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1. Dover Priory, Kent.

David Todd

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Moorings',................   to you on this Wednesday morn.........St. Georges Day........ :huh: .


Having, renewed the garage lighting, to a lot of  GU.10. 4W.led lamp's, and in the midst, of sorting,

materials, tool's, rolling stock............, and my youngest son's,  car engine leftover's,after a V8, engine change.

The Gym,torture machine,has also been removed, for guest's to use,in the spare bedroom......... :O .

This give's me the room to build the storage sidings', down, the otherside of the garage wall.


 A piece of material,had been kicking around,for awhile and was about to throw it out......

then thought it could be used to represent the new canopies that have been fitted to the real DP.


Cut it out, roughly laid in place, as shewn in the pic's below..........


If you click on each picture, you can make them ......larger....... :O












So, What do you think  ??????................needs some colour..........


The real replacements on DP., on the left of the pic.



Edited by David Todd
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Love Garlic   ......................................................................   but for B'fast?????  


Like the Envelope stiffener, it looks very good indeed  ..............   Jaz makes her point about the greyer panels and I wondered if a grey could be run inside the plastic rather than painted onto it  ...  :scratchhead:

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Ok...........where was I, before I was,invaded, by people,from,..........."The Flatlands"............ :drag:


Ah, painting........


Jaz & Jules, in your posts' of the Grey matter,the other day, you were not far away,

for here is what I had done, before, you both,mentioned it.
















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In the real world the colour on the glass would be provided by seagull guano (now wasn't that polite).  Not sure how often it gets cleaned off these days.


So maybe an overspray in various greys and light greens would do the trick?


IIRC the glass used to be 'Georgian wired polished plain'

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I was asked a question by an 8 year old, this weekend   ....   as they do   ..........


She was looking up through the transparent Sun Roof, in the car   ................    when, suddenly there was a double SPLASH!   .......   :O  :O   .....   so close to over her head it made her duck  .....    :jester:



...............   then very calmly she asked - "Dad, why is all bird Poo white, with other bits in?"   ..............    Silence from Dad for a few moments   ...  so I confessed I hadn't the faintest idea.

A very, effective, paint stripper.......




I looked it up when we got home and it does rather explain the comment from dt there  .......    :declare:


Instead of converting the Nitrates it extracts from the blood to Urea, like what we and most other Mammals do, it converts it to Uric Acid, which enables them to keep more liquid, as it isn't as soluble as Urea and a better paint stripper. That is, apparently, the white part of the bird-splatt and the dark part is the waste solids, which apparently exits from the same portal, at the same time.    ...............     :tomato:


PS. St Eval Church has so much of the stuff down the Tower, from years of large birds nesting inside the broken shutters, it became known, in the family, as Cow-Splat Church.   :jester:

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This is a proof only, from John,


How, straight is that..!........he said, i must have had one tripod leg, higher than the other 2.......took it in 5 seperate shot's.

keeping my line along the platform...


for the last bit behind the platform.





To go in here..............up to the road bridge..........










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How does a Garlic bag scale to keeping Pigeon Uric Acid Paste off your layout   .........    :nono:



Surely just easier to keep the garage doors closed  .........     :jester:


or employ a sportsman     ........    :hunter:

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