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The Forum Jokes Thread


Message added by AY Mod,

Sexist, racist or religious jokes aren't funny - keep them to yourself!

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  • RMweb Gold

Well I checked back a few pages to see it if had been posted before, but sadly didn't go back far enough ....

I just knew I had seen it recently as opposed to having seen it several times over the years along with many of the others.  It happens quite a lot but then as I read all of them I am sad enough to know when I have seen them before. :scratchhead:

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  • RMweb Premium

What's green and smells of pork?











I'm not going to give the answer as it's far too rude for a forum such as this, but it does involve two of the lead characters in The Muppets.......................





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A man and woman were out shopping at the local supermarket.


The man picks up a case of 24 Carlsberg priced £9.00. He begins to put it in the trolley.


“Put that back,” says the wife.


A few aisles further the woman sees some face cream priced £18.00 and puts it in the trolley.


“What are you doing?” asks the man


“It makes me look young and sexy when we are in bed,” replies the woman.


“So does 24 cans of Carlsberg and that’s half the price.”

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  • RMweb Gold

What's green and smells of pork?











I'm not going to give the answer as it's far too rude for a forum such as this, but it does involve two of the lead characters in The Muppets.......................





At least you didn't describe them as the lead parts.

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  • RMweb Premium



  For goodness sake!!! :rolleyes: Will you guys PLEASE give back to Allan Downes his book of antique jokes!!! :mad: :banghead:


Surely the time is now for bad jokes found in C*******s crackers?




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The Pope had just finished a tour and was taking a limousine to the airport. Having never driven a limo, he asked the driver if he could drive for a while. Well, the driver didn’t have much of a choice, so he climbs in the back of the limousine, and the Pope takes the wheel.

The Pope proceeds onto the highway and starts accelerating to see what the limo could do. He gets to about 100 mph, and suddenly he sees the blue-red lights of the Traffic Police in his mirror.

He pulls over, and the police officer comes to his window. The officer, seeing who it was, says, “Just a moment please, I need to call in.”

The policeman calls in and asks for the chief inspector. He tells the chief that he’s got a really important person pulled over, and is not sure how to handle it.

“It’s not Tom Jones again is it"? replies the chief.

“No Sir!” responded the policeman, “This guy is more important.”

“Is it Simon Cowell?” replied the chief.

“No! Even more important!” replies the officer.

“Is it Theresa May?" replied the chief.

“No! Even more important!” replies the police officer.

“Well.Who the hell is this guy?” Screams the chief.

“I don’t know Sir” replies the police officer.“But he’s got the Pope as his chauffeur.”

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  • RMweb Premium

It's winter in Canada
And the gentle breezes blow 
Seventy miles an hour 
At thirty-five below.


Oh, how I love Canada 
When the snow's up to your butt 
You take a breath of winter 
And your nose gets frozen shut.


Yes, the weather here is wonderful 
So I guess I'll hang around 
I could never leave Canada 
'Cos I'm frozen to the ground! 

Edited by Andy Y
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  • RMweb Gold


The Pope had just finished a tour and was taking a limousine to the airport. Having never driven a limo, he asked the driver if he could drive for a while. Well, the driver didn’t have much of a choice, so he climbs in the back of the limousine, and the Pope takes the wheel.

The Pope proceeds onto the highway and starts accelerating to see what the limo could do. He gets to about 100 mph, and suddenly he sees the blue-red lights of the Traffic Police in his mirror.

He pulls over, and the police officer comes to his window. The officer, seeing who it was, says, “Just a moment please, I need to call in.”

The policeman calls in and asks for the chief inspector. He tells the chief that he’s got a really important person pulled over, and is not sure how to handle it.

“It’s not Tom Jones again is it"? replies the chief.

“No Sir!” responded the policeman, “This guy is more important.”

“Is it Simon Cowell?” replied the chief.

“No! Even more important!” replies the officer.

“Is it Theresa May?" replied the chief.

“No! Even more important!” replies the police officer.

“Well.Who the hell is this guy?” Screams the chief.

“I don’t know Sir” replies the police officer.“But he’s got the Pope as his chauffeur.”



That reminds me of the occasion when a policeman friend pulled over a speeding Range Rover in Hyde Park. The driver referred him to the lady in the back wearing a headscarf. I suppose we can't expect her to wear a crown all the time.

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  • RMweb Gold

Reminds me of tale of the cops chasing a car down the M4. Blue lights, sirens, flashing headlights, nothing would stop the car. Eventually, the driver turned out to be HRH The Princess Royal. When asked why she didn't stop, her reply was "I assumed it was a police escort".

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This one's for F-Unitmad.


It's the war years and Joe's enlisted into the army.


As he's walking across the parade ground his Sargent Major screams out " Oi, you, soldier. Come 'ere you 'orrible little man !!"


Then on confronting Joe he stands back in surprise "Blimey, it's you Joe, are you still in the rackets and, if so, I could do with a load of black market fags ?"


"Sure" said Joe. "But it'll cost yer and since I'm in this bloody army, against my will, I wanna be a Sargent Major too "


"Deal" said the SM "I'll fix it straight away"


Next thing, Joe's shipped out to fight in the dessert under Monty who, on seeing him can't believe his luck and confronts SM Joe with " You can't get hold of any Gin as I'm right down to my last gallon ?"


"Sure" said Joe " I'll have it here tomorrow in return for being made a General "


"Consider it done" said Monty.


So,a few weeks later, Churchill comes out to inspect the troops then can't believe his luck when he recognizes Joe "Good grief" Churchill stammers out "It's you of all people Joe and just when I'm on my last box of cigars. Can you get me any more?!"


"No prob" says Joe "But I want a knighthood in return"


So, another few weeks later, Churchill has arranged everything and he and Joe are walking down the long red carpet in Buck house towards the seated King and Queen when the Queen leans over to the King and whispers.


"Who's that guy with Joe ?"

Edited by allan downes
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