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"Anything You Can do, I Can Do Better ! Robinson and Downes.

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Was it just me? Anybody else goggle Sarah Topps?  Anybody?

Well, I did.  I must admit that I anticipated the worst sort of salacious imagery.  Imagine my surprise when all I saw were mushrooms.............................. :banghead:


Edited to reveal complete stupidity on my part............."try Sarah Topps"  Good grief, I've only just got it, but in my defence I haven't been well lately.................

Edited by Adams442T
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This thread is udderly hilarious but not to steer away from the subject or milk this "whats wrong with that cow" joke too much Allan deserves a pat on the back for managing to hide from the world how he weathers his work.

allan downes, on 04 Sept 2013 - 08:09, said:


Digging deep into the archives - the bottom of the sock drawer again - I found this, Rock Star builds Cathedral !!!



Jaz, on 04 Sept 2013 - 08:38, said:


A bit close to to the cooker for my mind, I assume the wife wasn't allowed to use the chip pan or fryer at the time.....oil slash!!!!!!!

Not so sure but this might be how Allan achieves that authentic weathered look. Edited by Sasquatch
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  • RMweb Gold

Folks !!!


Thanks to Allan & Iain and this thread, the RMWEB 2013 Challenge - The Allan Downes Experience is now officially open




You've seen the plans & photos, now is your chance to emulate the master & have a go yourself !

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Do I assume it has gone all quiet, because you are all quickly making your entry for the Downes Challenge? Excellent Idea. I for one think Windmills are in.


And Freebs, Stubby47, Alant and Petra can only be allowed to enter if they have one arm tied behind their back....


Although considering the time restraint anyone planning to emulate Allans work will have their job cut out...Allan I suggest you lock all your doors I suspect your new layout maybe subject to some pilfering.......what was his address again? Won't be a moment searching for my ....




or maybe better not..............

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As there are sure to be people popping over to have a look considering the Downes experience competition. I think Iain and Allan should pop up a couple of their favourite pieces of work, as a quick hit.

I for one will have no problem being reminded of some of the gems we have seen here.

I think we have to say a Cathedral will be required. sorry Iain.

However you have plenty of gret stuff to retaliate with

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Hi Peter


It's good to see a fellow Lanky fan here (in addition to the esteemed Mr. Robinson!). I'm looking forward to your thread. I've just started on Rishworth's Lamp Hut/Porters Accomodation with the main building coming soon. Found a fairly decent set of drawings in the LYRS Branchlines book but photos are few and far between. I.e. 1 so far after 4 weeks searching!





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Just spent the last two days catching up with this thread, the quality of modelling is outstanding and something I can only aspire to. Failing that bonfire night isn't far away  :O


My proposed buildings are going to be based on some of those published by Mester Downes and Ahern as I have their publications with others based on real buildings. I holidayed darn sarf the other year and took some photos which should fit in quite well on this thread, there are a few so will be over two or three posts. Sorry for the poor quality, they were taken through a screen and handheld at low shutter speed










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Hi Popeye, I'm intrigued !!


At first I didn't recognise the models - then it clicked !


They appear to be two of a set of diorama's that I built for Peco many, many years ago and If thery are, I'm suprised that they stood for that long as they were made out of Pyruma Fire Cement which isn't known for it's lasting qualities.


So pray tell me, were threse photographed at the Peco Modelrama, or are they now in private hands ?





PS:I do believe that there was also a church scene.

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Now I begin to see it.


The last set of photographs show a layout that I didn't built, but adorned with buildings that I did!


These were most definately lifted off "Candleford Mill", a layout that stood in a purpose built room for 18 years at the Peco Modelrama and the layout was dismantled as it was showing advanced signs of deterioration in spite of me once spending a whole week in Beer Hights trying to 'freeze' the crumbling Pyruma Built cottages with a soaking of Superglue and which did in fact preserve them indefinately albeit the layout itself was well beyond it's sell by date - sawdust flock powder doesn't stay green forever and neither does dyed litchen and Peco underlay!




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Hi Allan


You are of course correct and recognise your own work. They were photographed at Pecorama in 2011 I think. I had only just bought your three building publications off flee bay so recognised the structures. It was great to see them in the flesh and helped to envisage the completed structure.


The diorama was in open space so it was easier to photograph, the others were on shelves and both them and the layout were behind glass screens full of reflections and fingerprints (as well marks where noses had been pressed!).


They have stood up well to the test of time and appeared to be in good condition despite their age. I only hope any buildings I make will last as long.



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Thanks Andy ( the wife prefered 'Popeye' !)


Over the years I must have built hundreds of buildings and every now and again some long forgotten building or scene comes back to life in the modelling press where some folk even try convincing every one that they built them !


Good, bad or indifferent, you can always recognise your own work though at times I wished I couldn't !




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