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Derwent - LMS in the Peak (never finished due to house move)


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  • RMweb Gold

I can now reveal to all my viewers/readers that in a few weeks time (date as yet unknown) I shall be on the move to the far west of our diocese (West Yorkshire and the Dales) so far west in fact that it is in Lancashire (passport applied for). I am to take charge of two small village churches some 12 miles southeast of Settle so will need to move into the Rectory. We are keeping our house at Finghall as a bolthole from parish ministry and it will be our eventual retirement home. Derwent therefore is safe from "doing a Larry" and even "doing a Bodge-it" although progress will now be at less than snail's pace. I can always work on scenic details like buildings, signals and rolling stock away from the layout. The rectory has four large bedrooms, the largest of which (6.1m x 3.8m) we are not going to use as it far too big, however it will become the home of a portable layout, so that I can have somewhere to ​play trains. I'm tempted by a OO9 Leek and Manifold based layout. There again, my childhood line of the Buxton-Ashbourne branch also has appeal. I feel some Templot planning coming on. 

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  • RMweb Gold

Congratulations on your posting to the proper side of the Pennines.  If you could keep your ministries to biblical content and avoid reference to so-called superior Yorkshire beer, or tea-cakes, or variations of parkin or suggestions that God may in some way have favoured t'other side of the hills, you'll be fine.  You are, as a concession, allowed to intercede for your lot come Whitsun and the Roses match.

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  • RMweb Gold

Hi Alan, being Derbyshire born and bred, I have little allegiance to the current side of the Pennines, although SWMBO is East Riding. I look forward to introducing the delights of oatcakes and real Bakewell pudding (not tart, as that is a lady of the night from said town.) I forgot to mention that real railways are accessible 10 miles distant at Long Preston for the Settle and Carlisle and the Little North Western. Looks like the senior railcard will come in handy.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • RMweb Gold

The terraced houses are finished, except I forgot the bargeboards - see first photo below! They have been added to Sidings Cottages and are Numbers 5-8. The more modern windows in 7 & 8 will go once my order for more large sash windows arrives. I hadn't realised these were much bigger than the terraced cottages so the ground work will have to be redone.




A view of "the backs".




And the other way.




The next block will have the rear gables.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • RMweb Gold

In a break from Scalescenes, I gave my BR liveried 2P and spray coat of Halford's plastic primer and a top coat of their matt black. The loco was lined out and numbered and given a matt varnish spray. Unfortunately, a white bloom appeared. Not wanting to start again, I brushed matt varnish all over the loco and once dry gave the smoke box and cab roof a coat of acrylic black. Then it was weathered with Humbrol powders. The finished product looks very work worn, even more so in the first photo.


EDIT - Better photos in Post 513




The second gives a truer likeness.




It might end up in the brake thinners yet.

Edited by Rowsley17D
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  • RMweb Gold

Hi Jonathan,


I hope you don't mind me saying that in all honesty the photos above are really too dark for me to appreciate the work you have done on the 2P.


Your layout is really good, but I wish you'd improve the lighting so that you don't have to use flash to take photos.


Given your impending defection :D I realise that doing anything to the present house is a low priority, but even a desk lamp with a daylight bulb in it would help.





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Applying for passport etc to get into Lancashire brings back memories of when I worked for a short time in Australia, back in the mid 1980's. Two of us from the proper side of the Pennines were setting up a computer system in Newcastle NSW. We were given space in the drawing office and on arrival I said to the fellas there "I don't mind talking about anything except cricket". There were smiles all round, Australia had just put England to the sword. Then I said "I am not bothered about the England - Australia series, but Lancashire beat Yorkshire and that is definitely beyond the pail"

Smiles turned to laughter and we got on like the proverbial house on fire. Lovely fellas and many of them railway enthusiasts, one of them having a huge model railway in his basement.


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Hope you enjoy your new parish and that the natives don't throw spears at you also watch out for Eccles cakes being used as mines to stop an invasion from Yorkshire!   The 2p looks good at least the layout stays and will be developed at leisure good luck with new parish.

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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks for your kind words of encouragement.


