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Minsterley - Modern Image OHLE Layout


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  • 4 weeks later...

Well it's been a while. With work being manic, I've not been able to do as much as I'd like, and so near the finish line too. But I've been doing bits and bobs, to keep things moving forward. The basic structure of the final station, Sturford, is now in place, and I've started the ballasting of it. Just the over-roof, lights, platform furniture,, OHLE and signals to do, a big clean up and at last the Grand opening and running session.








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Well it's been a while. With work being manic, I've not been able to do as much as I'd like, and so near the finish line too. But I've been doing bits and bobs, to keep things moving forward. The basic structure of the final station, Sturford, is now in place, and I've started the ballasting of it. Just the over-roof, lights, platform furniture,, OHLE and signals to do, a big clean up and at last the Grand opening and running session.




Did wonder, where you had got to. Thought you may have been on jolly holiday's.........


Nice work.....................

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Very nice Dave! Not long now...


May I ask what you used for the grassy area on the right hand side of your first photograph pl

Thanks. The method I use to grass up scrubland areas, uses a combination of Woodland scenics flocks (Burnt grass, Light &medium greens, Wild honey and Harvest gold), some of the Silflore long grasses, 4 or 5mm and for the longer straw grass/reeds I use the Hairy cigar method.  If I describe this method, you'll think im odd...but it works a treat!!



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If I describe this method, you'll think im odd...but it works a treat!!



Lol, odd or not you've captured the look very well indeed. I am trying to achieve something very similar on a diorama and would be interested to learn more about the 'hairy cigar' method.


Also, do you have or are you considering a YouTube channel for when your trains are running? I'm sure you'd have more than a few interested viewers!


Edit: found a video on YT re the 'hairy cigar'....I'd never thought about doing that!

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Indeed it did Dave. It's amazing the weird and wonderful ways of creating scenery/landscapes!

Never ceases to amaze...!  I think Terry (Hybridangel) was using a Brillo pad to do shrubbery, last time I looked at his thread. Who'd have thought that...but it looks bang-on.



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Good yellow line's there.........you must have used the only paint lining machine..........


That does not have, the errant supermarket trolley, front wheel's............... :jester:

Ah.......well the secret is.....................................it's not paint!  :secret:



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