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The Forum Jokes Thread


Message added by AY Mod,

Sexist, racist or religious jokes aren't funny - keep them to yourself!

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Right, well now, just to pass on a simple idea from the kind, considerate, folks who live here in Salisbury...

A number of the inhabitants have decided that, in view of the way the new Covid threat is going, they ought to pack the kids off to the safety of the Grandparents, away from all that shopping and virus dodging.  The problem was that trains are an, enclosed, high risk of transmission, area, for the latest variety of the nasty.  Busses are, likewise, places where passengers are highly vulnerable.  Necessity being the Mother of invention and all that entails, they were not to be put off the original concept, of child dispersal.     :scratchhead:

Sending them to the covid-free safety of the No 10 garden, was soon dismissed, but only because of the proximity of all that work, alcohol and the complete lack of any responsible adult supervision...  best not to get too conservative or to labour the point.    :nono:

A flash of inspiration was all that was required and once the parents of one family got the solution for packing the juveniles off, they were all at it.  So simple to do, once the kids were completely wrapped up, protected and safe from the virus, just sent them on their way.    

Simple, so very simple.....






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A rabbit asked his mum if could have a toastie instead of carrots. "No" said his mother, " rabbit's never eat toastie's". But, when mum went to visit the carrot field, the rabbit got out the hotplate and had a  cheese and onion toastie then a cheese and ham toastie and then a cheese, ham and bean toastie. Unfortunately his bowels couldn't take it and he died. Upon arrival at the pearly gates, Peter asked how he passed away. The rabbit replied  "Mixingmytoasties".........

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  • RMweb Premium
1 hour ago, Hroth said:

Christmas at Schrödinger's house...


There are two versions of Schroedinger's experiment. The first is the classic quantum-mechanical thought experiment. That remains a thought experiment because of the practical difficulty of getting the cat in the box when you want it to get in. That is related to the second, macroscopic version, illustrated here, which demonstrates that the probability of the cat getting into the box at some time is 1 but the probability of it being in the box at any specific time is undefined - a manifestation of Heisenberg's uncertainty principle.

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