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"Anything You Can do, I Can Do Better ! Robinson and Downes.

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First ever model railway magazine I bought was a Model Railway Constructor with an article by Alan about Cotswold building construction, sometime in 1977-78 I believe. Still look at it occasionally, inspiring then and still is.


I remember I used some of the guidance on dimensions from the article about ten years ago to build the thatched cottage I posted pictures of way back in this thread. Also included wool and flock thatch which looked good at the time but now needs a visit from a thatcher as the passage of time has led to the thatch becoming a bit moth eaten!

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Hi Allan,


The photos reside in a separate folder on my PC for inspiration such is the standard of the structures and they way they blend together. Many of today's rtp structures are good but there's nothing like a scratch built one in my opinion despite the fact I've never built one (yet). I'm sure they won't be to the standard of Messers Downes, Robinson and Gill but given the inspiration from this thread and many others on this forum I'll give it a go when the time comes



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First ever model railway magazine I bought was a Model Railway Constructor with an article by Alan about Cotswold building construction, sometime in 1977-78 I believe. Still look at it occasionally, inspiring then and still is.


I remember I used some of the guidance on dimensions from the article about ten years ago to build the thatched cottage I posted pictures of way back in this thread. Also included wool and flock thatch which looked good at the time but now needs a visit from a thatcher as the passage of time has led to the thatch becoming a bit moth eaten!


Hi Mullie.


Those pictures of cotswold buildings in the Constructor were my first attempt using that particular build method and I've been looking for years for photographs of them so would it be possible for you to scan them from the mag then put them up on here and then I can copy paste them into my files ?


Anyway, could you please let me know if it's possible?


Many thanks.


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Hi Mullie.


Those pictures of cotswold buildings in the Constructor were my first attempt using that particular build method and I've been looking for years for photographs of them so would it be possible for you to scan them from the mag then put them up on here and then I can copy paste them into my files ?


Anyway, could you please let me know if it's possible?


Many thanks.


Will try and get it done over the next few days. Magazine is a bit dog eared as it is very well read. Yes I do have a scanner so will get it done. As I say to people I work with if I forget send me a message to remind me. I don't mind.

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Mike used to photograph his creations up on Plymouth Hoe!


The Old Blue Peter model railway shop in Wilton St, Plymouth ( eventually owned by Martyn Welch and a favoured 'tea stop' ) used to have several on display, along with his Pecorino book.


How I wished I had bought one (for a couple of quid no doubt!!).

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It has gone very quiet on here this week. Me thinks Iain has built himself into a large scale oil rig model and Allan has indulged himself in a big new project and spilt colron English light oak on his laptop and pulled it apart to get the ready stained  chads out.

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Yep! Definitely turned into a collection of lurkers! Still it's hard to read/type and wield a scalpel all at the same time. For myself, the Lamp Hut/Porters Accommodation building is coming on nicely (though I'm still tempted to stick a steeple on it just for the Challenge!). I suspect Iain (having heard about the Challenge) has sealed himself into a mine somewhere to guard his Colron/Pyruma stash in case the other entrants track it down!





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Haven't been around lately, computer playing up but now fixed and ready to get this ol' thrtead back on track!


Anyway, and with special thanks to Mullie who sent me these very old shots from the Railway Constructor, I have now been able to scan them and put them up on here.


Once again, many thanks for Mullie.


PS:anybody seen Iain ?!



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I was gob smacked by these pictures in 1977 and I think they have stood the test of time. Great modelling.


Yep! What he said!!!! :imsohappy: :imsohappy: :imsohappy: :imsohappy: :imsohappy:


Re Iain. Rumour has it that he was last seen floating out to sea superglued to a 12": 1 Foot scale model oil rig screaming "Whatever you do, don't let them have me Colron!"

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Allan I have to say you mumble about how terrible your thatch was but it still has great visual impact.


Had I been quicker I could have responded to Wheres Iain?

Is it a where's Wally?......are we meant to look in the pictures??????     :jester:

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