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The Forum Jokes Thread


Message added by AY Mod,

Sexist, racist or religious jokes aren't funny - keep them to yourself!

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17 hours ago, kevinlms said:

A woman went to the dentist



While waiting for her first appointment with her new dentist, Susie noticed his degree certificate on the wall, which included his full name.

Suddenly, she remembered a tall, handsome boy from her high school class over 40 years ago who had exactly the same name. Naturally, she wondered whether it could be the same man.


However, upon seeing him, she quickly dismisses any such thought. She thought to herself, surely the ageing, balding, grey-haired man with a deeply lined face couldn’t possibly be one of her old high school mates.


After he had finished examining her teeth, Susie decided to ask him whether he attended the local high school, to which he replied yes.


“That’s amazing, what year did you graduate then?” she asked.

“In 1973,” he replied.


“Amazing, you were in my class!” Susie exclaimed.

He looked at her closely and then asked: “What subject did you teach?”


A man booked a dental appointment for the first time in many years. The receptionist could see how nervous he was and tried to reassure him, but as she did, the sound of loud screaming could be heard coming from the surgery.

"Don't worry, the dentist is very gentle," the receptionist said again.

The screaming got louder and the man got even more worried.

The receptionist tried to reassure the man again, but the screaming got louder still. The man had enough and ran out of the waiting room.

The screaming from the surgery continued, then the same voice yelled "WILL YOU STOP BITING MY FINGERS???"

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A preacher was concluding his sermon on temperance .

With great feeling he announced, “ If I had all the beer in the world, I would take it and throw it in the river “

Then with greater emphasis he continued, “ and if I had all the wine in the world, I’d take that and throw it into the river “

Finally, he concluded with even greater determination, “ And if I had all the whiskey in the world, I’d take the lot and throw it into the river “

The preacher then sat down with a feeling of satisfaction.

The choir master then stood up very cautiously, and announced with a smile, “ For our final hymn we will now sing hymn number 256, “ Shall We Gather at the River “

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17 hours ago, peanuts said:

A preacher was concluding his sermon on temperance .

With great feeling he announced, “ If I had all the beer in the world, I would take it and throw it in the river “

Then with greater emphasis he continued, “ and if I had all the wine in the world, I’d take that and throw it into the river “

Finally, he concluded with even greater determination, “ And if I had all the whiskey in the world, I’d take the lot and throw it into the river “

The preacher then sat down with a feeling of satisfaction.

The choir master then stood up very cautiously, and announced with a smile, “ For our final hymn we will now sing hymn number 256, “ Shall We Gather at the River “

Our local Father would never agree with that preacher!


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30 minutes ago, Compound2632 said:


Use the WC, feet either side of the pedestal. 


Or, take the shoes off!

 Take the shoes off!, no!, no, that is clear-cut cheating.

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