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This actually happened....


The other day on Faceache something popped up in my feed inviting me to a meeting of the University of Sussex Flat Earth Society. The venue was The Globe pub, Brighton. :D

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3 minutes ago, SVRlad said:

This actually happened....


The other day on Faceache something popped up in my feed inviting me to a meeting of the University of Sussex Flat Earth Society. The venue was The Globe pub, Brighton. :D


They have members in all four corners of the Earth....






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  • RMweb Gold
21 hours ago, SVRlad said:

This actually happened....


The other day on Faceache something popped up in my feed inviting me to a meeting of the University of Sussex Flat Earth Society. The venue was The Globe pub, Brighton. :D

I liked the fact that the Flat Earth Society chartered a cruise liner, and the captain took some delight in explaining how the GPS system depended on satellites orbiting the globe :)

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One prominent flat earther is, apparently, a purveyor of some popular music. B.o.B. or more recently Bobby somethang.


He said he had joined the movement, not so much because he believed absolutely in the belief propounded, but in order to encourage a belief in the ability to challenge accepted norms (including the moon landings being falsified). But now he seems to believe it, having sought $1m to launch satellites to prove his theory. He has raised at least $6,000 in four years....


Like the belief that his music is any good?


Apparently not. Money talks, is his most profound proof, and he has an awful lot.


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4 minutes ago, newbryford said:

I saw a book the other day

"How to solve 50% of your problems!


So I bought two.




But I only needed a single volume - it propped up one end of my layout really well.


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  • RMweb Premium
6 hours ago, Mike Storey said:




But I only needed a single volume - it propped up one end of my layout really well.


How do people adjust their monitor height these days, without phone books? Using your previous mobile phone, just doesn't seem to work!

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  • RMweb Gold
6 hours ago, kevinlms said:

How do people adjust their monitor height these days, without phone books? Using your previous mobile phone, just doesn't seem to work!


In my office you press and button and can raise the whole desk height! People raise them and work standing up.

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  • RMweb Gold
20 hours ago, kevinlms said:

How do people adjust their monitor height these days, without phone books? Using your previous mobile phone, just doesn't seem to work!


One fellow I worked with twenty years ago used to put several reams of paper under his monitors to adjust their height.

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  • RMweb Gold

Hilary and Bill

In late 1996, just after Bill Clinton had beaten Bob Dole in the presidential election but before the inauguration, Bill and Hillary are in the presidential motorcade just leaving Little Rock, Arkansas, heading back to that town’s airport, where Airforce One is awaiting to take them back to Washington. As they pass by a dingy little garage on the edge of town, just as dusk falls, Hillary points it out and says, "You see that garage, Bill? I used to go out with the man that owns that garage."

Wryly amused, the President chortles and says, "That is amazing, Hillary! Just think, if you had married him, you’d be the wife of a garage proprietor."

"No, Bill," Hillary says firmly. "If I’d married him, he’d be president.

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23 minutes ago, ikks said:

Hilary and Bill

In late 1996, just after Bill Clinton had beaten Bob Dole in the presidential election but before the inauguration, Bill and Hillary are in the presidential motorcade just leaving Little Rock, Arkansas, heading back to that town’s airport, where Airforce One is awaiting to take them back to Washington. As they pass by a dingy little garage on the edge of town, just as dusk falls, Hillary points it out and says, "You see that garage, Bill? I used to go out with the man that owns that garage."

Wryly amused, the President chortles and says, "That is amazing, Hillary! Just think, if you had married him, you’d be the wife of a garage proprietor."

"No, Bill," Hillary says firmly. "If I’d married him, he’d be president.


I've seen that before, about Ed and Lily Schreyer, when he was Premier of the Canadian province of Manitoba (he went on to be the Governor General of Canada). I'd presume it's been told about other political couples as well.


The last two lines were a bit different. Changing them in your version:


Wryly amused, the President chortles and says, "That is amazing, Hillary! If you'd married him, just think where you would be today."

Hillary says firmly. "If I’d married him, today I would be married to the President of the USA."

Edited by pH
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  • RMweb Gold

Clinton is said to be responsible for the following; on being sworn in as president, he was invited to a film showing by the Legitimate Businessmen's Association.  Shown into a screening room, the lights went down and the Zapruda footage of the Kennedy assassination screened.  Then a man came in and said 'Have you got any questions, Mr President?'.

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7 hours ago, The Johnster said:

Clinton is said to be responsible for the following; on being sworn in as president, he was invited to a film showing by the Legitimate Businessmen's Association.  Shown into a screening room, the lights went down and the Zapruda footage of the Kennedy assassination screened.  Then a man came in and said 'Have you got any questions, Mr President?'.


Hardly a believable story, in view of how US potus {and the rest of the Senate} get there in the first place!  :dance_mini:





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20 hours ago, The Johnster said:

Such cynicism in one so young...


The cynicism might be attributed to the ability of a mere 70+ year old's ability to recognise one Medieval historical development into civilised government, compared to the 500+ year lack of development of another, very, rich society lacking the same ability to recognise the benefits of mutual support.





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