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North East Model Railway (Trenholme Junction)


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This video has been produced using Adobe Premiere Pro.
I have switched to this software in an effort to improve the quality of my videos.
I have been using the software for only one week and there are some minor editing errors on the transitions which I need some more practice on so don’t be too harsh with comments.
It’s a cloudy day with threatening skies at the junction and we are viewing the trains passing through the junction.
Those of you who are watching on large screen TV’s should notice an improved quality in the movement of the trains, clouds in the sky and the leaves on the trees and bushes.


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Keeping to the original idea of viewing the layout from a child's perspective, here we are sitting on an embankment just watching the trains go by.

This is one of a number of new scenes shot on the upper level of Trenholme Junction.

Here, we are at the Upper West Station north end looking south. Its windy, the clouds are rushing across the sky, birds are flying past, the trees are rustling as is the hedge in front of the train and the grass is being blown about.

All the shots are taken using a Gopro 10 video camera. The production is edited using Adobe Premiere Pro.

This, and other videos will form a series of various scenes from which longer videos will be made. This video contains elements generated by artificial intelligence.




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In this weeks video we see a new addition to the locomotive stud.
The Bachmann Standard 3MT Tank is a superb model which has been fitted with a Black Zen decoder and Stay Alive. Super smooth running. (Given by my wife for my birthday)
Seen here passing through various scenes, Upper West Station (entering north end and exiting south), past the village, behind the Diesel Shed and through the Upper East Station.


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