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Heljan class 60

steve fay

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  • RMweb Gold

That shouldn't matter. It is a Heljan product and therefore they should shoulder the responsibility and the cost. Bachmann did just that when they reissued the bodies for the 2-EPB when they were released with the incorrect numbers. The least Heljan could do is get the bodies returned and repaint them.


Heljan have two courses open to them:


1)  Find a way to correct the fault or 

2)  Offer a refund.


Either is acceptable; they have chosen option 2.


I can understand people may be disappointed not to get the exact livery they were looking forward to, but Heljan have taken responsibility and are offering a refund.  No one is being asked to accept an incorrect model.


If they were refusing to acknowledge the problem or offering some lame alternative like a decal to stick over the offending orange instead of a refund then I could understand the disgruntlement.


Love the sound fitted version BTW - especially with the light behind the bodyside grilles.




Ben A.

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  • RMweb Gold

Commercial law is how. Size has nothing at all to do with it. How do you know Heljan's business is not a large contributer to this factory?


Your assumption 'seems' wrong - the press release said that the error was missed by both parties, suggesting that the factory wrongly translated the livery instructions and Heljan missed the error. Technically and legally Heljan is responsible if that were so. In your scenario the factory is at fault and would have to compensate Heljan to their satisfaction - whether that includes a new run of bodies, a discount on this or the next model, a good will gesture of some description, or however they decide to settle it between themselves.


You are right in saying the problem between the two parties is not covered by consumer law, it's commercial law, and that's much more powerful.


I don't disagree with you in theory, but good luck getting that to happen in reality....

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Well I am both pleased and relieved to say that my triple grey version arrived yesterday and without any issues, although I haven’t been able to run it yet. I have only had a brief inspection but nothing appears to be a miss. There are the black marks on the cab front which have been mentioned by previous posters on here but by the sounds of it, this is easily fixed.

As the younger generation would say, OMG! What an incredible model….as a big fan of the class 60s, I didn’t think it was possible to match the levels achieved by Hornby’s version. However, this might just take the crown.
Love it! Absolutely SUPERB!
The first thing that I noticed was just how big it is! As a 4mm modeller it was quite a shock to see the sheer size of it. Whilst I know the difference between the scales, 4mm to 7mm, even so, it is still quite a difference to me! A fantastic model for my first venture into 7mm modelling.
Cannot wait until Christmas morning to have a play with it……

I can definitely see me getting it sound fitted.

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Cracking videos Lee, just when I thought that this superb model couldn't get any better!

Noticed you might be getting Alex, they do look nice.


Where will it end though. lol


Cheers Peter.

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I don't disagree with you in theory, but good luck getting that to happen in reality....

I'm really sorry to everyone else for dragging this point through the mud, but what are you saying exactly - that a Chinese factory can produce what it wants and the customer has to put up with it? I'd like to know what your experience of this 'fact' is.


I'm spending a six-figure sum with a Chinese factory within the next few months, and over 1000 other British businesses are spending over 16 billion in Chinese factories during the next 12 months. What do you know that we don't about them not sticking to their legally binding contractual obligations?

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I'm glad your delivery of you new class 60 has no issues apart from the black marks. I've just received the numbers and transfers from John at Precision labels so have done one side and the ends. The cantrail stripe plus the electrification flashes are from Fox, which took about 2 hours to fit and leaving me with only 20mm of stripe left! Whilst repainting this model I've noticed the snow plough is glued on some and just push fitted on others?

Some pics of the part finished loco in 2013/14 repaint style, which differs from the original.







I know this model has it's faults (poor packaging and livery anomalies) but on the whole this is a fantastic model and Heljan should be congratulated on producing a model which has such a niche market.





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  • RMweb Gold

I'm really sorry to everyone else for dragging this point through the mud, but what are you saying exactly - that a Chinese factory can produce what it wants and the customer has to put up with it? I'd like to know what your experience of this 'fact' is.


I'm spending a six-figure sum with a Chinese factory within the next few months, and over 1000 other British businesses are spending over 16 billion in Chinese factories during the next 12 months. What do you know that we don't about them not sticking to their legally binding contractual obligations?

Great well done (so are we (on model trains)).


How often do you read of businesses successfully sueing a Chinese company to enforce those legally binding rights? We certainly hear of cases when it has not been possible to get acceptance of those legally binding contractual obligations. We can talk about who is right in theory all we want but unless it turns into something that is enforceable then it is meaningless.


