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The Forum Jokes Thread


Message added by AY Mod,

Sexist, racist or religious jokes aren't funny - keep them to yourself!

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  • RMweb Gold

I've just come down with this 'Australian Flu'. Off to the doctor....


"Describe your symptons"; sez the Doc.


"I keep saying G'day!, and a raging thirst for weak lager".


"Aaah!! Sez doctor. You've got it bad! I'm going to prescribe some fizzy mineral water. Don't overdo it, it's a bit stronger than what you're used to....".



D.R. Doolittle.

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While on the subject:


If Australian flu and bird flu were to meet up and mutate each other, is the result going to be called budgie flu?


If you like - sounds like this is all your fault? - but perhaps it would more likely be EMUfluenza? (Anyone can get it - AC or DC).


At least its something we can say we brought back from Oz. Mr Root will only be bringing back gastroenteritus.

Edited by Mike Storey
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  • RMweb Gold

A work colleague would religiously have a flu jab every year, and have a month of work afterwards.


Nowadays, if I'm offered a jab, the response is "Thanks for the offer, but no".


I don't want to go to hospital, that's where all of the sick people live!



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  • RMweb Gold

Last time I was in hospital they did some nice things to me.



I went on Tuesday and they put a camera where the sun doesn't shine. As she started the procedure she asked if it was ok, I replied "I'd have preferred a handshake as a greeting"

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I went on Tuesday and they put a camera where the sun doesn't shine. As she started the procedure she asked if it was ok, I replied "I'd have preferred a handshake as a greeting"


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  • RMweb Premium

Last time I was in hospital they did some nice things to me. That's why I'm still here.


Pretty horrible things are often done to people in hospitals...but worth it in the long run....

Edited by Coryton
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  • RMweb Gold

There would be no Sh1t left inside before the camera job.

Have you never heard of Picolax. (Explosive to say the least).


That's reserved for the 25th when there's a repeat performance, luckily all the drains in Bedfordshire are directed towards Luton.....explains so much....

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That's reserved for the 25th when there's a repeat performance, luckily all the drains in Bedfordshire are directed towards Luton.....explains so much....


Have a read at this before taking the dreaded Picolax, it may be an urban myth but it is very very funny http://www.ign.com/boards/threads/this-is-a-very-long-read-but-i-swear-it-is-worth-it-it-is-the-greatest-violent-poo-story-ever-told.452628177/



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  • RMweb Gold

Rough neighbourhood around here.


I went to the local medical centre.


Whilst waiting, a very pretty nurse approached me.


"Are you waiting for the doctor?"


"Yes, please".


"Do you have a black eye, or a fat lip?


"Errr, no"


" Do you want one, while your waiting?"

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  • RMweb Premium

Hi folks,


Just to continue with the laxative thread ..... every couple of years I have a full medical however one year I was asked, among the usual questions, if I'd ever had a colonoscopy.  No, I replied (a fatal mistake).  The laxative product used is known a 'cleanprep' and, apparently, tastes of strawberry - now I do know what the latter both taste and look like, and cleanprep is nothing like that.  Suffice to say, I was given the bed next to the loo ......


I also discovered that it's an effective way to dehydrate you even when you are drinking litres of water at a time.


The next time they asked I told them 'yes' and that I never wanted to go through that ever again.


The funny bit came when I came round from the sedative - apparently I had serenaded the rather pretty nurse with a song with her name (Elouise) - it seems I have a reasonably good bass-baritone voice - but only when I am truly out-of-my face on NHS intravenous anesthesia!





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Hi folks,


Just to continue with the laxative thread ..... every couple of years I have a full medical however one year I was asked, among the usual questions, if I'd ever had a colonoscopy.  No, I replied (a fatal mistake).  The laxative product used is known a 'cleanprep' and, apparently, tastes of strawberry - now I do know what the latter both taste and look like, and cleanprep is nothing like that.  Suffice to say, I was given the bed next to the loo ......


I also discovered that it's an effective way to dehydrate you even when you are drinking litres of water at a time.


The next time they asked I told them 'yes' and that I never wanted to go through that ever again.


The funny bit came when I came round from the sedative - apparently I had serenaded the rather pretty nurse with a song with her name (Elouise) - it seems I have a reasonably good bass-baritone voice - but only when I am truly out-of-my face on NHS intravenous anesthesia!






And I bet not a single Bum Note!



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