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The Forum Jokes Thread


Message added by AY Mod,

Sexist, racist or religious jokes aren't funny - keep them to yourself!

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5 hours ago, kevinlms said:

Is your name not Bruce?


Well, of all the co-incidences, you should say that.....


I am happy to confess that, to my complete and utter delight, err, no......       :jester:



Edited by jcredfer
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Fut Loose in the Forest.

Thousands of years ago there lived 3 monster Dinosaurs, called  Fut,    Fut-Fut    and    Fut-Fut-Fut.  They were big Dinosaurs who needed lots of food to keep them alive and lived in a huge cave.  They lived happily wandering in the forests and they ate leaves from all the many trees in the forest. 


Fut said to Fut-Fut and Fut-Fut-Fut, “it is lovely in the forest eating all my favourite, tangy, Orange leaves”.  Fut-Fut said to Fut and Fut-Fut-Fut,“ I particularly like the Banana leaves, they are so sweet.”  Fut-Fut-Fut said to Fut and Fut-Fut, “I prefer Tea Bush leaves they are so refreshing”.  And so they passed their days happily - walking the forests, for many hundreds of years.

One particularly warm and sunny day, Fut said to Fut-Fut and Fut-Fut-Fut, “I think I had better stay at home, in the cave, today, as I don’t feel well”.  Fut-Fut and Fut-Fut-Fut said, “That is a good idea Fut and we will bring you your favourite Orange Tree leaves to eat while you get better.


Unfortunately, Fut got gradually worse and by the end of the week couldn’t even eat his favourite leaves, that Fut-Fut and Fut-Fut-Fut had brought for him.  Fut-Fut and Fut-Fut-Fut became very worried about Fut, because he had become so very weak.  Sadly the next day Fut passed away to Dinosaur Heaven and so Fut-Fut and Fut-Fut-Fut were very unhappy. Fut-Fut and Fut-Fut-Fut buried Fut under his favourite Orange tree, where they knew Fut would be happy.


Fut-Fut and Fut-Fut-Fut wandered the forest very sadly for years as they dearly missed Fut , until Fut-Fut said to Fut-Fut-Fut, “I don’t think Fut would like us to be so sad, because he will be happy in Dinosaur Heaven and we will see him there some day”.  Fut-Fut-Fut replied to Fut-Fut, “I think you are right”, so they went on their way feeling much more cheerful.


Many years later, on a particularly warm and sunny day, Fut-Fut said to Fut-Fut-Fut, “I think I had better stay at home today, as I don’t feel particularly well”.  Fut-Fut-Fut said to Fut Fut, “That is a good idea Fut-Fut and I will bring you your favourite Banana leaves to eat while you get better.  Unfortunately, Fut-Fut got gradually worse and by the end of the week couldn’t even eat his favourite leaves, that Fut-Fut-Fut had brought for him. Fut-Fut-Fut became very worried about Fu-Fut, because he had become so weak.  Fut-Fut-Fut was ever so upset as memories flooded back about Fut, from years ago. Fut-Fut-Fut said to Fut-Fut, “Please get better, I couldn’t bear it if you died, after all we’ve already got one Fut in the Grave”.


Hat, coat - gone.....



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It was a dark and windy night, while Lightening crashed around, three men sat in a cave...

One said, "Tell us a story, Bill."

After a pause for thought, Bill started...

.....  It was a dark and windy night, while Lightening crashed around, three men sat in a cave...

One said, "Tell us a story, Bill."

After a pause for thought, Bill started...

.....  It was a dark and windy night, while Lightening crashed around, three men sat in a cave...

One said, "Tell us a story, Bill."

After a pause for thought, Bill started...

....  It was a dark and windy night, while Lightening crashed around, three men sat in a cave...

One said, "Tell us a story, Bill."

After a pause for thought, my daughter said, "Dad, your jokes are pathetic!"




Wow, she listened long enough to  see the whole thing through.......        :bb:




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  • RMweb Premium
2 hours ago, F-UnitMad said:

Repeated FROM THE TOP OF THIS PAGE...!!!???!!???


First it was toilet paper, and now we're running out of new jokes! :(

Edited by Kylestrome
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  • RMweb Premium
36 minutes ago, Kylestrome said:


First it was toilet paper, and now we're running out of new jokes! :(


I guess recycling jokes is better than recycling toilet paper...……...

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