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  • 5 weeks later...

Hello, bescotbeast,


Have to say first of all, love the work you created so far, perfect time line and place as well, best time on our railways the mid to late 80s (just my opinion) and great place to model as the midlands was pretty much at the centre of it all, regards traffic movement. So plenty of formations to play around with.

I will be following your updates from now on.


Second thing, having lived in the same town as Bescot for most of my life, (up until about 9 years ago) I'm now down south, I am only assuming so apologies if your not but im guessing you were a local lad as well, Walsall/Sandwell/West Brom. Basically a Black Country boy.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks for the comments Thames611, I'm originally from Stoke but lived in Tipton and then Pendeford for 3 years, working at Watery Lane Shunt Frame, Madeley Junction and then Bescot Down Tower.

I have to agree the Speedlink era was a fascinating period with what seemed like lots of varied and unusual traffic to be seen, through RMWeb I've found information on many of the various traffic flows that call at the yard.

If you're in the South East (I'm Newhaven) you'd e more than welcome to pay a visit. I did organise a get together last year but with various things keeping me busy (work, getting elected as a councillor, home life) I've struggled to set aside some time for the layout lately.


                                   All the best


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Sounds like you've got the 'Octopus Syndrome' going there Simon, you'll certainly need 8 arms/legs being a councillor, and everything else. But congratulations on your position.


I'll look forward to more updates as and when you are able.


Jinty ;)

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Every time I log on another little gem is discovered that I have somehow missed. Have had a good read over this thread (slow day at work :D ) Nice fleet you have and am looking forward to watching this layout develop. I bought myself a Heljan 86 in Virign livery with the hopes of having it resprayed, my Dynamis controller i had around my neck neck it off the track and onto the floor :( so now it is a repair and a respray !! Hopefully Heljan will bring out another release of these. 





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Having been absent from my own thread for a while I best show some updates so first up we have a Bescot tripper with two OBA wagons loaded with Holmans Compair Compressers 

20967770062_e1ba8bdb95_b.jpgBescot tripper by Simon Barnes, on Flickr

Secondly both of my tower lights have suffered from cat damage, i.e being used as a scratching post. So to protect them when the layou is not in use I've deployed these ant-cat barriers.

20789545790_f7a7c6a547_b.jpganti cat bottle by Simon Barnes, on Flickr

Hope you enjoy.


Edited by bescotbeast
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Hello Simon,


From Stoke, ahh well can't all be perfect I guess......I'm only joking.

I've been watch a series about railfrieght movements called "rail freight today" it's a dvd box set, from Amazon.

I think you'd find it useful especially the disk about the midlands movements, that said the whole series is pretty interesting as its set in about the same time period your modelling give a year or two. I recommend it fully, but I have to say it's a bit heart breaking to watch and listen too with the dialog, it's so optimistic at times as its pre channel tunnel and preprivatization, but you know what's coming and the out come. It's like the Titanic story, you know the ending but still wish for a different ending all the same.

I appreciate the offer to come down, if you do set up another meet up I'd be up for that, just let me know.

I met Neil the other day, great guy and great layout, if your ever that way pop in, you'll love it.

I wish you the best of luck with being a counsillor, I hope you get to make a difference.



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Hi Simon, although I was sorry to hear about your tower lights I had to laugh at you anti-cat defences!


As a human who is owned by 5 cats I would say that the only sure fire way of keeping the room cat free is to keep the door closed.


I try not to encourage them to come in the train room (except Cuba, the eldest, who is a bit cranky towards the other cats- but she will just sit down and mind her own business) in an effort to keep fur on the track and locos down to a minimum.


On occasion I do get a nosey visitor, but by and large they are very good and know not to leap onto the layout!

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Hi Simon, although I was sorry to hear about your tower lights I had to laugh at you anti-cat defences!


As a human who is owned by 5 cats I would say that the only sure fire way of keeping the room cat free is to keep the door closed.


I try not to encourage them to come in the train room (except Cuba, the eldest, who is a bit cranky towards the other cats- but she will just sit down and mind her own business) in an effort to keep fur on the track and locos down to a minimum.


On occasion I do get a nosey visitor, but by and large they are very good and know not to leap onto the layout!

Thanks, I'd love to keep the cats out but unfortunate for me their food and cat litter tray is in the room. At the moment as it's summer they spend a great deal of the time outside but once the cold wet weather returns they will be inhabiting the spare room for longer, leading to a near daily hoover to remove cat hair from track etc......

