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"Anything You Can do, I Can Do Better ! Robinson and Downes.

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Anyway, that's by the by.  I also use the trick of taking pictures with a slight blur then tinting them to black and white to hide the imperfections.



You seem to have a lot of derisive comments to make about other people's work,so  any chance of showing us some of yours and a sample of your obviously superior quality thatching?


During my time in the hobby I have probably made over a hundred layouts and literally thousands of buildings, maybe they weren't anywhere up to the standard that you seem to expect, but at least I never once knocked other people's efforts along the way but having said that, I always welcomed constructive criticism.


So, either put up or try another Thread. 

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Crikey, all, many apologies.  It was a ham-fisted attempt at humour!


Work like this is one of the reasons I was too frightened to even post in here for my first year or so of reading the site and still preface everything I do with the big caveat that I am only learning.  I was really excited by the appearance of the scratchbuilt buildings thread & then realised I would be wasting bandwidth even putting my humble efforts in there.


So, I hope you will accept my contrition.  I'll be away back to my train set...

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Crikey, all, many apologies.  It was a ham-fisted attempt at humour!


Work like this is one of the reasons I was too frightened to even post in here for my first year or so of reading the site and still preface everything I do with the big caveat that I am only learning.  I was really excited by the appearance of the scratchbuilt buildings thread & then realised I would be wasting bandwidth even putting my humble efforts in there.


So, I hope you will accept my contrition.  I'll be away back to my train set...


No problems C&WR, just remember what Smileys are for, let's us know what you're really trying to say!


Cheers, and welcome to the Thread.


Edited by allan downes
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Thank you for your understanding, Allan.  I am not new to the thread, I've been reading it avidly & remembering things from boyhood copies of the modeling magazines.  We often had these second-hand as Dad was very happy as a Railway Civil Engineer, but not well paid!  


I actually think you offered some support & guidance on one of my early posts here when I showed either my promenade or attempts at hand-scribed bricks.  It is the handy tips from people here (elders &/or betters!) which has made me able to do what I do do, albeit for lack of time I'm mainly a Scalescenes man.  


If anything my skills have declined slightly since my early teens.  I remember then building medieval-style cottages for role playing games - I remember being given a pot of polyfilla or similar which I mixed with some pigment & a little sand for making renders & I certainly used to have time to cut & lay individual tiles in those long school holidays!  I suspect it was your work which inspired some of them.

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No problems C&WR, just remember what Smileys are for, let's us know what you're really trying to say!


Cheers, and welcome to the Thread.




Dear  Allan,


 Nice to  see  you,ve forgiven C&WR and your now  friends.I,ve had a few dealings with  him over the last few weeks and he seems a thoroughly nice chap and He can be very funny.He made  a remark the other day about how he always wears" a celice made of protofour  track"that really cracked me up.


The trouble with posting humorous remarks especially if your being ironic or simply joining in the knock about fun is you run the risk of being misunderstood and giving offence.Smileys etc. can be useful in this regard,but I,ve always regarded them as  a bit like using a safety net, it's much more fun/challenging  to  hope your remark will be taken in the manner  its intended,but it has to be admitted you do run the risk of crashing and burning.


Take Stubby's post above, he has actually suggested that your thatch can be likened to a dead fur stole,absolutely outrageous behaviour,but it has to be admitted very funny and posted  be it noted without any  smileys etc.Sometimes it works sometimes it don't..


PS.I don't know how to Post smileys anyway. :O Oh hang on a minute now I do.Crikey I'm getting good at this internet lark.

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Glad it's cleared up, chaps.  I was genuinely worried I had caused offence.


After all I was referring to what were obviously scanned images from magazines in what, the '70s & '80s, on a thread of 80-something pages of excellence, so I felt a smiley would be superfluous!  Thanks, Iain, for your kind words too.  I try to make up for any deficiencies elsewhere by being a pleasant & humorous fellow.


Anyway, this isn't about me it's about modelling.  If I make something good enough I will post it on an appropriate thread, otherwise I will stick to putting work mine & learning how to build from this and others :)

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Glad it's cleared up, chaps.  I was genuinely worried I had caused offence.


After all I was referring to what were obviously scanned images from magazines in what, the '70s & '80s, on a thread of 80-something pages of excellence, so I felt a smiley would be superfluous!  Thanks, Iain, for your kind words too.  I try to make up for any deficiencies elsewhere by being a pleasant & humorous fellow.


Anyway, this isn't about me it's about modelling.  If I make something good enough I will stick it on an appropriate thread, otherwise I will stick to mine & learnign from this and others :)

Just had a very enjoyable twenty minutes (when I should have been working!) reading through your layout thread. Your structures are great and your boys are very lucky. The layout looks as if it will be huge fun. I like the tip about copper strip for interior lighting...my customers always want it and I am reduced to running wires hither and thither. A civil engineer, too...better be careful from now on with my bridges and embankments!


I must confess that I don't do banter very well, and when I get it from people I don't know, I always take it wrongly, which is my fault. I say some outrageous things to Allan, but then we have a history and I know that he won't take offence and vice versa.  I guess most folk on here are well-meaning and would be horrified at the thought of giving offence, as you were. Anyway, welcome in, good to have you on this thread!