As regards the light Al, putting photos on here always makes them seem darker than my originals. Still, the days are getting longer and I will soon be able to take daylight lit shots. I'm still not convinced by the state of my 2P but stripping it all off is a little way down the "to do" list.


For those who like to know 693 was a Derby engine, at least at the grouping. If anybody has any further info on her I would be pleased to know.

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  • RMweb Gold

I used the presence of a certain bright object in the sky to take some more pictures of the heavily weathered 2P. I still have my doubts as to whether it will stay this way for long. (Pun unintended)









Edited by Rowsley17D
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  • RMweb Gold

I think it looks great, just right.


Well used, but not broken and rusty like in BR days.


When you think how many tunnels the locos had to go through between, for instance, Derby and Millers Dale, It's no surprise that even the cleanest of engines would end up like that during the journey.


Great stuff!



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  • RMweb Gold

The latest loco to be sound chipped has been added to the Rowsley Derwent stud. A SW Digital UDrive 3F decoder has been used.  While it goes fine on the rolling road, it does not go so well on the track. I found that one of the tender pick-up wheels was not touching the rail so a bit of filing will have to be done to see if this improves the situation. The 2F comes from 00 Works and one side of the loco picks up current and the tender picks up on the opposite side. The chip is in the loco and the speaker is in the tender. Just noticed the red decoder wire needs painting black. Eventually, it will receive a local area number.











Edited by Rowsley17D
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  • RMweb Gold

That's the F2 that I would like for Towcester junction, there's a photo of one being used for shunting wagons into the good shed.




Hi Mike, unless the running improves, it may be up for sale. It went fine on my DC layout. I filed the tender centre wheel axle holes to allow the wheels to drop a little but only marginally improved running. A set of pick-up wipers may be needed on the insulated loco wheels.

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  • 10 months later...
  • 1 month later...
  • RMweb Gold

Little development due to being in Lancashire most of the time where I am working on my 009 layout. However, I have been planning a simplification of the the north junction and doing away with the unprototypical south junction.




It is now a simple double junction. Trains coming off the branch (second set of lines on the left) will terminate in platform 1 (top line) after detraining passengers, will reverse back down the branch and use the crossover to the down branch, then forward into platform 3 (third from top) and run round (right-hand part of run-round not shown). This is how Millersdale was operated with Buxton branch trains. As to when any changes take place is anyone's guess.

Edited by Rowsley17D
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  • 5 months later...
  • RMweb Gold

Well, Derwent in it's present form could be coming to an end. SWMBO and I like it over "here" in on the Yorkshire/Lancashire boarder and we could soon put our Wensleydale house on the market and buy something over "here". Saw a bungalow today with a long loft 34', with no chimneys in the way, ready boarded with tongue and groove from being built. Just needs rafters lining out and a couple of Veluxes.

Edited by Rowsley17D
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  • RMweb Gold

Well, Derwent in it's present form could be coming to an end. SWMBO and I like it over "here" in on the Yorkshire/Lancashire boarder and we could soon put our Wensleydale house on the market and buy something over "here". Saw a bungalow today with a long loft 34', with no chimneys in the way, ready boarded with tongue and groove from being built. Just needs rafters lining out and a couple of Veluxes.


Ooh, that sounds like the perfect place! 


All the best, whatever you decide.



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Well, Derwent in it's present form could be coming to an end. SWMBO and I like it over "here" in on the Yorkshire/Lancashire boarder and we could soon put our Wensleydale house on the market and buy something over "here". Saw a bungalow today with a long loft 34', with no chimneys in the way, ready boarded with tongue and groove from being built. Just needs rafters lining out and a couple of Veluxes.

That sounds very good Jonathan, can Derwent be taken apart, or is it BUILT IN?

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  • RMweb Gold

Hi Andy, it will mean a total dismantle wherever we end up. Not much scenery was done except the bridge and the buildings are plonked not planted. I don't know how much of the track will survive being lifted. It's only shallowly ballasted so it could be okay. The hidden track is Peco and I've still plenty of that in store.

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  • 2 months later...
  • RMweb Gold

Well, the home that housed Derwent has sold (STC). So it's a dismantling job now. No new house in prospect just yet as the one we were interested in is now also sold (STC)

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