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"Anything You Can do, I Can Do Better ! Robinson and Downes.

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Allan, the mill is brilliant. I particularly like the weeds growing up over the wheel (and the front porch). Have you decided to build Brunel's bridge? (or perhaps the Forth bridge?)




 As we speak.




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Carsphairn? Hummm! Right in the middle of Dumfries and Galloway. Guess you've heard about the sharks then? One of the reasons I love the Rhinns of Galloway around Drummore, the Mull and West Tarbet apart from the scenery. One of my mates Steve runs a charter fishing business on Luce Bay, which produced my personal best Porbeagle of 380lbs from the Skeers, who we occasionally visit for a fishing session. It's always fun to see the faces of a group of novice anglers when one of the biggies surface at the side of the boat to see what we're up to! It's even more fun to watch ten people try to occupy 1 square foot of deck in the bow when you land one over the stern. Oh such fun! I won't mention the occasional Russian submarine which used to loiter around the mouth of the Solway when the MoD used it for bombing practice! That's one of the reasons why Carsphairn has a nuclear listening post!





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That was a very interesting post Bill - shark hunter eh !


So if it all kicks off again with Russia they could nuke my little chalet near Carsphairn....Mmmm, just my luck,  of all the places in Scotland where do they stick a nuke listening post ? - Carsphairn !




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And I didn't need an all singing all dancing stand up grass machine Freebs, just good old fashion time proved methods that are every bit as good, cheeper to buy, quicker to apply !


So Freebs me ol' mate, if you wanna know how, let me know.




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That was a very interesting post Bill - shark hunter eh !


So if it all kicks off again with Russia they could nuke my little chalet near Carsphairn....Mmmm, just my luck,  of all the places in Scotland where do they stick a nuke listening post ? - Carsphairn !





Nah! I reckon you're pretty safe there Allan! If you look at the geography, the range ran up the centre of Luce Bay (NNW) so you are well off to one side! Mind you! If it did kick off I'd be prepared to duck in case what used to be the Isle of Arran started to descend. As for the sharks! These days I'm happy enough to haul a nice plump codling or plaice off the Stone Jetty. At least they don't try to bite your leg off when you fillet them!





Edited by Mythocentric
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Why we shouldn't forget.


[“World War II, June 6, 1944.” u-s-history.com, 26 Oct. 2011:

• There is no official casualty figure for D-Day.

• It is estimated that more than 425,000 Allied and German troops were killed, wounded, or went missing during the battle.

• There were more than 209,000 Allied casualties. Roughly 200,000 German troops were killed or wounded.

• There were between 15,000 and 20,000 French civilians killed during the battle.]


And as this country sells its self down the tubes you may rightly ask "And all for what ?"

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Why we shouldn't forget.


[“World War II, June 6, 1944.” u-s-history.com, 26 Oct. 2011:

• There is no official casualty figure for D-Day.

• It is estimated that more than 425,000 Allied and German troops were killed, wounded, or went missing during the battle.

• There were more than 209,000 Allied casualties. Roughly 200,000 German troops were killed or wounded.

• There were between 15,000 and 20,000 French civilians killed during the battle.]


And as this country sells its self down the tubes you may rightly ask "And all for what ?"


If you'll permit me, Allan, those casualty estimates are for the whole of Operation Overlord, the Battle of Normandy 6 June - 25 August 1944. The "United States History" website sometimes misleads, as a result of over-condensing its material. The much-maligned Wikipedia gives much more, and more accurate, detail.

It's beyond my ability to give adequate thanks for the sacrifice made by those asked by our countries to fight to defend us and our way of life.

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Hi Bluebottle,


It might be that they were refering to the whole battle when they stated "It is estimated that more than 425,000 Allied and German troops were killed, wounded, or went missing during the battle"


Anyway whatever they were refering to, it was a total waste of life for both sides and all because of one maniacs ideals.


And where was he, he that started it all when the invasion was launched ? - asleep.

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Had a visit today from Justin Noble, owner of the site below, and he brought along a really superb low relief factory in 00, a simple kit, and I have to say that I was mightily impressed.


Also, he showed me some really authentic brick papers in O gauge along with corrugated roofing etc - brilliant - take a look at his site, well worth a visit.






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Had a visit today from Justin Noble, owner of the site below, and he brought along a really superb low relief factory in 00, a simple kit, and I have to say that I was mightily impressed.


Also, he showed me some really authentic brick papers in O gauge along with corrugated roofing etc - brilliant - take a look at his site, well worth a visit.






Thank you for a lovely day Allan! Brilliant to meet you in person. Very inspiring too. I'm off to order some shelves from Argos now to store your creations :)

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Oh, and J N's also another guitarist (bass) to add to the ranks of muso's already on RMWeb, so Peter L, maybe we ought to start thinking of forming a band !


Any drummers out there ?!




There do indeed seem to be a lot of muso's on the site and they nearly all seem to be guitarists!!


I'm standing up for the reed players on here as I'm a clarinet and sax player (bit of flute as well if I have to)!


A virtual band now there's a thought!

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If reed players have long hair and smoke pot, you're in Mullie.




I could do the first with full mullet some years ago but that was chopped off many years ago though at least I still have hair if very grey.


As for smoking a pot why would I wish to inhale porcelain!!!!

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Nowt wrong with a band with loads of guitarist's! We'd probably be able to play 'Layla' then or maybe even emulate the many-fingered Mr Hendrix. Add Mullie (can you play sax through a wah pedal?) and we can add a touch of Kevin Ayres with the superb Lol Coxhill! What will you dream of tonight Lady Rachael, what will you dream of tonight......................






P.S. Got the long hair but only at the sides! :whistle:

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Got to have a sax player in a rock band. How else would you have had those great solos in Hazel O'Connors 'Will You' or Gerry Rafferty's 'Baker Street'




Start the Hazel O'Connor video at about 2:40 if you just want to hear one of the best sax solos ever. 


Edited by Highlandman
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That sax riff in Baker Street,  played by Raphael Ravenscroft, is one of the best ever. Apparently he was paid the princely sum of £27 for his work and the cheque bounced. Typical great performance on Will You by Wesley Mcgoogan who nailed it to perfection! Lovely stuff!



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