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  • RMweb Gold

Simon, I wonder if some sort of removable shelf or cover above the layout might help make the layout more Jocko and Mabel proof?  Given the cats have no other choice but to use the room, perhaps a removable cover/shelf of some sort might allow them to get to the window and not demolish the yard in the process.  It needn't be a hugely expensive job, a simple framework with a tightly stretched cloth stapled to it, capable of supporting the pussies ought to do the trick whilst looking reasonably attractive to satisfy the aesthetic requirements of Lindsay.

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Simon, I wonder if some sort of removable shelf or cover above the layout might help make the layout more Jocko and Mabel proof?  Given the cats have no other choice but to use the room, perhaps a removable cover/shelf of some sort might allow them to get to the window and not demolish the yard in the process.  It needn't be a hugely expensive job, a simple framework with a tightly stretched cloth stapled to it, capable of supporting the pussies ought to do the trick whilst looking reasonably attractive to satisfy the aesthetic requirements of Lindsay.

I've a feeling what ever I built the cats wouldn't be interested, we got them a radiator bed which they used once or twice and it now lives in a draw.

On a theme close to Marks heart here is a line up of my current AL6 fleet.

20850952838_cd605d6165_b.jpgClass 86 line up by Simon Barnes, on Flickr

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Some more pictures to share here. Firstly after seeing No5 John Hampden in the flesh at the London Transport museum I had to get myself a model once I saw that Heljan were releasing these locos.

20727422473_3b89c6bc0c_b.jpgLT Visitor by Simon Barnes, on Flickr

I've also taken the time to try and add some period graffiti

21348515615_d5eb70cdd3_b.jpgPeriod graffiti by Simon Barnes, on Flickr

21161632459_6a8be0e3d7_b.jpgPeriod graffiti 1 by Simon Barnes, on Flickr

21338065032_a4958ffe5f_b.jpgmore graffiti 1 by Simon Barnes, on Flickr

20726120484_762de570c9_b.jpgMore graffiti by Simon Barnes, on Flickr

The wife's not keen on the graffiti additions but my own memories are of graffiti on walls around Stoke and Wolverhampton, mainly about football teams and bands of the period.


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You forgot "Kilroy was 'ere"


Nice AL6 fleet Simon, and cats don't have owners, they have 'Staff' who cater for their needs, even if it is a lighting tower for a scratchy post!!!

I have two little treasures, now I've put the hole in the wall, they are constantly going through it, or stalking each other from the other side!!!!


Jinty ;)

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Time for another update, first off I've updated my local area plan showing where the Pendeford loop is in the grand scheme of things. To increase the trains I could run through the layout I've now included a North to East junction from the Salop line to the Pendeford Loop. This means I can run a few extra freight services though the yard. Another bonus is a long held aspiration of Mr Wiles over in Centro to run the "Saddlers Welly" service from Walsall to Wellington to help connect these two overlooked towns.

21444477181_a429bf161e_b.jpgPendeford Geography by Simon Barnes, on Flickr

I've also purchased three more Hornby M2KEs in Intercity livery, the aim is to backdate these to the earlier Intercity livery.

21443990131_f4760ff0fe_b.jpg86240 Bishop Eric Treacy by Simon Barnes, on Flickr

21247446070_67243fd85b_b.jpgOxley to New Street ECS by Simon Barnes, on Flickr

21247712048_133fe9157e_b.jpgLooking from the PSB by Simon Barnes, on Flickr

Thanks for looking.


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Hi Simon, I like the graffiti idea. Like you I remember it being football teams, bands or 'ROB 4 JULIE' or some such.


My personal favourite was 'IAN CURTIS LIVES' painted on a wall in Wellington, NZ.


I seem to recall that although it was painted out, it kept re-appearing again!

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Hi Simon, I like the graffiti idea. Like you I remember it being football teams, bands or 'ROB 4 JULIE' or some such.


My personal favourite was 'IAN CURTIS LIVES' painted on a wall in Wellington, NZ.


I seem to recall that although it was painted out, it kept re-appearing again!

Thanks, I was wondering if my memory was defective but I like "ROB 4 JULIE" i'll have to squeeze that in somewhere on the layout.

Best I could find on Flickr that wasn't the multi colored images you see now

8007116550_590f51f765_b.jpgBingham Road station in 1980 by Tom Burnham, on Flickr

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