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Derwent - LMS in the Peak (never finished due to house move)


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  • RMweb Gold

Jeff, I am pretty sure that Kirkby Stephen had a replacement box in the period you are depicting; an LMS one with a flat roof. Sorry for the hijack....


Hi Jason, according to the Friends of the S&C site, the Midland box of 1875 was replaced in 1974. So looks like you don't have to have a nasty flat-roofed thing Jeff, but then you not copying KS are you? Rule 1?

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  • RMweb Gold

Next building to be tackled is the Goods shed for Derwent yard. Scalescenes has a Midland looking one, so one in ashlar was duly purchased. The station buildings will also be in stone as in my history both were built around the same time. Progress so far.






In my building the rail side has blind panels whereas the kit has a window in each. Also I would like to continue the roof over the whole length of the loading bay side. I have had to stop now as I need a visit to the local copy shop to get the windows done.

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  • RMweb Gold

Got the roof on.






The inside looks impressive.




Just the little office to go and something to support that overhanging roof.

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  • RMweb Gold


I have got behind with my postings, so rest assured I am not working at "Coachmann speed". However the office block is now made and the shed almost complete save a pot for the chimney, some touching up here and there and, some weathering. The timber supports for the overhanging roof are from microstrip and painted with black felt tip pen.





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  • RMweb Gold


With a number of Scalescenes kits behind me, I thought I would venture out and have a go at the building which will be the main station one. There's going to be a lot of trial and error (mainly error) as to how best to go about the build. Here are the main wall components. It's loosely based on the former Whatstandwell building but enlarged Settle-style to include a third gable given the station is a main junction on the line.




I put a few cover layers on with decorative string courses and quoins (to hide the corner joints)on one of the gabled sections. Scalescenes don't seem to do arches in light ashlar only dark, so I cut my arch from the cement floor of the engine shed.






I seem to have lost the gents' toilet wall!

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  • RMweb Gold

A little bit more progress on the station building and the gents' has been restored. Relief all round I think!

The road side


The platform side


The utilities block


The Gents'


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  • RMweb Gold

Today the screen-like platform-facing book hall wall was tackled, an essay in plasticard. The area between the two pavilions was roofed over to provide shelter for the passengers.





Now a cruel close-up.



With all those windows, the interior will have to be tackled.

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  • RMweb Gold

Nice to see you're making good use of your retirement, Jonathan.


Very good progress!




You're not doing so badly yourself, Jeff. Progress on the garage conversion duly noted.

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  • RMweb Gold

The slating of the roof was completed today and the building now has a more solid look about it. I may just see if anybody does the correct pattern ridge tiles.







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  • RMweb Gold

The veranda was tackled today.




And the gents' and other outbuildings have been roofed and the walls have received their copings.




Next to tackle the twenty-seven windows.

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  • RMweb Gold

The window frames and doors for the front of the building have been done. No "glass" as yet. The square opening on the middle window nearest the camera is for the station clock. Anybody got a really small wrist watch? The veranda was removed so I could fit the ladies' waiting room door.



The rooms from this end are: gents', coals and ashes, porters' room, general waiting room, station master's office, ladies' waiting room, booking hall and finally the booking office.



It's cruel close-ups like this that show things like the gap above the ladies' waiting room door! The veranda will hide it!


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  • RMweb Gold

A start has been made on the porch that graced one end of the original Whatstandwell station.




The underneath of the porch roof needs boarding-out as has already been done to the front main gables.



Further support posts are needed as well as gates on the road side.


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  • RMweb Gold

A bit more done to the porch, including the gate. It will be squared-up and the rear support post straightened once it's on the layout. A start has been made on the rainwater goods. The white metal square downpipes and the plastic guttering are from my bit box where I found some once made by Linka. Although you can still get Linka moulds, there's no sign of the rainwater goods.




The colour scheme is Midland Railway. Cream for panels and gates and Venetian red for nearly everything else, except doors which are Midland red. Tamiya red-brown is close to the red. The LMS were slow to repaint stations and mine had not been repainted yet.

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  • RMweb Gold

A bit more was done to the guttering etc today. You may just be able to make out the down pipes on the gable ends. Forgive the garish yellow on the porch panels, some idiot painted them brown and the framing cream! Ridge tile loose, I see.





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  • RMweb Gold

Over the last couple of days I have added bargeboards to the gables and chimneys to the roof. I am not convinced by the pots though, they look rather small to me. Unlike the S&C stations the bargeboards at Whatstandwell were very plain.



Poster boards are being added, although there's not all that much wall space. Even if the LMS have not repainted the station in "their" colours, they have managed to change the notice boards.



The gents now know where to go!



I am experimenting with putting an inner frame to the windows, this means I can paint the outer frame red-brown and leave the inner frame white as it should be.


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  • RMweb Gold

The inner frames have been fitted to the front windows and a temporary clock has been fitted.



More windows, still not fitted in and no "glass" as yet. A full moon is rising behind the station.


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  • RMweb Gold

A start has been made today on the building which will stand on the island down and branch platform. Again based on the one which once stood at Whatstandwell. While the actual building had a plain back, it being against an embankment, the two sides on my building are a mirror image of each other. Ladies waiting room on the left, general waiting room on the right.



Again, there's another Gents' to do.


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