We all hope for the best and I'm sure in the vast majority of cases there are no problems, but when problems do occur it would be foolish to pretend that there are no difficulties of dealing with Chinese factories (I'm sure the same is true of other countries as well).

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No offense, but your opinion is about ten years out of date. There are plenty of cases where Chinese directors and companies have been successfully sued, and cases have now dwindled to Western rates. The biggest problem in China now is companies going out of business. With a proper contract you are protected and will have a claim on assets.


I don't know about you, but I would not be handing over large sums of money without a fully legal contract.

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Cheers Dave,

My Loadhaul 60008 I have left to one side at the moment. Once I weather it then I may change it as I've just found some Strathclyde PTE orange while trying to mix some Colas Orange.


The transfers went on like a dream, well apart from the cantrail stripe.




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Hi Dave,

My double arrows sit exactly over the printed ones. I tried to take the prints off with acetone but it didn't touch the printed ones at all. I've got some 2000 wet and dry as I need to make a post Transrail one. So I'll test it out tomorrow. Hopefully it won't touch the grey paint.




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Hi Dave,

My double arrows sit exactly over the printed ones. I tried to take the prints off with acetone but it didn't touch the printed ones at all. I've got some 2000 wet and dry as I need to make a post Transrail one. So I'll test it out tomorrow. Hopefully it won't touch the grey paint.



Excellent news, saves a small job. Certainly with the 00 stuff, I always find Heljan numbers/logos extremely difficult to shift,unlike Bachmann which just seem to fall off. I presume they use very different painting processes at the factories.

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Just a question folks about the packaging of these Class 60's. Are these Heljan Class 60's postal-proof (i.e: would they survive the trip without getting busted?)? Or would it be better and safer to pick one up in person? I have probably just made a jerk of myself asking this but I remember the horrors of reassembling the old Lima Class 67's as some of the models fell to bits inside unfortunately :(. So I want to play it safe.

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Hi Dave,

My double arrows sit exactly over the printed ones. I tried to take the prints off with acetone but it didn't touch the printed ones at all. I've got some 2000 wet and dry as I need to make a post Transrail one. So I'll test it out tomorrow. Hopefully it won't touch the grey paint.




On BR Blue O Guage Heljans I have removed the BR arrows with meths using a cotton wool bud and have say added a smaller size arrow in the case of my class 31 then varnished over (satin or matt) with 1 or sometimes 2 coats and the old arrow does not show. I CAN'T 100% SPEAK FOR GREY RAILFREIGHT LOCOS and it does of course take a bit of guts to play around with a £500+ loco as I felt that way when I did my first arrow removal. I have also removed the arrows off one end of my blue class 40 to follow late 70's/80's common practice.

Edited by deltic17
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Well, never mind the black marks, I thought I had been lucky and escaped the body damage. Upon opening this one, unfortunately not. You need to sort your packaging out pronto Heljan.
23226093936_d7109492cf_o.jpg001 by rothburyuk, on Flickr
The first 2 being inspected for sound installation. I actually like the new light board, no resistors to solder in now, a quick swap of some terminals and they are in! Still all of the usual wire trimming, soldering, and alterations for the actual chip though.
005 by rothburyuk, on Flickr




Hi everyone,


This might help with the cracking issue. My Loadhaul one arrived after what must have been a bumpy ride in the post. The yellow cab below the light cluster was warped in the same place Lee's cracked.


So, how to fix? If you remove the body as per the instructions (remove 4 screws) you can see the light strip is a pressure fit. The strip on mine is fractionally too large which is stressing the plastic on the cab front. So I simply popped the light strip out and filed a tiny amount off each side as per the orange lines on the pic. Then push it back in and it fits sharply as well as allowing the yellow cab bit below the lights flex back to its correct shape. Black marks removed as per the white spirit standard.




For anyone altering the orange parts on the livery there are a few other areas to touch up the orange. The top of the cab front/side window pillars need to be adjusted - just follow the orange along the top of the cab side windows until you hit the windscreen and touch in orange. As the moment it is curved up round across the pillars. Also the cantrail should be twice as thick on this livery, so again apply more orange here. 





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Hi Tom,

The reason the why the base of the bodyshell is exploded is the metal casting is different. I've had 12 now and some bodyshells will not fit on the chassis. Either the body is different or the metal chassis is too large.




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