and i think Michael already knows that...   :)


me? well i just get bugged by problems... i am a solution finder by inclination.. :)



im done now... ha... :)


a last post for a while...


A rare visitor to Walton...  1963
and earlier in 1956...? i have a problem though with the coal shed... did its structure change? if not its not Walton On the Hill
Liverpool  Exchange had a similar turntable at the end of platfoms 2 and 3 till they went out of use, note the exit on the near right... like Walton had
in its early days...  and both lines met at the turntable... not at points before it..  ?    
Though not the type, these images are what i would expect the condition of the one at Walton to have looked like.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Cheers Mark.


More wiring, these are the connections Im using which I have used previously, Cannon trident, although they're a bit tricky to get hold of nowadays. Still available but the catalogue and pricing for them are a little complicated. I managed to get pins from Ebay. They have a male and female. Some are designed to be crimped and some are soldered. These I solder and then crimped over.




This is the underneath the simpler fiddle yard board with no points just straight track, eleven roads with some tidying to do, basically just stapling wires up so they dont move about.





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  • 2 weeks later...

Some DCC questions please.


I want 4 Roco handsets. Im yet to purchase them although thats coming very soon.


Are the Roco transformers and command units safe to mount under the baseboards?

I ideally don't want them separate and on the floor at exhibitions.


If a booster is required which I imagine will be on this size of layout with 4 sound fitted locos running? If so I will split the layout in 2, the fiddle yard and the front scenic boards, the splits will be on the 2 smaller boards that connect these.

My question is how many wires are in the cable that connects from the command station to the booster. So that I can plan the baseboard connecting wires and plugs.


Although I want to keep the amount of wires connecting each board down. I want Connection panels for the handsets on some of the front scenic boards. To do this does this does this result in more wires crossing each baseboard join?


I ask as although the wiring on the front scenic boards are done, im yet to fit the baseboard connecting plugs and wires and would like to plan for this.


Many thanks



Edited by Michael Delamar
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  • 3 weeks later...

Under the fiddle yard now that it is wired up for running showing the lit up frog juicers.



And this board was going in a skip, I asked if I could have it and once it is cleaned up will be made into the control panel for the fiddle yard. Using Megapoints multipanel and route setting modules. The main fiddle yard is wired and so are the servo and servo controller boards its just the panel to wire up now with its push buttons and LEDs.



Edited by Michael Delamar
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When you model a real place from the past you are always on the lookout for photographs and its great when they come along. And it always surprises me when they do. Even though Ive got 2 photographs of this 1964 railtour at the station and its not an angle that will help any more with the model its always nice to gather more photographs. And you are always wondering if there are any more out there, especially of the areas that you dont have any shots of and are unsure exactly how it was.


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  • RMweb Gold

Doors open into the six foot!

Those were the days when we all took responsibility for ourselves.



Remember a trip to Kyle on the train with the post on it. We stopped in a station, possibly Achnasheen, where the doors of the brake were immediately opened on the six-foot side for the post and newspapers to be unloaded across the track to the other platform.

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I hope you have a stronger resolution than me Michael, now you're at this stage I'd just want to play trains!!

Coming on well.




I hoped I'd never fall into that trap, but continual testing with your own and visiting motive power just becomes one big party! Good to put things through their paces though, enjoy the lineside banter, and become more confident that things will stay in the 4ft. :)


Great to see some decent motive power on Walton on the Hill BTW. Keep up the good work Michael, Chris and you others.

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Thanks everyone, i was just looking at a photo from this time last year when the first bit of track laying started.



Chris Hewitt is keeping an eye on the trackwork, making sure everything runs smooth, over the baseboard joins, through curves and frogs with no dips, rocking etc. aswel as working on his own layout next to me which is his EM gauge project Sandon Dock Goods yard. Ex Midland railway yard which was at Liverpool docks. Complete with Liverpool overhead railway, working trams and faller cars.




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Thats correct yes. Which also means that some stock can be shared between the 2 layouts ,such as the hopper wagons in the video. And the Cammel Laird of Nottingham hopper wagons built for Liverpool power stations. Which is something we need to work out how to build in the future.



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