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The Forum Jokes Thread


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20 hours ago, CameronL said:

While we're on the subject of dancing, I also once heard Riverdance and the  whole Irish step-dancing thing described as "The Ministry of Silly Walks - The Musical". 

Ah, Flatley!

I wish I could find that joke, sketch, meme that showed he only finished book one of Irish dancing as book two dealt with the arm movements.

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9 hours ago, Allegheny1600 said:

I wish I could find that joke, sketch, meme that showed he only finished book one of Irish dancing as book two dealt with the arm movements.

Search through this thread long enough & it's probably already been posted.... :jester:

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  • RMweb Gold

Apparently, Irish dancing is like that because of Catholic disapproval of the sexual body movements it used to have at one time, and thus the only movement allowed was below the knees.  If you want to see the real thing, check out Manx dancing, though some Welsh folk dancing is pretty, um, energetic...

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  • RMweb Gold
18 hours ago, Allegheny1600 said:

Ah, Flatley!

I wish I could find that joke, sketch, meme that showed he only finished book one of Irish dancing as book two dealt with the arm movements.


I believe he had to metal bits fitted to his shoes as well because he kept kicking the floor and wearing his brogues out.



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  • RMweb Gold
7 hours ago, The Johnster said:

Apparently, Irish dancing is like that because of Catholic disapproval of the sexual body movements it used to have at one time, and thus the only movement allowed was below the knees.

The sports bra was invented at the same time...

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I was in my back garden yesterday when I heard a loud jingling from over the fence. I looked over to see my nextdoor neighbour with his cat, which had a large brass bell attached to its collar. He explained that the cat has a bad habit of bringing dead birds into the house and leaving them on people's beds, which his wife and children found very upsetting. 


"But this solves the problem," he said. "Now the birds can hear him coming and escape before anything nasty happens. "


I agreed that it was a good idea, but it got me thinking. What else wears bells, possibly as a warning to others?


Morris Dancers?

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2 hours ago, CameronL said:


I agreed that it was a good idea, but it got me thinking. What else wears bells, possibly as a warning to others?


Morris Dancers?


Medieval costume enthusiast. If I rumbled them approaching, I would certainly run like the clappers to avoid them.

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Love Trilogy...



Try weekly...

Try.....     weakly...


Shortest French love story - England + France...     Oh. wait a minute...   that's the love story that never was!


Shortest French love story


Touche...   Couche...   Douche...


Longest French love story






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7 hours ago, CameronL said:

What else wears bells, possibly as a warning to others?

Hikers in bear country? (And you know how to identify bear poop ...)

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16 minutes ago, pH said:

Hikers in bear country? (And you know how to identify bear poop ...)


My better half has this belief that she wants to go into the wilds to meet real bears.


I have to admit that one of my failures has been to pass on the reality that most bears don't like humans and will move out of sight at the slightest hint of our presence.  The chances of success walking through bear country, waving a Mars Bar calling "Here Yogi", is, therefore, not exactly practical.  On the other hand the bear which doesn't move away, is probably the one least likely to want to share a tickle under the chin and a Mars Bar.


It seems to me that bells on your backpack might serve a similar function.


Personally, I'm just going to get enough training to ensure that when we meet the bear, I can run a bit faster than you.




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  • RMweb Premium

After careful study of the Louvre building plans and months of meticulous planning, he was able to evade all the security and stole several priceless paintings.

He then loaded the paintings into his van parked nearby. Just as he was about to leave, he heard the alarm go off in the building.

Without a moment's hesitation, he kicked the van into high gear and sped away. However, his van ran out of gas less than 5 minutes later, and he was caught and arrested by the police.

"I don't understand", Said the police officer. "How could you plan all that so carefully, yet forget to fill up your gas tank?"

To which the thief replied: "But monsieur! Zat is exactly why I stole ze paintings! I had no Monet, to buy Degas, to make ze Van Gogh!"

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