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The Forum Jokes Thread


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13 hours ago, TEAMYAKIMA said:

Hello everyone


Sorry, don't have any jokes - and that's why I posting.


We are about to start a new LOCKDOWN magazine for Twickenham & District MRC and we want a BACK PAGE of cartoons and jokes - and so I thought I'd start looking here.


I've never looked at this thread before - 527 pages of jokes!!!


I've waded through about 10 pages so far and not really found what I'm looking for and so rather than try and read all 517 more pages I thought I would try a direct approach.


The thing is that I'm primarily looking for railway themed jokes/cartoons and in the first 10 pages I only found one. The one about people who model monorails being single minded:jester:


Could I request that if anyone reading this has any RAILWAY (or model railway) themed cartoons or jokes that they send them to me as a PM (assuming that they have already appeared in the last 517 pages of this thread) or, of course, if they haven't appeared here yet - let's see them here please.


Many thanks



Hi Paul, 

Not so much a joke and a repost from another thread, which drifted on to the topic of moveable layouts.


Apparently rock singer Neil Young (board member and former co-owner of Lionel Trains) has a caravan with an O-gauge layout in it which he takes on US tours. (This must surprise groupies who get invited back to his trailer "for a few lines".)


I did wonder what song could be appropriate for that.


It was obvious - "Tracks and Drags and Rock and Roll"


By Ian Dury and the Bullheads of course.

Edited by CameronL
Added a bit
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9 hours ago, TEAMYAKIMA said:



Could I request that if anyone reading this has any RAILWAY (or model railway) themed cartoons or jokes that they send them to me as a PM (assuming that they have already appeared in the last 517 pages of this thread) or, of course, if they haven't appeared here yet - let's see them here please.


Many thanks




It has been seen here before, but worth repeating.





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All brilliant - thanks.


There are two cartoons I remember from years ago.


Years ago I worked at a model shop and every year we got a Xmas card from FULGUREX in Switzerland and one year it had a cartoon in it.  Man sitting on upright chair having sex with a naked woman who is sitting astride him but he is actually looking over her shoulder whilst leaning across to control a train on a huge mountainous model railway.


The other one was a then and now cartoon.  THEN - at 14 a boy secretly reading PLAYBOY magazine which is hidden inside a copy of RAILWAY MODELLER


                                                                                NOW - at 44 a man secretly reading RAILWAY MODELLER which is hidden inside a copy of PLAYBOY magazine


Anyone got a cartoon like either of them please?

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This is one of those jokes which can be applied to any town in the country - just substitute the place name for your local rough area.


A man was having his haircut 

Making small talk, the barber asked him "What do you do for a living?"

"I work on a milk float in Moss Side," was the reply.

"Oh, you're a milkman?"

"No, the rear gunner."

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One I herd a good many years ago - hope it helps......


A little boys mother was cooking tea in the kitchen, with the door open a jar so she could keep an eye on her son, who was playing with his model trains on the floor.


When the train got to the station, she herd her son say "Hurry up you sons of bitches getting on and off the train - its ready to depart!"  So goes to her son to correct him and ask him to be polite.


As she goes back to the kitchen, he runs the train around the track again, and when it gets to the station he says "Hurry up you sons of bitches getting on and off the train - its ready to depart!".  This time the mother tells him, if he does it again he will have to go to his room until tea time, after which he will only be able to play with his trains after eating all his tea.


As she goes back to the kitchen, he runs the train around the track again, and when it gets to the station he again says "Hurry up you sons of bitches getting on and off the train - its ready to depart!".  This time the mother tells him, thats it - go to your room until tea time.


So the boy goes to his room, sulks on his bed for a hour or so and then gets called for his tea.  He eats his tea slowly, and after finally finishing it, his mother finally lets him go and play with his trains as long as he promises to be polite to his passengers.


The little boy agrees and his mother goes to wash the dishes.


As the train comes to the station, this time the little boy says "Ladies and gentlemen any passengers alighting please ensure you take all your belongings with you and take care when stepping from the train to the platform......".  His mother listening carefully, starts to smile at this point as his announcement continues...."We would also like to apologise for the two and a half hours delay to your journey this afternoon,(More smiles from his mother....) this was caused by the bitch in the kitchen!




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As we approach lockdown 2.0 - is there any reason why half of those wearing Sunflower Lanyards can also be found outside a Costa Coffee having a drink with a Cigarette?


I thought the lanyard was to say they couldn't wear a mask for some medical reason, not that they'd found another way to kill themselves!  Just a thought.  

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7 minutes ago, sem34090 said:

Maybe not, but I'd happily spend lockdown with a CIG...


Did that hit a low bridge??!! 


Surely not? I thought the railway was above all that sort of "incompetant moron" behaviour truck & bus drivers are branded with.... :scratchhead:

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