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The Forum Jokes Thread


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One day a young man found himself at the Pearly Gates, standing in the queue to get into Heaven. He hadn’t been there very long when two big, burly angels came up to him.


“Excuse me sir,” said one of them, “but there seems to be a problem with your application. St Peter will see you now.”


They picked him up by the elbows and carried him to an office, where St Peter was sitting reading a huge, leather-bound book.


“Is there a problem?” the young man asked.


“There is” replied St Peter. “I’m not sure we can let you in”


“Why not?” the young man asked, horrified.


“Well, according to The Book you haven’t actually done any good in your life. You have to have done a good deed to get into Heaven – and apparently you haven’t.”


“Well, I was brought up in an orphanage,” said the young man. “Not much opportunity there, and since then I’ve had a job that earned me an honest living but didn’t really give me much opportunity to do anything good. But I didn’t do anything bad – I never harmed anyone.”


“That’s part of the problem,” said St Peter. “If you’d done anything bad we could send you straight to Hell. As it is, they won’t have you either.”


“So where do I go then?”


“If we can’t sort this, you’ll spend eternity in Limbo.”


“And what’s that like?”


“Ever been to Stoke?”


“That bad,” said the horrified young man. “Isn’t there anything you could do?”


“It’s up to you,” replied St Peter. “You just need to think of a good deed you did some time in your life. It doesn’t have to be much – 50p in a charity box or an old lady helped across the road is enough.”


“Well there is one,” said the young man. “I was driving down the road and I saw a chapter of Hells Angels about to gang-rape a teenage girl. Well, I wasn’t having that. I stopped my car, got the tyre iron out of the boot, walked up behind their leader and hit him on the back of the head saying ‘Leave her alone, you greasy, bloated barbarians!’”


“Well, that certainly counts!” replied St Peter, “But it isn’t in The Book. When did it happen?”


And the young man replied “About five minutes ago.”

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On 24/06/2020 at 15:23, steve1 said:

I can’t make out my wife. First she says I can have a tattoo if I want one, next she’s complaining about having a dozen bagpipers in the garden.



I know what you mean. I asked my wife what she wanted for her birthday and she said "Something small and shiny." Even though it fitted the description she wasn't impressed with the packet of rail joiners. 

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20 minutes ago, luckymucklebackit said:

Groan buttons at the ready.....


Steak pie in Trinidad £3

Steak pie in Barbados £4.50

Steak pie in Tobago £3.20

That's the pie rates of the Caribbean.



More sustenance than the film.



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A young lady walked into a supermarket and on her way round she sees

the bloke who had sex with her the previous evening, after they met in a pub

He was stacking washing powder boxes on shelves.

"You lying " she yells!! "Last night you told me you were a stunt pilot"

"No" he says.

" I told you I was a member of the Ariel display team"

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  • RMweb Gold
On 21/06/2020 at 20:24, grahame said:


Exactly. Anglias isn't the correct pronunciation, or spelling, of English. And I guess they can't tell the difference between the various UK nations, which is odd as they lhave specific words for Scottish, Welsh and northern Irish.



There are a number of things that get my goat when sitting on Cardiff or Newport stations listening to the announcements and seeing the multilingual displays. One is Llundain Paddington, but the main infraction with the Welsh pronunciations is Manceino Piccadilly. I have no problem with English towns that used to be part of Wales being given their original Welsh names, but since when has Manchester been in Wales to warrant them calling it something else? As a Lancastrian, I find it to be extremely arrogant. After all, Peking became Bejing, Bombay became Mumbai so who the hell thinks that they have the right to mispronounce Manchester? Crewe, Wilmslow and Stockport don't get such "special" treatment.


Rant over.

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10 hours ago, 96701 said:

There are a number of things that get my goat when sitting on Cardiff or Newport stations listening to the announcements and seeing the multilingual displays. One is Llundain Paddington, but the main infraction with the Welsh pronunciations is Manceino Piccadilly. I have no problem with English towns that used to be part of Wales being given their original Welsh names, but since when has Manchester been in Wales to warrant them calling it something else? As a Lancastrian, I find it to be extremely arrogant. After all, Peking became Bejing, Bombay became Mumbai so who the hell thinks that they have the right to mispronounce Manchester? Crewe, Wilmslow and Stockport don't get such "special" treatment.


Rant over.


Ah!, maybe this is just a subtle subversion as payback to a historical conquer.

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