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The Forum Jokes Thread


Message added by AY Mod,

Sexist, racist or religious jokes aren't funny - keep them to yourself!

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  • RMweb Gold

I was thinking something along these lines as I went up to the local Spar to pick up my click and collect W4 yesterday.  The sun was shining and I was enjoying the walk, but limping a little from a rheumatic knee and going very slowly.  At the very time I need exercise to keep supple rheumatism prevents me from having it.  I am every day further down the spiral that leads inexorably to senility, decrepitude, and the final, merciful, release of death.  It's being so cheerful as keeps me going you know...


My cancer scare earlier this year (prosate) was successfully dealt with by Radiotherapy, bombarding my bits with radioactivity, and has left me impotent and 100% sexually disfunctional, so that aspect of life is over for me (St Augustine of Hippo, an early christian hardliner who you wouldn't have expected it from, wrote that when this happened to him in his dotage it was like being unchained from a lunatic), another paving stone on the downhill path.  Gives me more time and energy for modelling, though.  I've got hair growing out of my nose and my ears, I'm going deaf, my short term memory is rubbish, I'm going deaf my BMI says I'm clinically obese, I have bits that hurt where I never knew I had bits before; the cards are stacking up against me, and I'm going deaf.  The Squeeze, who is Polish and wonderful, doesn't understand this aspect of British culture, that you can be on your last gasp, never to see another sunrise, circling the drain, but will still respond to 'how are you' with 'I'm fine, thank you'.  It is of course never a question, it is a greeting, the same as the Polish 'dzin dobry', which means 'good day', a greeting one would have commonly used here in Victorian times both as a 'hail and well met good fellow' greeting and as an indication that the conversation was at an end 'I will now bid you a good day, sir'.  There is a lot of stuff in English that doesn't mean what it says, and equally doesn't say what it means.


Of course, if you are seriously ill and suffering, you might modify the response from 'I'm fine, thanks' to something like 'can't complain, not too bad considering, worse things happen at sea'.  It's part of the stiff upper lip of course, the Birkenhead Drill and all that, we're British, dammit Carruthers.  I have always considered myself among the Stoics, wasting my life hoping that they'll take the hint and things will get better when I should have been making them better myself with a baseball bat, or better still a Kalashnikov.  But the philosophy is suitable for me dotage; have a beer, play with your trains, and when the Grim Reaper knocks on the door, point meaningfully to your watch.  Don't argue with him, he's in a hurry, he's got to be at an experimental traffic junction in 10 minutes...


Yours for now,

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  • RMweb Gold
9 hours ago, F-UnitMad said:

Reminds me of this old groan-worthy - 

What do you get if you cross the Atlantic with the Titanic?






15 minutes ago, steve1 said:

Where does that monkey come from???






The Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists!


A typically whacky Ardmann film.




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