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Let me come to C&WR's rescue, he is part of our group that came from another forum. We have a terrible sense of humour, and have in the past often had to explain it. Due to the fact sometimes the obscurity leads to an extension of the joke. 

I took it that the reference to the gloves was because the thatched roof gives the impression of fingers going down over the sides of the windows. (Hence my funny on his comment)


I am at present 'apologising' to my old pal dt because I made a joke that it afterwards occurred to me that a lot of other people would not realise was made because we are all such old friends.

Hope this helps.


edit= unlike many of our group that used the same name and thread title for our layout when we moved here. C&WR chose to re invent himself, otherwise a google would find his old thread and there you would see just how much teasing and compliments we threw about. I personally have been very envious of some of his ideas. As a group we basically came here because this is a much larger pond and though we are now just little fish we all saw that RMweb is a great place to learn.

Edited by Jaz
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Please, back to the modelling! Thanks to Jaz for what she said & I am very flattered that one of the luminaries has looked at and liked what I do.


Ultimately my railway is for my boy, but that doesn't stop me trying to make things on it as nice as I can! To enter the spirit of the thread here is the first thing I scratchbuilt (less texture papers, chimney pots & foliage) on my return to modelling, not counting a little shelter as that effectively came from an adaptation of John Ahern's plans:




There is a lot I would do better (this started as a trial run) including how I joined the walls together & covered the corners but please see my thread for the explanation if interested, I don't want to clog up here.


Edit to add:

I didn't really reinvent myself, I had been lurking about here for about the same time as on the other site.  It's just my chosen user name was already taken here & I thought it made sense to put the builds together rather than as they were done as I have a habit of hopping from task to task as inspiration strikes, time allows, and while I wait for materials.

Edited by C&WR
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Thanks very much to those who have been kind enough to look/rate/comment.  I really am still a beginner, albeit an enthusiatic one!


I'm swearing off annoying anyone for a while!  I'd love to track down the little wargames houses I built as a nipper as mentioned in #2069.  It's flooding back, now, but apart from rendering the walls with polyfilla I also used to make door handles out of the wire from inside bag ties.


Cheating a bit as a lot of this is from kits or adaptations of kits, but I am quite pleased with these bits of work:




















There's a lot to learn in this hobby apart from the cutting & gluing - for me it's included soldering, photography (in a different style) and video editing as well!

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Thanks very much to those who have been kind enough to look/rate/comment.  I really am still a beginner, albeit an enthusiatic one!


I'm swearing off annoying anyone for a while!  I'd love to track down the little wargames houses I built as a nipper as mentioned in #2069.  It's flooding back, now, but apart from rendering the walls with polyfilla I also used to make door handles out of the wire from inside bag ties.


Cheating a bit as a lot of this is from kits or adaptations of kits, but I am quite pleased with these bits of work:




















There's a lot to learn in this hobby apart from the cutting & gluing - for me it's included soldering, photography (in a different style) and video editing as well!


What no wooly gloves ?!!


Just kidding, supebr modelling, let's have more please.




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Cheers, Allan.  Most of what I have built, along with how I went about it, is on my thread.  In the absence of a permanent railway at my new home I'm concentrating on locomotive detailing at the moment but am just about to start on the Scalescenes goods shed to take back to Wallington-Super-Mare now I've got round to soldering the Brassmasters windows.  I am going to finish off the Art Deco platform building shortly too.


When I do go for a layout in my new location I will probably be going for a more industrial theme, at least for a chunk of it, and with my obsession with water & the sea (how did I join the Army not the Royal Navy?) I think there will be a harbour/port element, but I think that is something which would lend itself to a transition to countryside.  For that I will have a bash at thatching - am I right that plumbers' hemp is a good material, because in my new career I have close dealings with a plumber!  As for the industrials I really loved how a user here had used a clothing popper as the end of a wall brace thing, just a really imaginative use of resources!  If it was either of AD or ICR please do not take this as a preference for either, I am learning from both ;)


Anyway, to misquote This Is Spinal Tap, enough of my yakkin', let's model!

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Woolly glove - another addition to the roll of injokes! I presume that neither man nor beast is harmed in the production of humane hair?

No just dead fur stoles. :jester:



Edit: to add joker: You never know what might happen otherwise.I wouldn't want this to happen :triniti:.


Apologise for the emoticons I,ve only just found out how to use em. Allan's fault ! :jester:

Edited by iainp
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Never had any experience with plumbers hemp but I believe that Pendon uses humane hair but it takes days to lay - stick with my wooly glove method - over and done with in minutes !





Well that let's me off the hook then! If I lose much more of mine I'll be resorting to the old Johnson's Car Wax and buffing pad to keep the rain off!  :O :scratchhead:



Bill (Hon Sec, North-west Slate Appreciation Society)

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You lot make me very nervous...a tape measure nearby confirmed my hair is 26inches.....am getting nervous of scissors in case my other half decides to try his hand at thatching!!!!

Hopefully with a sprinkling of grey in my mousy brown rather than being  a straw blond it won't be an issue.

However he did mention in passing that my faux fur coat could make some very useful scenic detail!!!!!!! I have hidden the kids old teddy bears..................

I should think that the dogs and cats are safe all being short haired version or else the clippers would be out. 

Having only ever knitted one jumper and a Dr who like scarf I don't think he would dare............

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